I'm sorry but I cannot see the point in continuing this discussion. It doesn't seem like anything will change your mind, whatever we say, you rebuke it due to all the words you were fed through years from your family and other people around you. What you need is to focus on yourself and your therapy, not on finding a friend/gf. No one wants a friend that is this negative, even if for what they think is a good reason. You've got a shaped view of yourself and you need much more than a few strangers to tell you they think you're mistaken. We are here to read what you write and answer from time to time, but we are not miracle workers and whatever you expect from us, it's going to be hard to achieve.
I don't know what you want and without it I cannot solve the problem you have. Apologies.
And, although I hate these words myself, I have to say: You've got an attitude and if you want to proceed in life, you need to drop it.