These comments (and others you wrote) had me nodding at my screen. Women say they want social equality, but too many seem to require special treatment, and hold onto standards of conduct that put an inordinate amount of rules and requirements on men while rejecting traditional expectations that would apply to them as females. He plans, he pays, he entertains, he holds the door and pulls out your chair for you, and he buys tokens of affection. And you do...? I think it's bull****, honestly. There are more important things on which a woman should be judging a prospective mate.
"Traditional" dating is mostly just a lot of theater, in my opinion.
Oh wow, I wish I could agree a hundred times with this. You had the guts to say what I merely thought.
Myself, I see it as a double-edged sword: women buy into it because it makes them feel special and valued, but it's not
genuine--in actuality, it's being put on a pedestal, and that allows a guy to a) control the pedestal and b) see you as a prize (and/or something to be 'protected') rather than an equal human being. In other situations, this will not make the woman feel special and valued. On the contrary, it gives the man all the power and makes the woman into a possession.
I know these women would probably not see themselves this way, would probably, as you say, reject traditional expectations that apply to themselves, but I think it's inherent to wanting to be put on a pedestal that you give up your control over your own status...which leads to accepting others' ideas of how to maintain that status, be it in appearance, in things 'nice girls' don't say and do, etc. It also means being idealized, and idealization is a way of treating a person as an idea or a thing, without rough edges or complexities or their own thoughts and desires. "A pedestal is as much a prison as any small, confined space" and all of that.
On this point,
Cracked has some insight in concrete, relatable terms (from a guy's perspective, to boot):
And now you see the problem. From birth we're taught that we're owed a beautiful girl. We all think of ourselves as the hero of our own story, and we all (whether we admit it or not) think we're heroes for just getting through our day.
So it's very frustrating, and I mean frustrating to the point of violence, when we don't get what we're owed. A contract has been broken. These women, by exercising their own choices, are denying it to us. It's why every Nice Guy is shocked to find that buying gifts for a girl and doing her favors won't win him sex. It's why we go to "slut" and "whore" as our default insults -- we're not mad that women enjoy sex. We're mad that women are distributing to other people the sex that they owed us.
Yes, the women in these stories are being portrayed as wonderful and beautiful and perfect. But remember, there are two ways to dehumanize someone: by dismissing them, and by idolizing them.
Grr arg.