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What was the last movie you watched?

"Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" (1978)

One of the few remakes that I liked better than the 1956 original. Good paranoia and creepy fun with Donald Sutherland, Leonard Nimoy, Jeff Goldblum and Brooke Adams. :cool:
Dunkirk (2017) on Sky Premier +1 this lunchtime.

Pretty good depiction of the Normandy Landings on D-Day during WWII.
True Grit 1969

true grit.jpg

True Grit (1969) - IMDb

Sherlock Gnomes 8/10.

Kind of a mix of the stories of Romeo and Juliet and Sherlock Holmes, obviously starring Garden Gnomes as the main characters.

Features a star studded cast of voice actors including Johnny Depp as Sherlock Gnomes himself.

And original music from Sir Elton John.
"Memphis Belle"

The story of the first B-17 crew during World War Two to survive to complete their mandatory 25 bombing missions.

However it was their very last mission that would prove to be the most harrowing of all.

Worth seeing.

"The Mist" (2007)

Based on a Stephen King short story. High creep factor. Far better than the failed tv horror series.
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Deadpool 2 8/10.

One of the better Marvel movies this year, I thought Black Panther was crap to be honest, and I didn't rate the new Avengers very highly, although it was better than I expected.
Fahrenheit 451 on HBO. I was a little skeptical about this adaptation but HBO did a great job. I liked it even though the movie is so different from the book, it felt like an entirely new story. This change isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's just different in a good way. I will definitely watch it again mostly because I kept pointing out everything different from the book instead of fully enjoying the movie.

Deadpool 2. I ended up seeing this twice. It was hilarious! I liked the first film but the second is even better, especially the mid-credit scenes.
I watched about the first half hour of the 1995 Power Rangers movie last night.

I went to see it when it was on the Cinema aged about 19, as I was into Power Rangers back then, mainly cos I fancied the Pink one.

Went to see Solo yesterday, 7.5/10.

Needed more back story such as Jabba the Hutt or Boba Fett IMO.
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Show Dogs 8.5/10.

Very funny movie about a talking Rottweiler who works for the FBI, who enters a dog show in Las Vegas while working "undercover" with his FBI Agent Master.

Finally.... saw Ice Station Zebra. I always meant to see it since 1968! Also wanted to find out what Howard Hughes was watching over and over before he died. Not great, not bad, fairly typical cold war fodder. But it did have a few very cool visuals of the Arctic. "Reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes, who had experience both as a movie producer and a defense contractor for the United States, is said to have watched a private print of Ice Station Zebra 150 times on a continuous loop in his private hotel suite during the years prior to his death. In his 2013 autobiography My Way, singer Paul Anka writes that Hughes kept a permanent penthouse at the Desert Inn hotel in Las Vegas and owned a local TV station. "We knew when Hughes was in town," Anka wrote. "You'd get back to your room, turn on the TV at 2 a.m. and the movie 'Ice Station Zebra' would be playing. At 5 a.m., it would start all over again. It was on almost every night. Hughes loved that movie." (Wiki)
I had a mini movie marathon last weekend. I started off with Peeping Tom, continued with Sisters, What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, The Exterminating Angel, Jules & Jim, The 400 Blows, and ended it with Lawrence of Arabia. That took up all weekend for me, and I do not regret a thing about it.

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