Leader of the otaku legion!
You need confidence, my friend and keep in tune with your zodiac and seek your matching sign.
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All you need to be is a good person. Really. All this other stuff doesn't matter.
Everyone has many flaws. Some are easier seen, some harder. It doesn't mean that due to them you're not worth or that you'll never get a good relationship. How many people that, as you say it, have 'less flaws' are there that don't have anyone either? You can either push despite your flaws or wallow in self-pity until they swallow you. Your choice but you getting a girl is highly probable, what with there being 7.5 billions of people out there and all.
And the guy we're talking about has many more flaws but there's not point in dwelling on it.
Oh please. As if being a virgin was such a terrible thing. Society teaches you that this kind of pettiness means anything but when it comes to it, the fact is that it doesn't matter at all.
You need confidence, my friend and keep in tune with your zodiac and seek your matching sign.
I have a unibrow and you know what I did about it? Sometimes I just didn't care, and sometimes I'd carefully shave off what I could or let a hairdresser or my mother shave it off. It's not really a big deal and it shouldn't be. Others that comment can be made part of the solution. I think there are places that can professionally remove unibrow (temporarily) that are like nail salons, but not nail salons. My eyebrows are bushy too, but bushy eyebrows can look attractive on a person. I don't really consider bushy eyebrows attractive or unattractive.
Brad Pitt??? Blah! Dull, bland, and seems like he may have some personality issues that make him not terribly attractive. You need to quit worrying about what you think the rest of the world thinks. My overweight, slightly pervy, 67 year old, not rich, with only me for a friend, who was about as optimistic as you, and convinced women only want hot, bad boy types on motorcycles now has a girlfriend. She is 23 years younger than him. And she could have dated someone much younger obviously and there is nothing wrong with her. She wasn't that desperate or anything. But my friend happens to be a nice guy, a bookworm, makes a good sandwich and pot of chili. He is a bit nurturing, quiet, and over all mellow. He is nothing like Brad Pitt.i do have confidence but i am just being realistic, i do have all those flaws and i know it will be impossible for me to be in a relationship or even having friends so whats the point of even trying? i could decide to live in a fantasy world and pretend that i am brad pitt but what will that take me? nowhere, even with great "self-esteem" i would still be a lonely guy with no friends and no gf. great self-esteem do not delete my physical flaws or my natural boring-ness.
zodicac and matching sign ? what are you talking about .
Okay, for a moment let's go with your opinion. You are ugly. So go out an embrace it! Watch this and don't quit in two seconds saying they are all better looking than you. And if they are better looking, then you might be better qualified to be represented by an agency like that. Seriously, there is beauty everywhere, even with you no matter how distorted your own view of yourself may have become. You absolutely must not listen to your sister.
You are around some really nasty mean people. Nice people would never say such a thing and mean people will say it to anyone.ugly ? i am extremly ugly, 1 of 10 on the look scale.
i have embrace it a long time ago, but others have not. people do not accept they way i look. i am not saying that people are shallow, but the deal is that i am so ugly that its not possible for me to ever be loved.
where is the beauty in me ? i dont have any positive traits .
my sister is not the only one, alot of people tell me that am brutaly ugly and very weird and boring.
If you've failed your whole life and you keep making excuses, why did you bother making this thread in the first place? The problem's solved, your decision's made. That's it, no need to continue here is there?
Brad Pitt??? Blah! Dull, bland, and seems like he may have some personality issues that make him not terribly attractive. You need to quit worrying about what you think the rest of the world thinks. My overweight, slightly pervy, 67 year old, not rich, with only me for a friend, who was about as optimistic as you, and convinced women only want hot, bad boy types on motorcycles now has a girlfriend. She is 23 years younger than him. And she could have dated someone much younger obviously and there is nothing wrong with her. She wasn't that desperate or anything. But my friend happens to be a nice guy, a bookworm, makes a good sandwich and pot of chili. He is a bit nurturing, quiet, and over all mellow. He is nothing like Brad Pitt.
What's your point?
What do you hope to gain by engaging
numerous people's attention and telling them
that you are ugly?
Maybe you can join some game site/forum so you might make friends with people who share same interests with you.
People won’t see real person there, so I guess no one would judge you by how you look like.