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  • Caller ID has taken the fun out of prank calls.
    Figured that the opposite of "cop benefit" would be "old lady doing bake sale benefits on Earth Day" so I faked out that "Julia" was enthusiastic about it & would bring all her friends...

    They quit sounding so brave. Eventually they answered the phone asking for Julia--I told them (in my normal voice) to -- well, never mind--and I've not heard from them since.
    I know this is off topic but is your refrigerator running? :)
    On my cell phone, I could choose my caller ID.
    Maybe you could go with "Not Gerontius...?"
    I had been freaking out about paperwork for 36 hours. It took perhaps 30 seconds. This, executive dysfunction? YES.
    Papier-mache? Nice--I like the way he thinks! -- tell Brett that he has the right idea.
    Usually if papers bother me sufficiently I take them out back, douse them with used crankcase oil out of the car, and set them on fire.
    No joke, I have to do this thing called a Business Activity Statement every three months, which involves a lot of paperwork and going through receipts. And when I'm done, I take pleasure in burning all the receipts that I do not need to keep. :)
    Also I had to learn about accounting and the Australian tax system three years after we moved to the farm because our accountant, whom we hired because we'd never done business tax before, did our returns incorrectly, and from then on I wanted to do them myself. And I laugh every time I see this clip, because it is completely accurate:

    Mr. Vivian Stanshall was maybe my favorite of British humorists. Why I am thinking of him now, no idea, but he was funny--
    I started a 100-year-old clock today that was last repaired in 1942--It's been running for a few hours w/o breaking down. Success!
    It lacked power so I re-bent the verge (part that literally makes the ticking sound on the escape wheel) to where it would release evenly with each swing of the pendulum. Then I put it back together, and managed to mess up the hands by not pushing one down far enough. They touched each other & stopped the clock.
    Got that out the way & it's running, keeping time, striking the hours and half-hours, nice & smooth example of a real nice antique clock. I might have to get more into fixing these things; it was pretty neat to watch the movement go from a seized-up metal brick to a moving, functional clock works.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    I think I just made bean soup in an electric skillet, and it actually turned out OK. Looks like I eat something decent tonight.
    It's 2 AM and I am listening to the Jack Benny Show and it's absolutely cosy here
    It’s 4am and I just woke up. Too early to take the dogs out so I’m probably going to curl up with an early breakfast.
    In the future, present reliance on thermoplastics will be viewed with the same horror as the ubiquitous use of lead years ago.
    Emile Waldteufel is an underrated composer -- facts are facts
    I'm not a Strauss fan, or a waltz fan - please don't shoot me, I respect other people have different musical, food etc tastes than I do. But I did come to ask if you are aware that the surname "Waldteufel" is German for "Forest Devil" - because that's a cool surname! :)
    I know it's Forest Devil. Had heavy metal existed in his era, he'd have been a natural choice for that genre.
    One thing that I find problematic is the genre of classical music itself, in this day and age. In essence, an underrated genre.

    Making me ponder questions like "Will Katy Perry be popular in 200 years?"
    When I get half a chance I am going to have to take that old beat-up car out in the woods & put a new coat of enamel on it; it looks rough.
    There was a groundhog in the yard this morning, & he's dug two huge burrows. I think he's cute.
    You have a groundhog too?

    They're really pretty. I kind of want to see if I can put vegetables in, but I don't think I can grow vegetables if there's a groundhog living nearby.
    No I'm in England this is part of the family of a YouTube channel originally about chunk the groundhog now his family and a grey squirrel ,a possum, a blue jay,a skunk, on occasion two dogs that live with the channel account holder
    What you do is grow an area for the groundhogs and put a good fence around your produce area apparently possums love apples ,groundhogs love CARROTS,broccoli, apples,tomatoes,never seen them eat an onion
    I have not been able to keep up with the messages people send & all that. Today & last night were not good ones. Nor has anything else been.
    It seems there's a few of us having a tough time at the moment. Sorry to hear you feel that way; been there too re flatness and burnout.

    Speaking of escape routes, have you ever gone WWOOFing? That can be a good way to get away and get your fingers into the earth, and meet some lovely people.
    And by the way, your 20s are usually much harder than your 30s or 40s, if that's any help to you.
    It's Saturday! I have not had a weekend off since who even knows when. This is no different.
    Sorry y'all--I'm still around. I decided to go & try to find a doctor this morning. Trip was 40 miles. Car broke down once, I got crapped on by a bird, and things are a mess, but I've some interesting opportunities & might be able to actually recover my wits.
    40 miles one way ? Or round trip?
    Round trip, thankfully. The trip odometer quit partway through, so 40 miles is the rough estimate once I got the dial working again. It's been crazy. The car breaking down in a parking lot actually bought me some time & basically I can speak to someone via phone Monday...it's an improvement.
    Turns out $6 "ingrown toenail pullers" (gross) work as well as $450 "keyring pliers" for replacing the keyboard on a typewriter.
    Got them online--I had a 1916 Remington typewriter with the original keyboard still on it. Well, that rotted. Celluloid decays with time. So I bought some new inserts for the keys and ended up having a hard time getting the keys apart.
    Eventually I bought those small pullers & was able to pop the metal rings off the keys, so I just have to polish the rings & replace a few that had corroded through and then crimp them back on with a screw clamp or padded plies
    There's the right tool for the job, but those pliers cost $450 for a set, which is a lot considering how little value unrestored typewriters really have. So anyway if I'm ever done with college stuff then I will be putting the keys together & I guess it should hold up a lot better
    I went out in the woods & fell asleep watching the sun start going down. I think I'm going to sleep in the woods more often.
    be careful though gerontius
    Don’t fall asleep in woods within a circle of mushrooms....
    I found out that Connecticut's National Guard still has a mounted volunteer cavalry unit that's had the same job for 240 years.
    That's really neat :)
    If you do do that on Thursday, would you share them on here? I’d love to see the photos. I love history.
    @Owliet I absolutely will share them if I can make it over there & film the 1st Company doing drills. They're really cool & I also hope to be able to maybe interview some of the officers or the troopers & ask about what it is like to be the last of the real old-time horse cavalry.
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