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WHAT is the stupidest thing u can think of

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Statistically crocs prefer Germans.

And a lot of small country towns really hate tourists, they call them terrorists.
I have a theory that Australia hates tourists. I saw a place in Australia where they carefully lower tourists into the water with a 5 meter crocodile.... ;) They even call it Cage of Death :screamcat:

We hate tourists where I live too lol... but instead of making them swim with crocodiles, we just tell them to eat at our worst restaurants ;) Guaranteed food poisoning if you eat "lobster" at a Papa Gino's.
We hate tourists where I live too lol... but instead of making them swim with crocodiles, we just tell them to eat at our worst restaurants ;) Guaranteed food poisoning if you eat "lobster" at a Papa Gino's.

We don't do anything to them, we just let them roam free and eventually they fall off a mountain or get lost and disappear. ;) :D
And yet our largest mammalian predator is the size of a squirrel.

We have only four dangerous things here, bears, wolves, musk ox and a type of poisonous viper. But the first three usually stays away from people and the viper isn't poisonous enough to be dangerous for adults.
I have a theory that Australia hates tourists.
That is not fair.
Some creatures in Australia just love
Another stupidity: There's a world famous fishing tourist destination officially called Bynoe Harbour, yet there is no harbour. I lived there for 10 years. When the tide goes out it's just mud flats covered in crocodiles.

Many years ago there was a Norwegian man called Old Bynoe that sailed a ketch up and down the coast, trading and carrying small freight. There's a deep hole in the sea floor, deep enough for a ketch to safely sit out an extremely low tide, just next to Indian Island. In bad weather this was one of the places where Old Bynoe would sit out a storm. That hole was known as Old Bynoe's Haven. There is no harbour.
Another stupidity: There's a world famous fishing tourist destination officially called Bynoe Harbour, yet there is no harbour. I lived there for 10 years. When the tide goes out it's just mud flats covered in crocodiles.

Many years ago there was a Norwegian man called Old Bynoe that sailed a ketch up and down the coast

He was pillaging for sure. ;) Raiding Australian towns on his own. Old habbits die hard. Sometimes in the summer I get a strange urge to jump on a boat, sail over the border to Sweden and just go nuts. :D
His son ended up taking over the business. Young Bynoe.

And there's a lot to be said for minimally populated areas with no police. :)
Airliners are pressurized tubes without frames. Most cars are bodies without frames, but the International Space Station is pressurized tubes but with a separate frame, like an American pickup truck. On the truck, it carries loads, but when the Space station is getting boosted, you can see a pencil drift slowly by inside. That frame weighs seven tons.
When picking a manager / team leader / captain, to default to whoever is the most skilled / highest performing at the substantive job.

The Office is a good example of that (turning a great salesperson into a mediocre manager), but I've seen it in real life as well and it's not pretty. The sad part is that there are sometimes people who aren't really good at their technical job but have great people skills and would actually make good managers and leaders.
Explaining to someone that their manipulative techniques don't work on you, and just because they repeat it over and over, it still doesn't work.
When picking a manager / team leader / captain, to default to whoever is the most skilled / highest performing at the substantive job.

The Office is a good example of that (turning a great salesperson into a mediocre manager), but I've seen it in real life as well and it's not pretty. The sad part is that there are sometimes people who aren't really good at their technical job but have great people skills and would actually make good managers and leaders.
One of the great business writers knew that the skills for a great salesman are very different from those of a sales manager. His advice was to do absolutely anything for a top salesman, except a promotion.
Plumbing at work is still broken after the cold weather. The outside tap is finally working, so I filled up a big, heavy 20 litre container. Topped up both cisterns. Flushed both toilets, then did it all again to clear it all away. Then refilled the container a third time and filled up the cisterns ready to use. It's a heavy and clumsy process and my back did not thank me for it.

Told the cleaner prior to this that the toilets weren't working. He comes up to me 10 minutes later after I've visited the horses:

"They're working now."
"No. They're not. I filled them up manually so people could use them."

In fact I flushed them twice to ensure they were clear for him to clean them. For a cleaner though, he's terrible at his job. He doesn't clean the toilets, he just pours bleach in them. He leaves mud, stones and debris on the floor after hoovering it. This guy...

After I told him they're not working he says - "No, they're working now."

We go to check. He flushes them. They're not working.

"Well you must've put a lot of water in because I flushed them like 3 times." He says.

BS. The cistern takes a lot of water for one flush. You didn't flush them 3 times. I should know. I've been manually refilling them for days now, and that big heavy 20 litre drum is only good for 3 cistern refills.

Well, I'm not wasting another 10 minutes repeating that process. My back is already sore from carrying that 20 litre drum back and forth three times.

"I think you need new toilets." He laughs - "Well, see you then."

Then he gets in his van and drives off. Yup, leave. You bloody prat.

Gasoline burning cars and trucks use a throttle vale to keep the power down to only what is needed. It is usually closed most of the way, creating a strong vacuum in the intake manifold. This works out well, because with a thin charge in the cylinder, burning it does not create so much excess volume that becomes exhaust noise and waste power. However, we are wasting power at that throttle valve. The pressure difference could turn an air motor and improve mileage 2 - 3 %. I just did the math again, and I've posted the idea to a large group of gearheads passionate about mileage, yet nobody has tried it.
When you try not to get involved emotionally, but then you still feel the same years later even though you thought you moved on.
The fact that I had coffee AND green tea yesterday morning and now my digestive system is screwed up and I’m bloated and keep going to the bathroom.
There are a lot of things I eat and drink that I probably shouldn’t, but I’m too stubborn to stop eating them. So maybe I’m the stupid one.
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