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  • I don't feel sick yet, but I don't know if that means I'm not sick, or I just didn't develop symptoms yet... I'm also fully vaccinated, so there's a possibility that if I do have covid symptoms they could be mild... my parents are having mild symptoms. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning to check on my surgery recovery so I'll get professionally tested if possible. I'm still scared that I'll get really sick.
    Dog V4 sends you a snuggle followed by long snore.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    While I am fully vaccinated/boosted, I got a breakthrough infection. The symptoms were mild, thankfully, and resolved in 10 days.
    I got too. Only two days of feeling really sick, but they passed and I quickly recovered. My cousin also got it recently. We're both in our 60s and got through it. Despite multiple inoculations. Go figure.
    I'm terrified because my parents tested positive for covid and I have a medical condition that makes it very risky for me to get it. Plus I just had surgery. I don't want to die or end up in the hospital :(
    Self-isolate or quarantine in your house. If you have to go out, wear a mask (although most ppl have stopped wearing them for some reason) and social distance!
    Have you had any covid shots? Have your parents?
    @tree We're all fully vaccinated and had boosters.
    I'm still here, don't worry... just recovering. I'll try to respond to some messages tomorrow, I kind of overexerted myself this weekend and need to sleep. I'm still bloated and leaking some blood but the doctor said that's normal. My brain fog is starting to go away and hopefully I'll be back to work in a few weeks.
    Dog V4 sends you a wag and cold nosed ear snuffle.
    I forgot that you had surgery and you haven’t been feeling well since it happened. That’s no fun. :(
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Take it easy and heal properly. It will take time. It may help to avoid aspirin or anything that interferes with blood coagulation. My healing from just a stent placement in the Subclavian artery to correct a Thoracic Outlet issue took three weeks and my arm looked like a huge bruise from shoulder to wrist and was very sensitive to touch.

    I wish I was near to send over some nice meals.
    I felt like total crap today. I woke up nauseous, dizzy, exhausted, and in pain. I tried to get some stuff done but just ended up falling asleep for hours. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning.
    Hi Luca :) I read through your post updates on your profile and saw that you had to have surgery. I hope you recover well and I hope you had a great birthday
    I was so grumpy and frustrated with life until I had surgery the other day, and now I just feel silly and happy and weird, and it's not from drugs, they didn't give me any painkillers that would have that effect. I don't know what happened lol, it's like a switch was flipped and my brain doesn't want to take anything seriously anymore. Probably not good to feel like this long term. Should I be concerned?
    Since I’m bored and stuck in my house, I’m sharing a picture of the clothes I got for my birthday!
    Some of these are more fashionable than what I normally wear but I like them!
    The sweatpants and high waisted jeans are good timing with being bloated and inevitably gaining a lot of weight lol
    Nice birthday haul. I have been strongly addicted to that burnt mustard look to signal the change of season, since l am not a giant fan of wearing straight out in your face orange. I have a top and a purse in the color of those mustard cargos. But l am guessing or is that a dark khaki? I also enjoy that shade of blue and gray in that bottom row.
    It is mustard yellow lol
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Nice. I do not know enough to know what your best colors and styles are. I have no doubt, though, that what you have is good for an active, competant, young woman.
    This is definitely tmi, lol... sorry... They said I wasn't supposed to have bowel movements for a while after my surgery but I ended up having diarrhea and it was super uncomfortable. I'm really bloated, my stomach is huge and I have an upset stomach and a lot of gas. Peeing feels weird too. My mouth also still tastes like anesthesia which is really gross. But I'm alive! Lol
    That has to be uncomfortable. Just stay the course. Your family depends on you.
    Sometimes I feel sharp pain from gas accumulation it's so intense it makes me ill and counterintuitively the only way to make the pain stop is to lay down. Perhaps the pressure on the gut decreases.
    Surgery went fine, but I don’t feel great. Going to sleep for the rest of the day.
    For the past two nights, someone has been making a lot of noise outside around 3am. It's definitely people, not an animal. It's kind of freaking me out. I'm probably overthinking this and it's most likely some college kids or something, but it does give me anxiety because I live by myself and I'm too scared to go outside and investigate.
    Oh my God, that's so naughty but so funny :tearsofjoy: You would probably lose an eye doing that to a cat
    Thing is, stats show that dog lovers are peculiar to dogs as opposed to cat owners which are more easy to endear all animals the same way. Dog > Cat xD
    Not all dogs attack either or so to say "protect" the owner on their territory, it's genetic - which is rare, and trained. But given that the dog has good leadership and they see you as their pack and have love and confidence with you, they might be protective and stick close to you, especially if you cheer them on lol. To what point that leads though, don't know. Just keep calm and "Heel!"
    I thought adblockers would help with this, apparently they don't, but is anyone else getting super weird, random, and chaotic videos in their Youtube recommended feed lately? When I open Youtube, some of the stuff that comes up is really bonkers and there's some stuff that I don't understand (tiktok etc.) I am signed in when this is happening, and I don't click on the videos. Anyone have any clue?
    @Judge Oops, I worded that poorly. The choice is visible, they don't launch automatically. I'm just confused because they're really off-base from what I usually watch. I usually watch more educational stuff, or music videos. Somehow I get videos in my recommended feed that are the opposite of my political beliefs. I don't click on those.
    I can kind of get how the algorithm works, like I'll watch a video that is talking about something pro-LGBTQ+, and then it will recommend something that is anti-LGBTQ+. So it's putting two and two together and getting five, lol
    Ahhhh. Yes, it's a common problem. How their algorithm works versus how it was intended to work. At times it can get weird...but then artificial intelligence is just that. A machine with a brain fart- but not quite a human brain. I just tend to blow off and filter out those videos recommended that I have no interest in.

    Just goes to show how far we have to go before we get to Skynet and Judgment Day....ROTFLMAO.
    Here is the picture of the new bedroom furniture I promised yesterday!
    Orange Glasses
    Orange Glasses
    I think you need 'Dog Head' pulls on the drawers Luca.
    Omg, those dog statues are so detailed! :hearteyecat:
    Nice touch. I have a dark furniture set now. Just love it. I want a black vegan leather headboard.
    I decided to give Trader Joe’s beauty product line a go… my eczema is getting pretty bad and these have mostly natural ingredients.
    @Streetwise Have you difficulty with other latex foods besides bananas? (avocado, figs etc)
    Yep avocado ,figs,dates but i'm different again as i'm very dehydrated and high cholesterol so sugary is bad really like very british fruits black currants ,raspberries,pears wild fruit is the best as it tastes like vegetables which are salty wild cherry is nothing like hybrid cherries but british farmers\government have brought flora\fauna to near extinction
    @tree I think its connected to being like a newborn baby that can only digest milk and getting dehydrated easily like a newborn baby so sterile fruit is too sweet its thought that vegetables are like wild fruit
    I don’t remember if I mentioned that I purchased a bar cart but here it is!
    I also had my new bedroom furniture installed today and it looks great. I’ll try to take some pictures tomorrow.

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