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What was the last movie you watched?

Pacific Rim Uprising... Well, I wasn't a fan of this sequel. I liked the first film so much more. The original cast was cool, more mature, and had just the right amount of tension. No offense to the younger kids in this film. Boyega was good. But, overall, the plot just didn't work for me. Wasn't memorable. The mechs and kaiju looked cool though.
Ready Player One 9/10.

Was the movie that James Cameron's Avatar should've been IMO, set in a VR world with Avatars etc, a lot better than the overrated pile of cack that was Avatar.

If it gets decent reviews I might buy an Oculus Rift at some point, VR headset for Xbox, especially if the games are any good, and the technology isn't literally headache inducing.
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Amazing Grace (2006)

This is the story of William Wilberforce and his fellow abolitionists working to try to abolish the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It's a story that I've waned to see for a while as William Wilberforce is recognized as one of my home city's greatest 'children'.
The story has its sad moments as well as some funny ones and while it isn't entirely accurate historically, the film was solid and enjoyable - managing to make me tear up, and few films do that.
The film itself is named after the famous hymn, which was written by a former slaver who later joined the abolitionists.

Here's the trailer:

If you want more information about William Wilberforce and the story behind Amazing Grace, check out this video:
Massacre Mafia Style.

I would link to the trailer, but that might break a few rules here. It essentially is an obscenely violent and silly killing spree movie.
The Creeping Terror, made in 1964.
It's pretty fabulously bad. :cool:

The monster/alien is made of carpet pieces
because the special effects man took off
with real one before shooting began.....

Not the first time I have watched this show. :)
I saw two contrasting films last weekend: The Silence of the Lambs on Sunday (over a vegan noodle salad for supper, ironically enough) and The Proposal on Saturday. The latter (rom-com starring Sandra Bullock) is mostly set in Sitka, Alaska but was actually filmed in Rockport, Massachusetts. Is the landscape that similar?
Isle of Dogs 7/10.

Bit kind of "weird" IMO, didn't really get what the story was about, enjoyed it though.

Might go and see Rampage on Friday, based on the game... I know video game/movie crossovers tend to suck, but this might be OK, even though Dwayne Johnson's in it, and IMO he was a much better wrestler than he is an actor.
Isle of Dogs 7/10.

Bit kind of "weird" IMO, didn't really get what the story was about, enjoyed it though.

Might go and see Rampage on Friday, based on the game... I know video game/movie crossovers tend to suck, but this might be OK, even though Dwayne Johnson's in it, and IMO he was a much better wrestler than he is an actor.

Agreed - Rampage looks like it might be fun. :)
Tomb Raider reboot 8/10, I went fully expecting to be yet another sucktastic video game to movie crossover, but this was decent.

I'll go and see Rampage next week.
Rewatched Evangelion 1.11: You Are (Not) Alone. Also have the 2.22 and 3.33 films to watch. I enjoyed watching the original Neon Genesis Evangelion show so it's been fun comparing and seeing what changes have been made for these films.
I think it was The Boy and The Beast. A nice animated feature. :blush:
Yes, I love that movie so much! Have you seen Wolf Children? It's made by the same director of The Boy and the Beast.

The last movie I watched was Thor Ragnarok. Watched it for the second time and loved it even more.

I'm so ready for Avengers: Infinity War. I've already pre-ordered tickets and I never pre-order anything. :D

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