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  • Don't leave the headlights on while you're changing the oil in the car. I've got a bit of a walk coming up.
    Lots of people in cold areas use battery maintainers to keep the battery from getting too low. Learned this the hard way when the Jefferson winter killed my 2 yr old Napa battery dead. My uncle gave me a jump & I had to get a new battery in Yreka. Think you're in rural CT so yeah, look into a battery maintainer.
    Small town CT and I do have a "Battery Tender" brand trickle-charger. Not that it's as good as I thought. There's no electricity where I park the car.
    I wish it was rural CT, though.
    I bought one of those Battery Tender brand chargers in Yreka after my battery died, the guy recommended it. However it doesn't work well without electricity to power it. I've heard of maintainers that use a solar panel and plug into the cigarette lighter socket.
    It's midnight & I am making soup & drinking tea. One could do worse! Time to wind the clock and turn the heater on for the night.
    That sounds awesome! :) I just put the heater on too. I think it's going to be in the single digits in the morning...
    Nice :)
    I didn't check the temperature waking up this morning but it's mighty cold!
    Maybe if this works out I will be able to connect my old landline phone to Bluetooth and make calls through it by cell.
    Mine is a heavy rotary dial desk phone that someone saved from an office. All the cloth covered wire is frayed, but the handset and base are fine. Rotary dial clicking is so cool.
    Those like that are amazing, and there are new cloth wires available to fix it--very easy to install with a screwdriver. Rotary phones are made to last forever, and they stay cold while you talk on them too!
    Cool in 2 ways then.
    Thanks for the tips.
    Stayed quiet yet busy this evening: maybe I will get groceries tomorrow if that old car starts. (If not, I get a battery for it! lol)
    It was a quiet/busy evening here too. Got my hair done in the afternoon and got some takeout and came home and accidentally went to sleep while watching tv lol. Now cleaning the kitchen. A good day :)
    That sounds like that was a good day. I might have to go fix soup--it is late but I am somewhat nocturnal.
    I hope you like how your hair turned out!
    I’m trying to be less nocturnal… I’ll probably head to bed soon. Soup sounds good!
    I do like my new hair, thank you! :)
    One of my friends messaged me--she's ok, not missing! She was only in hospital.
    @Streetwise Did Roxie message you? I haven’t heard from her for a while either. I was worried.
    @Gerontius I’m glad she’s ok. Being in the hospital can be very scary.
    I'm not doing great unfortunately
    hello @Roxiee -- If you need to talk to people there's a bunch of us here. I have been a bit worried about you & hope that things improve quickly
    So happy spring is coming. Winter is lovely and I enjoy it, but I am also looking forward to nature waking up again. Saw some robins!
    I am enjoying winter but definitely looking forward to spring at this point. It's freezing!
    Looking forward to it warming up to freezing a day or two this coming week. One drawback to such a warm up, though, is making the roads slippery, ice forming at night when it's in the teens again. Or lower.
    Planning for after college is tricky...
    Thanks @watersprite and the best of luck to your friend.
    I'd like to shoot for a doctorate someday but looking at the academic world, all I can say is thank goodness for the trades...got half a mind to go into the brass factory.
    Thank you - there are valid paths all over the map. Just stay out of creeks in winter…
    I was unsure about my future too until I discovered that I can make decent money putting in more hours working with dogs, on my own :) I haven’t figured out the college piece yet either, though. I keep trying to graduate and running into social roadblocks. And I’m 27.
    It's raining here & doing a good job melting the remaining snow on the ground--the rain, snow, and fog combined for a bit; very pretty.
    This might be my lucky day; I think I found a new top to replace the one missing from my 1890s reed organ. Exact same model & everything.
    I am doing this to keep them around a few more decades as pump organs are all but extinct if people keep making them into bars
    If I spend 300 on old organs I am saving about an 1879 Sterling that is intact but a bit leaky.
    I think it’s awesome that you’re keeping them alive :) We need more people like you in the world.
    Warming up today, appropriate for Groundhog Day. A happy Candlemas to those who are still celebrating Christmas. We can stop now.
    “We can stop now” made me lol.
    Hey, what can I say--You give me the holiday season & I'm going to celebrate the WHOLE holiday season. Religious, secular, you name it. I love the holidays. Something almost--perfect about it.
    Deep snow outside, listening to Josephine Baker on the old radio inside, wrapped up in a heavy overcoat-- Not a bad kind of day really
    I think I'm getting a job! Telephoned the movers in town & they basically handed me Employment. More consistent than side hustles.
    @crewlucca email might be better as uk mobile phone call\text providers can be expensive ,european mainland is cheaper, i use email so i dont feel as crappy if someone cant hear me doing whatever for gizmo the cat
    I don’t use my email a lot other than for online shopping, but I can PM her my email address.
    I think the crux of the matter is she might be putting a mental block on using email or the telephone so that's why she hasn't given it thats why I advised the web chat its very anonymous
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