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  • Lots of cleaning to do today… and it’s my day off :/ I’ve already gotten through a lot of it though. I just sometimes wish I had someone who could help out with chores. It feels like I don’t have enough spare time in a day and then at the end of the day I’m exhausted and just want to sleep.
    @AprilR I’m actually looking into hiring someone who can help me with some things like this. I’m very independent and I hate asking for help, but it’s hard to do everything I do as just one person.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Minimalism is another way. Less space, less things.

    Sometimes posessions do posses us.
    @Luca but you will be paying this person, so you don't have to feel bad for asking for help. You will both get something out of this deal.
    It’s past my normal bedtime but I don’t have to work tomorrow. Still exhausted though since I’ve been up since 6am. Definitely gonna go to sleep soon.
    I really hate adulting sometimes. Why can't I go back to being 12?
    what do you mean with that? : D

    maybe you need to make up leeway your childhood?
    would it help you, when we could call you "little lu"? : D sry found no better short name for luca. and lulu sounds wrong in some way : D
    Ew, I don’t like either of those lol… Luca is already a nickname, it’s not my actual name
    It never feels like Christmas season anymore without my grandparents. December is always a depressing month for me. I still love doing Christmas things but it isn’t the same.
    I’m so sorry, Judge :( Both of my grandparents died summer of 2016.

    One of my abusers attempted to kill me and almost succeeded on December 18th, 2006.

    A former “friend” who was angry that I didn’t want to have sex with him attacked me, stole $1000 from me and left me for dead on December 30th, 2016.

    December is also just a month to get through for me…
    Human Avatar
    What???? What is wrong with people , I am shocked and sorry to hear this .
    I ask myself all the time "What is wrong with people..." Things like this are why I have very little trust or faith in humanity anymore...
    I’m so done with today. I’m getting steak tips and wine for dinner. I deserve it.
    Treated myself last nite to relax. Skipped picking up the car from repair. I just need a huge dog to sit on me and lick my face. :) My mom has the sweetest corgi.
    A Suisse girlfriend taught me how to make a proper french sauce once, it’s easy. All they’re doing is cleaning the fry pan. Lift all the meat and onions out of the pan and put it back on the heat, throw in a splash of wine and use the back of a fork to loosen all the gunk off the bottom of the pan. When the pan’s clean the sauce is done. :)
    Dog V4 sends a (late) begging look and a hug.
    Omg, I’m so angry!!!!! I told the management at my condo complex that I was moving in April because they had told me that my lease expires in April. Now they’re saying I agreed to a 15-month lease and I can’t leave here until July or I owe a bunch of fees. WTH. I don’t usually lose my temper with people but omg I really lost it. I’m actually fuming right now, holy crap.
    So did the office change the contract? On you? You can ask if you or they rent it out, does that nullify the contract? One place l lived in did this. They found someone to move in after 2 months. The other place charged me 3,000 to break the lease because they gave me a free month when l first moved in.
    If you signed 15 months then you probably saved 100 or 150 dollars monthly. That's usually how they entice tenants to sign 15 months. I actually signed 10 months on mine but l couldn't wait to leave place. Sorry to hear this. There are some crappy apartments out there.
    My place was corporate, and they offered a monthly payment plan after l moved out. But they didn't offer to rent it out like the other place which was local.
    Still in my pajamas doing work on my computer lol, but my realtor called me and told me to be over there by 2:30. Now I need to be professional!
    professional? so I guess you will wear the pyjama I guess? : D
    but I think with 7 dogs you wouldn´t get any apartment lol. and it would be too small for them.
    In the part of America that I live in at least, the majority of people my age are married with kids and have a house, yes.
    Going over to check on some stuff at the new house today. I get my keys in 3 days!!!
    Awww, thank you!! They all look like Enzo!
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I was thinking, what's twice as good as 7 dogs? 14 dogs! :D Dog army.
    At that point, you'd have a kennel set up!
    Well, good luck with the move; I'm mighty proud of you & your 7 dogs, all going somewhere happier. Very good for you all!
    fun fact: so far as I know, you´re the user with the highest reactions/like to message rate in this forum. 4,45 (rounded). (12663/2817). at least I saw noone with a higher rate. maybe only user with very less messages, but there it is not representative.

    sad fact: there is no price you could have won
    but in this forum I feel and felt much more liked, because of friendly people who said positive things to me and because I feel (mostly) accepted here.
    and I think that many people have often overhasty evaluation of me and label me rashly as someone who I not am. because they think they know me, but they don´t. that´s sometimes pity and riling, but I don´t try to change such people´s mind.

    arrogance and ignorance is very strong in some people.
    Not fishing for complements. A great many feel that they are the only one that isn't likable. By showing that I am like them I hope to make that person feel less isolated, like they're not all alone in the world. This is especially true this time of year.
    Currently waiting for my hairdresser to bring back my brown hair lol… I’m Hispanic, I don’t look good blonde!
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    It didn't look unatural or strange I think, if I had met you here I would have assumed you were Scandinavian. Until you said something with that American accent you guys have over there. :)
    Nah, you should get liberty spikes. Be a punk rocker. Rock that mohawk. I can’t because my job won’t allow it.
    I went brunette with 26 inch extensions. I will post some pics eventually lol
    Has anyone else noticed a change in the deepness of their voice after having a hysterectomy or going through menopause?
    Yes, my PCOS hormone highest peak made my voice sound deeper, but it went away with treatment and hormone balancing.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Glad that you are looking to fine tune you HRT.
    Im on medication for Endometriosis, so I guess it’s like going on menopause because i dont have periods anymore (haven’t for 10 years). I wonder what would happen if I stopped taking it? I don’t feel any difference!

    But I hope you get some answers Luca, it must be really confusing!=)
    Blonde is not my color. Going back to the hairdresser after work today and seeing if she can have me go back to brown with brown extensions. Fun fact: I have some formal training in hairdressing, which is part of why I also work as a professional dog groomer.
    I went blonde once and it was a bit weird. I suited it but I did not dye it again that color. I now have to dye my hair again since my color is fading But I will wait till after I finish this job to go purple or something. =D
    After calling 20 numbers of hair salons today, I'm so tired, nothing was solved, high prices just for a wash and blow dry.
    I don't remember if I mentioned this before but when I first moved to my current house, somehow my iPod broke... it was about 10 years old, but still... I had been using my iPad instead but it was so clunky to carry it around and it didn't fit in my purse, so I had the smart idea to use my old iPhone 5S as an iPod! I often reuse old stuff and it's a lot better than wasting money when I don't need to.
    I had an iPod classic in high school and it was my favorite iPod ever but it got stolen out of my locker :/
    My iPod died in February and I was so sad because I had it for 10 years. I loved that iPod and would use it all the time — so I had to get a new one. I don’t use my phone for music. I feel like i need to keep them separate.=D
    I only took a nap for a couple of hours but it feels like it was all night. I woke up thinking it was like 2am but it’s 8pm.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Welcome to the troglodyte times: Getting up in the dark, retiring in the dark.
    It's always still dark outside when I wake up in the morning... not really a complaint, because at least I have a full day ahead of me, but I'm always exhausted by 5 or 6pm.
    taking a nap confuses the time feeling.
    I think it’s hilarious that I still look like a teenage girl because I just turned 28 lol. My ID gets checked a lot!
    I can recall not getting carded having gone into a liquor store at age 16 to score some booze. My brother is nearly six years older than me and he still looks younger than I am. Go figure.

    Guess I was ahead of my time....literally. :rolleyes:
    Some of my older students look older than me…it is why I really go all out in the wearing a blazer look. It doesn’t help that I am not very tall either, so will also have a lot of them be taller than me. =(
    I never get "carded". can´t remember that I ever was, maybe 2-3 times, but many years ago. I think I look rather 4-5 years older than I actually am.

    IMO you don´t like a teenager. you look like a young, but adult woman which you are.
    Nausea is gone and I was able to eat breakfast. Now I’m whitening my teeth lol
    They’re already mostly white tbh, but having braces for years kinda messed them up a bit.
    Woke up an hour early and very nauseous. Bleh
    Ew, I’m really sick for some reason. I had eggnog before I went to bed last night and it was probably bad. I’m not only nauseous but have the chills and diarrhea. Fortunately I haven’t puked. Hopefully it will pass in a few hours.
    Something that contains raw eggs is always a risk. Hope you feel better later Luca. Dog V4 sends an ear snuffle.
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