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What was the last movie you watched?

Yes, I love that movie so much! Have you seen Wolf Children? It's made by the same director of The Boy and the Beast.

Yes I have! In fact, that's one of the reasons why I watched The Boy and The Beast. I have seen most of their films now, if not all. Lovely stories. :blush:
Rampage, based on the 80's video game. 7.5/10.

I'm sure I missed some parts as I was asleep, but the parts I saw were pretty good.

That's the third time since last Wednesday that I've been to Cineworld, seen some good stuff.

Amusing at times, yet preposterous historically speaking. Another worst-case scenario of Hollywood making a mess of history. About a US Navy submarine altered to appear like a German U-Boat so they could seize the Germans' "Enigma" cryptography machines known to be aboard all their U-Boats. Too bad too, as the actual history could have made for quite a story in itself.

Still it was funny to see rocker Jon Bon Jovi play a naval officer. :p

Never mind that the British Navy accomplished this feat in 1941 before the Americans entered the war and managed to keep it a secret for the duration. Given the ability to intercept and decipher most of Germany's military secrets and moves on the battlefield and at sea, it was probably more important in the long run than even the Manhattan Project.
Beauty and the Beast (1991 animated Disney film) 10/10, the Belle character is gorgeous and super hot, classic songs and story.

Beauty and the Beast (2017 live action remake) 7/10, starring Emma Watson as Belle, don't get me wrong Emma's quite attractive, but she's no Belle IMO, there's plenty of loads better looking actresses they could've used.
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Beauty and the Beast (1994 animated Disney film) 10/10, the Belle character is gorgeous and super hot, classic songs and story.

Beauty and the Beast (017 live action remake) 7/10, starring Emma Watson as Belle, don't get me wrong Emma's quite attractive, but she's no Belle IMO, there's plenty of loads better looking actresses they could've used.

I certainly hope the live-action remakes of Aladdin and The Lion King are good; I'll be ticked if they suck.
Apparently Dwayne Johnson's in the Aladdin one, so it probably won't be that good.

Kinda harsh to judge an entire movie you haven't seen yet, just because one particular actor is in it who you're not found of.

Here's the casting choices for the film, for anyone reading this who is interested:
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Woman in Black, starring Daniel "Harry Potter" Radcliffe as Arthur Kipps.

South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut 7/10, don't watch it if you're easily offended by bad words and stuff, like South Park in general really.

As I write I'm watching My Fair Lady, starring the late Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison.
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Yes I have! In fact, that's one of the reasons why I watched The Boy and The Beast. I have seen most of their films now, if not all. Lovely stories. :blush:
Me too! Such great animation and wonderful characters. I'm looking forward to Hosoda's next film Mirai of the Future. :)

Well, I'm still reeling from Infinity War. It's going to take some time to get over that one. I've tried watching some other things to help cope...

Saw an indie movie the Hunt for the Wilderpeople. It's hilarious. I loved it. Coincidentally, it's made by Taika Waititi, the director of Thor: Ragnarok. It stars Sam Neill, from the classic Jurassic Park, and Julian Dennison, the kid that's in Deadpool 2.

I saw Ready Player One, since I had read the book. The book was good, but the movie was a dissapointment.

I loved the movie, it was what James Cameron's Avatar should've been IMO, instead of the overrated pile of tat it ended up being.
An unexpected journey.
The desolation of Smaug.
Battle of the five armies.
The fellowship of the ring.
The two towers.
Return of the king.

Does the above count as one?
(All based on Tolkien)
An unexpected journey.
The desolation of Smaug.
Battle of the five armies.
The fellowship of the ring.
The two towers.
Return of the king.

Does the above count as one?
(All based on Tolkien)

I think it counts as 2.

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