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  • Gerontius
    Good question! No, she hasn't. I wish Roxie left her phone number with some of the women on here--wiser older women especially--She needs help and y'all are like the Mental-Health Matriarchs; Brain Babushkas, Autism Aunties she needs.
    Right now I've got a weird writer's-block for studying...It will pass but it still looks ridiculous.
    It's getting better. The mental blockage--the odd superstition "I can't work now!" is a pain. Now I'm going.
    I try moving from the screen \page or creating a memory palace to make my mind unblock listen to comedy it affects the brain differently
    Don't park too close to bushes or a hedgerow. My car got colonized by mice. So far have caught 2, am working on any others.
    Next time I get mice I'll be ready & try to catch them alive--Found out they cannot be humanely released in midwinter, but they can be kept alive indoors as pets. Deer mice do carry some wicked diseases but most are healthy.
    I've enjoyed feeding mice that I caught in the live trap. Feeding them until they could be transported elsewhere.
    I've got to do something like that. Deer mice are also a native species and I really like mice--They aren't doing any harm when they're not indoors.
    My first issue of 'American Organist' Magazine came today. I forgot how much fun paper magazines were!
    I still get physical copies of magazines too! I’ve always preferred books and magazines to reading online :)
    My laptop is falling apart & the screen is smashed; I'm building my own computer and keyboard next...
    The idea came when I found out that 40% keyboards exist (very small) and when I realized I have a spare frame from an old office typewriter. It's another Remington--a Roaring '20s classic with "an open floor plan" inside. Perfect for alterations.
    I write constantly. Screens & keys are vital. The screen is the part I want to make right--a 7 1/4" wide display made from a Fresnel lens magnifying a smaller LCD with the option of turning off the backlight. The keys will be Cherry MX Blue switches, very reliable.
    Anyway the Pi is on the way and I'm looking forward to figuring out how to build this...Here's hoping.
    There is a live bat in my apartment. He seems to be pretty frisky and in good health so I shut the door to the back annex & left him there.
    The windows here are about 160 years old, and probably stuck--I'm scared to open one lest the glass come out of it. And this is a nice big old bat too. He'll get out eventually but he looks silly circling the light-bulb.
    Update: went back there to fetch a needle & thread and a pair of trousers needed cut down into knickerbockers, but there was no bat. Hopefully he's gone out the window instead of roosting up in the joists or the ceiling over the old boiler.
    And I am hoping he's gone & stays gone; I don't like living with animals in the house. Bats are mighty useful and beautiful creatures and I like them a lot, but there's something unsettling about something flying round like that in the house. Guy was the size of a redbird.
    (oops, turns out the 'Blue Monday' phenomenon does not really exist. My bad!
    Rain, snow, sleet outside--pretty cold! I think I'll wake up early tomorrow
    Same here! And I’m just waking up now at 4am. First full night of sleep in almost a month :)
    I love Remington No. 10 and No. 12 typewriters so I am building a homemade Remington 12 from scratch, using parts from 2 1920s originals.
    I think I have covid. I KNOW it's freezing outiside. Why then do I want to hike an abandoned train track--at midnight?
    These are strange days and people are looking for anything to break the monotony.
    I agree with Len. I’ve been going outside at night a lot too. Not my usual.
    Please do get better soon, and I’m working on a reply to your latest PM, I’ve just had a stressful day.
    15 degrees--porcelain plug broke on the cord to the heater. Time to run backup & wear fuzzy coats to bed.
    How are you holding up physically? My nose has been runny and I keep hocking up loogies!
    @Markness I'm fine! Why do you think I have all those heavy old wool jackets?
    I just have to craft a new end for the electric cord (or probably build a new cord entirely.) They don't make the plugs any more. My space heater is about 90 years old so and the few bakelite parts finally gave out. Hey maybe I can try resin casting now!
    As far as a runny nose in cold weather try to keep your core temperature up and your head warm, but let the extremities stay cooler. That helps. Also staying fairly acclimatized to cold weather helps. But don't do what I did a few days ago and run around in 20 degree weather and eat a ton of ramen. Hard on the throat.
    Sewing is 90% moving cloth around, 5% math, and maybe 5% actually sewing...
    Trying to. Pattern drafting is always hard. I'm trying to start making my own clothes so I don't have to rely on factory-made clothing...but it is really kind of tricky.
    So I have one pair of shoes. The other pair needs resoled as I walked the bottoms off of them. The weather up here is a good way to get your shoes full of ice water so I am trying to draft a pair of gaiters and waterproof myself a little.
    I've made clothing before, using existing clothes as guides. Is that how you're doing it?
    I didn't grow up with a trampoline but I just thought about trampolines & now have been laughing
    LOL… I just read that and now have been laughing :p
    They are fun. I never owned one, but knew people over the years who did. My second GF had one in their garden. I remember taking off the trucks/wheels on my skateboard and just using the deck on the trampoline. It was a really fun, if slightly surreal experience doing tricks whilst bouncing absurdly high.
    I love how much simpler bicycle maintenance is than car maintenance...
    I saw the picture of you transporting the organ on the stairs, I think :)
    That’s so fun!!
    I had a film camera for a long time but now I have a DSLR. I have a Polaroid too though.
    I haven’t seen a camcorder in years lol… I don’t know what happened to mine :( But it was not digital, this was like 2003. Lol.
    I have a couple cameras -- my dad's old Minolta SLR, a 1929 Agfa folding camera, and an old 8mm Mansfeld. Haven't tried the movie camera out yet but it spins when you turn the crank.
    And yes, the picture of what almost became a catapult-launch was real. You'd think I'd go buy an electronic keyboard.

    I like the newer Sony camera as the micro SD card works in most computers--
    Omg, I’m so sorry I didn’t see your last message! I didn’t get much sleep though. I have some vintage cameras too! Love the old Minoltas. I’ll have to upload photos of my vintage cameras… sadly I don’t think they work :(
    Where do you find all your antiques/vintage things? I can’t find anyplace that sells them around here. That picture was epic lol. Makes for a much more interesting story than a keyboard!
    Spent three whole days hunting for my car keys, called a wrecker truck, all well-- walked inside & found the keys in front of the fridge :)
    On the floor??
    Yep! Right there on the floor. I guess they fell out of my pocket.
    Better there than in the yard!
    I sometimes think I lost my keys, but they’re in the front door! Happens to most of us :)
    I have to admit today was completely overstimulating.
    Isn't that weird that we both have short attention spans but do artwork stuff for hours?
    I had an awful time hand writing until I started the 1894 "Palmer Method" again--which is why I cannot reliably use a ball point pen. I have been using typewriters for a number of years now and "collect" them so there is a spare machine in case one breaks.
    The novel itself is more of just a book about people doing normal human things--I like writing about peoples' characters & letting that carry the action.
    Yes! I have no attention span for “regular” tasks but doing artwork or anything with dogs has my complete focus for a virtually unlimited amount of time.
    What is the Palmer Method?
    Are typewriters expensive to collect? How many do you have?
    I used to write a lot and I love writing characters too :)
    I just decided to wash 2 and a half greasy old manual typewriters in the showerbath & pour myself a glass of Irn Bru. Cracking evening!
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