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  • Nobody told me that kerosene lamps would be this hard to find parts for. I thought most burners were alike.
    (That doesn't apply to the old "banquet lamps" which take a No. 3 burner. And I need a No. 3 burner, dual wicks with extinguisher lever, with 4" shade fitter for a glass ball shade. Might be an expensive way to build a "free" lamp.)
    Ebay? There's a lot of oddball stuff on Ebay. Buyer beware as always on Ebay, but it's worth checking out.
    eBay is on my list but I think I am going to see if I can alter the lamp to carry an English Duplex burner. May need to solder a new collar on.
    The greatest argument against religion, by & large, is the behaviour of the religious.
    I have no issues with faith, only with those who seek to force their views on others.
    @Darkkin I am a Catholic, and the only thing that keeps me one is that I believe the doctrine. Two years at a Catholic college, however, was more than enough. I shall not be returning, and will finish my degree with them online. It's not that they are religious--
    --it is the tacit assumption that everyone else is, that stifles inquiry, and is the fastest way to make atheists in industrial quantity.
    Did you ever get to finishing that linux typewriter project?
    - that sort of thing precludes getting something decent built.
    I did save the old '36 Woodstock off the desk and a couple decent portables, as well as a 1912 LC Smith desktop. But unfortunately I didn't get a chance to finish that.
    I lost a good many typewriter parts in the move as well as the makings of 2 machines I was building. Had to save the 2 reed-organs, 4 crates irreplaceable books, and 2 19th-century shotguns out of my apartment as well as a rare collection of phonograph records. (I am good at digging in the trash.)
    So the answer to your question is no.
    There is nowhere in the house to write quietly. Visiting family, tiny house, loud typewriter, desire to work at midnight, not happening.
    I think I have ink in the car, and a pen in here, but pens are a good way to use up a lot of paper & make a big mess.
    I plan on getting some gear so i can go out and camp in peaceful place to get away from the noise and chaos at home. Not as a permanent solution of course, but it would help every ones in a while
    It's surprisingly doable, @phantom--and it becomes addictive. Even at home I cannot stay put. I have to be making something, reading, or thinking. If I rest, I do that on its own time. Go camp, travel, do what you can to get away from the house.
    Looking forward to graduating college. Not sure what to do after but I really want to get done.
    As far as a future, all I ask for is a quiet life where I can get away from the 21st century distraction culture.
    Ever think Idiocracy was a documentary? I do, every time I get out in urban sprawl.
    Yes, it was a documentary. From the future. ;)

    Which we are now rapidly becoming...
    Making plans--Nothing will stop me now, unless something big comes up.
    Made me think of the main character in a book by Gary Paulsen.
    "Come on, he thought, baring his teeth in the darkness—come on. Is that the best you can do—is that all you can hit me with—a moose and a tornado?" https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/hatchet/quotes/page/4/
    @tree Gary Paulsen's absolutely amazing. I remember reading his book "Dogsong" and that was a very interesting one about the mental & emotional effort of driving a dogsled in the Arctic Circle. He's better than Jack London.
    Landlady's son attempted to break into my apartment & also vandalized my car. Damn this college & its idiotic culture. I'm out.
    what is wrong with people!? Can you press charges against this idiot child? justice should be served!!!
    Well, if he tries it again, he's a dead man, is all I can say. I'm going to be seeing about filing a complaint with the Police Department for one, and practicing up with a baseball bat at close range for two. He won't be doing this one again.
    TIred of people asking why I walk everywhere. It's almost as if not using a car often is a personal affront or threat.
    My advice is to tell them walking is cheaper than driving. No idea what response that will get!
    @maycontainthunder that's what I've been telling them--"gas is five dollars a gallon and y'all think I'm driving?"
    Just keep an eye out for an old Schwinn mountain bike, then fix it up and use that. In some cities bicycling is common, I know it was in San Francisco in the mid 90s because transit was a joke, so people got around using bicycles and scooters.
    If I could travel back in time: I'd find the guy who invented Muzak and do my level best to sabotage his work.
    Elevator music. Generic term for radios, loudspeakers, etc. playing music & such in public places. The father of poor taste & the mother of sensory overload.
    Sounds like a Cher song- if l could turn back time.
    I hate Muzak in elevators. Plus it has subliminal messages in malls, buy, buy buy
    Agree with both your posts here! :) Bit like billboards and what's on them, too...
    It's tick season here, and I really do not like ticks.
    We get kangaroo ticks here which are small and don't actually seem to enjoy sucking on people. While I've had them on me they've never bitten - unlike the European ticks, or some of the ones in Eastern Australia. Even when I find them on the horses, they're usually not so keen to feed on them.
    But what about The Tick? I do love him so.
    What do you call a tick with anxiety disorder? ...a nervous tick...
    I found a 62-year-old debate where William F. Buckley Jr. got his arse handed to him by his opponent...Delightful. I love old books.
    Currently visiting the site where Ira Dutton was born. Dutton spent 45 yrs. Molokai leper colony helping the sick during the 1800s
    But, part of the progress they chose, was preserving natural beauty and a quiet community-centered life
    That's a bit like Denmark, Western Australia, where we originally wanted to buy a house. But then we saw a place with 50ha of intact ecosystem in the hinterland and the rest is history. The bit of the hinterland we are in is an enclave of Hicksville, with a few exceptions. But we "import" a lot of lovely farmstay guests.
    I totally get why living in a community that shares many of your core values is a good thing to do. Makes life so much easier and more pleasant. More good relationships, less friction and less immediate reason for misanthropy, depression etc.
    Am camping in the old sedan. Opera on radio & rain on the roof. Life is good.
    Sounds great! Enjoy! :)

    That was a nice library you were in before! ...is nice library a tautology? Well, it was a particularly nice library! :)
    Might not have any cellular service for awhile, so if I disappear that's what's up. Have to reply to some folks here. Otherwise all well
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