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WHAT is the stupidest thing u can think of

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To me the biggest stupid issue is land vehicles that weigh more than they carry, but there, there is at least the excuse that it is very profitable to sell image boosters. The biggest error that is only maintained to avoid embarrassment is the size of ship's propellers. When they were first introduced, they were tested by tying two boats stern-to-stern, one with a prop, and the other with paddle wheels. The same engineering formula is still being used, which assumes near-zero speed. The proper formula is used on aircraft, and it results in larger propellers that push on a larger mass, so that it does not run away quickly. They would get at least 20% better mileage. A sprinter uses nice firm starting blocks, not something that will shift when pushed on, but naval architects just want a tidy, conventional appearance.
I'm also not too fond of this software, which bumps my composition window off-screen when there is a new reply completing a page.
The neighbour across the road from me comes out and washes the street in front of her house. Just pointless.
Gosh, it is hard to pick just one. I'd also nominate first stages on rockets, unless one needs the fastest possible launch. These monsters start out at 0% efficiency, and never get to 10%. We use them because it is the cheapest way to lift a few really heavy second + stages, well beyond the range of existing aircraft. However, we could stack retired jumbo jets vertically and hook them up with cables instead of refueling hoses, and then snatch the upper stages from a really fast truck.
Someone I know overheard at the grocery store, years ago:

Two ladies are shopping in the produce department. The one lady turns to the other and says, "I don't what the big deal is with the farmers. You can get all the stuff you need right here."
Maybe I can stop when I've posted my top ten. Here's another:
People thinking that they can colonize Mars when they can't even make a living atop Mt. Everest.
I hate key fobs. Just bring back regular car keys. Quit complicating my life. I need to get into car, not jump thru a bunch of hoops involving calling complete strangers who suck up credit cards from me. Society just sucks money from us. I denounce credit cards now. Lol
The neighbour across the road from me comes out and washes the street in front of her house. Just pointless.
If they are from Croatia, they think it is the normal thing to do. Having someone clean all the streets would be boring.
People pressuring me to move, but guess what ? There isn't any affordable places to move too. How stupid.
People pressuring me to move, but guess what ? There isn't any affordable places to move too. How stupid.
That sounds mean more than stupid. Some people want a lot more than a fair share, and so the rest of us get crowded, and some go homeless.

Here's another of my top ten stupid things: The Olympic games are usually a financial and land-use disaster for the host city. They should be held in rented facilities around the world, linked by TV, with the winners flown to a central awards ceremony using the usual temporary stage construction.
The lame fiscal compromises we make and we have the cheek to call it Recycling.

Drinks used to come in glass bottles that were washed and refilled. For all our technological advancements we seem to take a lot of backwards steps.
Mind you, current scientific theory doesn't really stack up to my eye either.

First there was nothing. Then it went bang.
I don't know who any of these people are. And it's no use telling me either, I have poor facial recognition and even worse memory for names.
When I ride a bicycle, I constantly look out for problems on the pavement. I never see the signs posted to direct me, high overhead.

When modern children's gear, like strollers and wagons, rolls on pavement, it makes a huge racket. A simple urethane tire slipped on would restore peace and quiet.

To drain water from a cooking pot, It would be really handy to have a couple of notches to hold the lid securely a bit off-center.

Now that back-up cameras are cheap, back-up alarms on trucks and machinery are obsolete, but I still hear them beeping away, sometimes all night when just the machine noise is plenty on an empty street, or alone in a field.
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