Thank you, I did not figure any of that out myself. I love the game but I also wish I did not feel compelled to play it. I play it even when I do not want to and tell myself I won't. I cannot find a way to stop playing. I had it on disc for my Xbox and threw the disc out so I could not play. Then later missed it so much I had to buy it again. Not a good feeling.
I have had so much fun playing it. I learned a lot of lessons. I failed so many times then felt great when I finally managed some challenges I thought were impossible. But so many hours are me playing when I do not want to.
I looked a lot on Xbox website but could not find anything else I wanted to play. I tried other games. I did not enjoy them. I did like Flight Simulator a lot, that was the best. I stopped because i kept crashing and it was so complicated to learn but, my friend who I kept telling about the game just bought a gaming laptop and joystick, all sorts of gear just to play it and I am hoping he will teach me how to play. He is a real pilot but does not fly any more.
I wish I could enjoy other games but I cannot seem o find anything else I like. Xbox let me try lots of them without having to buy them, it still did not work.
Is there any way to stop playing a video game? Nothing I do works, my brain craves it. The developers seems to know a lot about biology and psychology.
If you want to slow down on the gaming... which is a good thing, even I do that... the #1 thing I've found that helps is something I think I've mentioned a few times on the forum here, which is diversifying hobbies a bit.
Think about it this way: You want that burst of fun and enjoyment and whatever, and the game provides that, yeah? Well, if you can find more things to do that provide an equal burst but arent games, suddenly you've got a large variety of things you can pick from to do, and that means you're not stuck on just one over and over.
It's a lesson my father taught to me, actually, because I'd been stuck in exactly that same loop for ages. For me, it's why I have stuff like my board games and puzzles and such. When it's time to do hobby stuff for me, there's a pretty much equal chance that I'll pick from any of them. Some days, it's video gaming time, other days, it's time for dice and cards, other days, gonna do a bunch of puzzles, maybe draw stuff. And when the weather isnt made of stupid, some days are all about hiking. It's been GREAT for my mental health (and also great from a sensory standpoint, that switchup helped a lot more with that than I thought it would). Oddly, it also increased my appreciation for video games too; when you're way too close to something, that can actually reduce enjoyment of it. It might be part of why you've had trouble finding other games you might like.
It's not easy to do of course, it can take some experimenting and exploring to find new hobbies that give you that same level of enjoyment. It's worth doing though, seriously.
If you do find some other hobbies to vary things up, maybe make a routine of it. Like say, a calander, where it's like "Okay, Tuesday I can do video games, Wednesday it's gotta be [other thing]" and so on, that might help the switching be part of your routine. I dont do that one myself, it's just an idea that occurs to me.
That's my thoughts on it anyway. That's my #1 bit of advice I could give you on anything, I think.
As for the flight sim: Which version are you playing? There's the one that came out in 2020, and the new one that only just came out, Microsoft Flight Sim 2024. The 2024 one is WAY more friendly towards new and/or casual players and has way more things to do that arent like super serious all the time. It's got a lot of stuff in there, like the career mode, that can help you to learn easier, and various options that can give a bit of an assist so that the flying overall is not quite as hard while you're learning. And of course there's plenty of challenging stuff in there for players who like that, like the race mode where it's like "okay let's load this HEY NOW YOU'RE IN A JET RACE TO THE END DONT HIT THE CANYON WALLS HERE'S A MOUNTAIN LOL"
The only problem is that this new version of the game only just launched a couple of weeks ago and is currently having a series of screaming seizures as the servers keep imploding, but that'll be fixed soon enough. I've got all my flight sim gear all ready to go for it. I'm still a beginner myself, too. I'm waiting for the whole thing to calm the heck down before I touch it though (I've got zero patience for game crashes and disconnects).
There are also a TON of tutorials and such online that people have made that are exactly for players who are like absolutely new. It's how I'll be learning it. But of course if you've got someone who can help you learn IRL, that's gonna be great too.
Gonna be real interesting, I think. Gaming is great and all, but playing something like this while actually learning new things? I love that, I dont get that often enough. I'm really looking forward to it.