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  • Finally found the score to "Into the Unknown" from a show called "Over the Garden Wall." Planning to adapt for parlor organ.
    @Callistemon if you want to hear a master, try Rodney Jantzi's YouTube channel. He's fantastic--builder, musician, and artist.

    I don't know what they cost in your end of the world, but you can get a good pump organ for a low cost, or free, in the United States or England at least. Expensive to work on but a cheap way into Victorian keyboard instruments.
    Thankyou for that link! :) Beautiful-looking instruments - and his hands are so incredibly relaxed when he's playing! Watched *the* Toccata & Fugue and will watch a few more from there.
    I'm not so suited to keyboards, and after initially giving it a go, found that strings were more my thing and really intuitive to me, so I had three years of lessons in that in my 20s. Have to get back into playing because I stopped when we were building the house and I've not been able to get back to it consistently yet...
    I will share and donate too.
    I'm not the best person to ask about sharing a post because I do not participate in much on social media--but it seems like a good cause.
    I’m not on social media either but my friends and family are… I always ask them to share things for me.
    Internet conked out--forget online midterms--Went for a late night walk & that was a good thing. I love walking.
    I love walking too! Hope you can still get your midterms done on time though.
    Looks like after college stuff today I have to fix the ceiling. Landlords' washing machine is leaking. At least I have tiles & a handsaw :)
    I hope so too; I'm going to go up there & fix their washer & dryer first--so I don't have to fix the ceiling twice. It's right over two very nice, early model antique typewriters on display & a 1928 cabinet gramophone, too, so I don't want to get those soaked either.
    I had a roof leak on the Christmas of 2021 that filled up my 1929 Underwood desktop with water. That was a different, crappier apartment. The leak here is just normal Victorian House Problems. VHP's are pretty common & they are not the end of the world.
    My parents had a burst pipe in their house two years ago, when I was still living there. The kitchen was flooded. It was very bad. They still get occasional leaks in their house. It’s not a Victorian house but it’s an old Colonial farmhouse, so probably even worse lol
    My executive functioning is at the all time low and I cannot wait for this semester to be over.
    Try staying in bed for an entire day with no sensory distractions.
    No can do! I'm not that kind of person. Besides, outdoors is nicer than indoors.
    I spent the morning wandering around outside with a kitten stuck to my shoulder. This is the start of a good day.
    Ukranians are selling Russian tanks on eBay. I'm waiting until they sell Putin. "For sale: One Cold War surplus KGB agent--
    And the rest of the description is rather impolite and cannot be displayed on this forum ;).
    What a bully he is. Watch out, he may go *putin* onyou.
    The snow is frozen solid outside so I went sliding on it, without a sled. Missed the tree twice, not pushing my luck. It's fun.
    @tree body-surfing it is.
    Thanks for the cardboard idea; I went sliding again later and cardboard definitely improves speed. Forget being able to steer, but it is a good way to slide much faster on thinner ice. Metaphor for life in general at that point.
    Have been having the strangest interactions. Going to church is about like going to traffic court--to say nothing of college.
    I’ve been having strange/awkward interactions with neighbors recently too.
    Something's in the water, I reckon.
    Now is a good time to plan your victory gardens. Fuel & food may cost more round the world, due to the war in Europe affecting oil & wheat.
    Writer's-block in the worst way on this college stuff. I've got to get done with this stuff & recharge before academia is interesting again.
    Sorry you had to deal with garbage in online classes @luca. They tend to be very helpful when all goes well, but frequently it does not.
    I hope you get the job! :)
    I’m lucky I guess because I have my own business and I can charge pretty high rates in my area… just less than my competitors lol… but I get far more business than they do ;)
    I hate career choice stuff too. So I decided I wanted to start my own.
    Thanks. College students are mean. And now if I went back in the fall I’d be close to 30 and that would make the kids laugh at me more :( I’m putting school on hold for the moment… I want to get into a better university anyway.
    I hope that today is the last of my less productive days for awhile. Hoping for this spring weather to keep sticking around.
    Same here… I’ve been pretty lazy. And I wish it would stay above 50 degrees here but it’s supposed to go up to 60 the next two days and then go back down to freezing. I hate late winter/early spring. Especially here.
    In the interest of Computing for Broke Technophobes, LibreOffice 7.2.5 goes on my "new" Hewlett Packard notebook running Windows 7.
    The laptop itself is old & fragile, and too bulky to fit in my satchel, so I leave it at home...I really am not sold on computers. Don't like 'em. I've fixed them before but now it's time to overhaul the guts of this one.
    OK it works pretty great after the first few minutes where it crashed a few times. I think I have something that might work better than Word.
    Its a love hate relationship. My ex stole my notebook. I loved it for it's ease and it was easy to reboot should something go wrong.
    I have been struck by the Masked Upgrader. Have no idea who did this, but thank you very much whoever you are.
    I have a superpower also the power to never be anonymously upgraded
    Your term reminded me of the British comedy skit the phantom raspberry blower (portrayed by Ronnie Barker)
    Springlike weather yesterday, snow shower today, a moment of warm, then again snow. New England weather is something else.
    The buttonhole attachment might be the best sewing machine accessory invented. I think I could try making clothes next.
    If you can make clothes, that might be a profitable business venture too. I would not ask you to make me clothes because you would have to make them out of a tent, or a boat sail. ;p Or at least very stretchy…
    Well, that's a thought which never occurred to me, but I am going to have to practice a ton first.
    As for tents or sails, my dad and I used a huge canvas tarp once to copy a shirt he wanted... pretty rugged shirt.
    Hey! Thank you for the comment, it's made me smile!
    @Gerontius ‘s comments often make me smile too :) Or laugh!
    Hope most of us on here can continue to make you smile :)
    Shhh you made me smile, I'm not anything but ugly aha!
    Aww, that’s not true! I always think I’m ugly too but some people on here don’t think so lol
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