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  • After hitting roadblocks for what feels like forever, I have finally decided on a house. I would obviously prefer to live in a different country but I will be safer in this neighborhood than I am here. More young single women and more young families and no extremist rednecks. I will put a down payment on it now but my lease on the current house expires in April. It is definitely an upgrade and still below budget.
    Omg. I live with rednecks too. Talk about backwards. I can't wait to move away from them. And they network here and harass people. I am moving away to a more affluent area next year. You need to call me one day. I swear we walk the same path. :)
    Congrats on your big milestone - that's got to be so exciting for you!
    Congrats Luca!
    Someone sent me an article about a woman who named her son “Holden Commodore.” I think I’ve mentioned on here that Luca is not my “real” name, my legal birth name is borderline offensive. As someone who actually does have an embarrassing legal name, don’t do this to your child, it’s hurting them more than it’s hurting you. (Luca is a placeholder name until I find one that I actually like.)
    pls stop. I fear wanting pets too in the future : P but I could´t because no money, time or space.

    he looks really cute. I think these types of dogs are one of the cutest.
    It's amazing how much better I'm feeling now that I'm not sleep deprived. I still don't feel 100% like myself, but I don't wish I was dead right now.
    not knew that Gerald Wilgus can post that cute things : D + the cat posts
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Not to detract from Luca, but as poorly as I feel now, I have had my life handed back to me, so I am unapologetic of my positive emotions. I honestly care about how Luca is doing.
    @Gerald Wilgus Thank you :) I really do value your support and kindness. I know I tell you that all the time but it’s true.
    How are you feeling today?
    I'm honestly starting to feel kind of like being alive isn't worth it. I don't really have anyone in my real life who seems to care enough, I have too many responsibilities that no one is helping with, and I don't feel like I can keep being optimistic with everything that is going on right now. People keep telling me I'm strong but I'm definitely not, I don't see things ever getting better. I need help.
    You're one of the members here that I find inspiring. It's okay to have some not-so-great days, and I'm also available if there's anything that I might be of assistance with.
    what´s with your best (male) friend? and your female friend group you had?
    I still have those friends, I talk to my best friend every day and he is very supportive, and I do still hang out with the "girl group" although they are not what I would consider very close friends.
    I would be so embarrassed if my dogs behaved the way most of the dogs where I live behave. Basic obedience training is NOT that expensive.
    "National adoption month" is really only a celebration for adoptive parents, it doesn't really acknowledge or raise awareness for the fact that being a child, and being adopted or put through foster care and/or residential care, is actually a horrible and traumatic experience, and a lot of adopted kids have PTSD, myself included. Do something to raise awareness for foster children instead. They are suffering.
    My sister was in foster care. Social services put us through hell because my late evil cousin had strings pulled to put her with him. If you need any more proof of my shattered faith in society, there it is.
    Foster care and waiting for years to be adopted are some of the bigger reasons for my shattered faith in society too, so I really sympathize with you and your sister. I'm sorry.
    @Luca It's okay Luca, that war has been fought and won long ago. But still, I appreciate your sympathy. You are truly a good person, its such a shame you aren't here to hang out with me LOL :P Maddog's actually getting better, he's not acting like he has been recently and he's making efforts to be friendly and kinder to me.
    Something happened in my personal life that has made me have to think about this: I've spent all of my dogs' lives preparing for what would happen if I lose them... but what if something happens to me? What if I'm gone?
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Now you become aware of that, you can prepare for it too.
    Dog V4 sends an unexpected cold nose. Worrying about the unknown isn't something you should let into your head.
    I really need to get to bed before 3am tonight. I have to work in the morning and I have so much other stuff to do. Sometimes I wish I didn't live alone because I could use the help around the house. Having to do literally everything all by myself gets wearing after a while.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Me too, when I moved here alone everything was ok, I liked it. But after a while I realized it really is too much for one person alone. I don't mean I need someone else to do the work, it's just too much house and maintenance for one person.
    I´m glad that housekeeping my broom closet is very easy. (joke)
    I can vouch for all of that being a full-time job for real. Especially if you've got dogs, a big yard, and all of that business
    I live near an airport. There are multiple planes flying over my house right now, very low and not on the usual flight path. It’s freaking me right the hell out.
    No, the weather is fine, I never figured out what it was lol but it was probably something harmless. Just weird.
    Perhaps mapping or spraying?
    Probably. It just weirded me out in the moment lol
    Going to the vet hospital now for Hex's surgery. I'm praying this will go smoothly. I will keep everyone updated!
    My dog, Hex, is having surgery this morning. This is to repair a torn ACL, and if all goes well she will be able to walk and run better than ever before. Please keep us in your thoughts. Surgery is always risky for dogs, and she almost died, twice, from a disease as a puppy.
    I am so behind on private messages right now... My dog is having surgery on Wednesday, and I've been putting more effort into longer responses to threads that I feel are important... occasionally I will post a status reminding everyone that I don't intentionally ignore people! Just dealing with a lot... and very stressed out. I'm working on it lol
    Happy Halloween! Very fitting that it's a super creepy, foggy morning here. Hopefully I can save some candy for the trick-or-treaters lol...
    most people anyways just seek for "special days" to drink alcohol and meet friends.
    the big feast is only christmas, birthdays and silvester (new year´s eve). on silvester firecracker and: of course: alcohol. silvester is more a friend feast and christmas more a family feast. maybe a bit on easter too, but not that much. and that was it.
    we don´t really celebrate our national holiday (3th october) (day of german unity), like you do. no german flags here. people are only happy, because they don´t have to work on this day, because it´s a holiday.
    Enzo just successfully warded off a highly suspicious individual... but what kind of criminal is afraid of an English Pointer? Lol
    Good job Enzo! Congratulations to yourself on surviving and thank God for loyal dogs with a protective streak.
    Dogs are a lot smarter than most people give them credit for.
    Not a criminal but i walk in a big circle around almost any medium sized dog because they can behave unpredictably which gives me anxiety.
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