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WHAT is the stupidest thing u can think of

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Vegan/Veggie products pretending to be meat. Sausages, bacon etc.

If you quit eating meat, why pretend like you're still eating it?

When someone goes to a supermarket and picks the smaller size package of something because they don't want a large amount, even though the larger sized package is on sale and is actually cheaper, and they'd be better off financially buying that and throwing a portion away.
Internet is down, so you go to find out why and get a message saying: please connect to internet to find out why? Mmm, ok!!!!!
Rental properties and the escalating rent. Where do honest hard working people live, l am not talking the undercurrent of society that deals only in cash.

Society is stupid. Build more housing for the elderly. Build housing for elderly woman who have PTSD and need a counselor on site.
Elevator music or can music when you are on hold. Truist bank that tells customers you will hold for 30 mins anytime you call them. I left that bank.
All the stories about Aliens landing on Earth assume that, like European explorers, they have no radios to use first.
All the stories about Aliens landing on Earth assume that, like European explorers, they have no radios to use first.
I took a boat cruise up the Nitmuluk Gorge to see some famous cave paintings, The Lightning Brothers. The tour guide was one of the traditional custodians of the land and it was his people who had made the paintings. He told us the story as it was told to him by his grandfather.

“The Lightning Brothers came one day. They had funny heads shaped like a melon and lightning came out of their heads. This was how they communicated.

They fought each other, and they fought and they fought, but no matter how viciously they fought neither one managed to hurt the other. This was how you could tell they were brothers.

They came, they fought a lot, then they left again.”

The tour guide said that his people are the only people in the world that have had an extraterrestrial visit like that without making up a whole heap of religious mumbo jumbo about it. They just tell you what happened.

Now that back-up cameras are cheap, back-up alarms on trucks and machinery are obsolete, but I still hear them beeping away, sometimes all night when just the machine noise is plenty on an empty street, or alone in a field.
Backup alarms are not for letting the driver know they are backing up, they are a warning for other to be aware that they are.
Backup alarms are not for letting the driver know they are backing up, they are a warning for other to be aware that they are.
Obviously, the driver knows they are backing up. The back-up alarm is set for people nearby in a noisy environment where the driver's visibility is limited. Now, the driver's easy potential visibility is never limited, and the alarms are serious noise pollution. They bother me so much I totally ignore them, and play chiken with the machines if they are in my way.
Obviously, the driver knows they are backing up. The back-up alarm is set for people nearby in a noisy environment where the driver's visibility is limited. Now, the driver's easy potential visibility is never limited, and the alarms are serious noise pollution. They bother me so much I totally ignore them, and play chiken with the machines if they are in my way.

Not all heavy equipment have backup cameras.
Good luck with playing chicken with heavy vehicles ;)
Not all heavy equipment have backup cameras.
Good luck with playing chicken with heavy vehicles ;)
The point is, that now that they can, they should. People are dying from noise stress caused accidents. Alarms are keeping people up all night, and not warning off anyone at all when a machine is digging up an empty street.
People saying they're trying to help me feel better, but then escalating the situation to make it even worse than what I was upset about in the first place. Don't bother helping me then lol
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