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WHAT is the stupidest thing u can think of

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You know that saying about putting a roll of quarters in a sock? I was in a study hall class and I overheard a student saying that putting a stick of butter inside a sock would do more damage. Don’t know why this came up when I thought about this question.
People who decide to change lanes at the last minute with zero regard for anybody including the police
Guys who ask me personal questions about my dating life when we are simply just casually acquainted, it feels controlling and stupid.
Arguing is stupid, don't make me stupid by forcing me to argue with you. I would rather laugh at bad jokes.
Well, the stupidest thing so far this week might be my power company planning a compressed-air storage system for renewable energy. So far, so good. With that basic plan, you can actually gain energy by using the heat of compression and then re-expanding the air in stages and re-warming it from ambient air. Instead of that, or just storing the heat for the re-warming, they plan to depend on fuel for that. So, a renewable energy system becomes dependent on fossil or synthetic fuel.
Basically anything that Sherri Shepherd has ever said on The View. You can actually tell that Whoopi really wants to smack the moron upside her head every time she says something extremely stupid.

The dumbest thing I can think of?? Hmm. Back in grade-school, we were served a dessert with lunch. teachers would walk around and make sure that each child had actually consumed their lunch-food prior to eating their dessert, otherwise they'd get in trouble. It struck me as being stupid at the age of..eight? nine? What were they gonna do if we ate dessert first??

Whether it's from weird online radicalization, internalized self hatred manifesting as misogyny, or any of the various theories proposed, it's just not a healthy thing for men to really believe. Not at all a reliable or accurate philosophy.
Well, the stupidest thing so far this week might be my power company planning a compressed-air storage system for renewable energy. So far, so good. With that basic plan, you can actually gain energy by using the heat of compression and then re-expanding the air in stages and re-warming it from ambient air. Instead of that, or just storing the heat for the re-warming, they plan to depend on fuel for that. So, a renewable energy system becomes dependent on fossil or synthetic fuel.
Solar roadways were the worst.
Self-driving 18 wheeler trucks is atop my list lately. I really don't see that going so well.
I drive with trucks everyday, they actually are better drivers then the idiot people driving cars. I see so many accidents of just cars.
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