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  • Hi Luca, you like cute animals so I thought I should point this one out to you. Part of the natural perversity of life is that one of the cutest animals on the planet is also a vicious predator that will happily tackle creatures twice it’s size. The Dunart. Also called a Hopping Mouse.

    No worries! I'm actually not as terrified of huntsman spiders as I am of some of the spiders we have where I currently live (New England) I don't know if all of them are venomous but some of them are really yucky looking. I don't know what the pointy yellow ones are called but they really freak me out. We actually do have house centipedes, and rattlesnakes here but some people don't realize that.
    I saw some of your centipedes on a David Attenborough doco, nasty. Ours are huge but they won't kill you. I got woken up in the middle of the night once by one latching on to my shoulder, I ripped it off and threw it across the room but one of it's mandibles broke off in my skin and gave me a nasty infection.
    Holy crap!!! That's awful!
    I have been very open about pretty much everything on here, EXCEPT for my struggles with anxiety... sometimes I feel so ashamed to talk about it, because I'm afraid of being judged for being "weak" or "sensitive..." but for the past week-ish I've been having panic attacks almost every night, and when I do sleep I have night terrors or sleep paralysis. Everything that's going on in my life is just breaking me.
    Dont be afraid to talk about whatever it is if it might help you to deal with it. Nobody here is going to think you're weak or anything. But we will try to help.
    don't avoid anything that causes them, but don't celebrate halloween!, its a pagan belief in exalting evil, you don't need to celebrate evil ,celebrate life all hallows day is the first of November :hibiscus:
    i won't contact you again as my comments are so unwanted
    My dogs have decided that right now, 1:40am, is a good time for them to start pulling all kinds of crap out from under the bed... I have dogs, not children.
    They leave dirty footprints everywhere, get food all around their faces, leave a mess on the floor after playing with a bag of flour, leave their toys everywhere and raid the fridge. Children are about the same only less fuzzy.
    Our kids, we put up with so much. Sounds like you own cats. But those faces make putty out of me.
    I'm not jealous at all that You all have dogs! Lol
    Hex tore her ACL and needs surgery :( I don't have any problem with paying for the surgery, even though it's expensive, but it will be a huge strain financially :( I'm more worried about her chances of survival in surgery though, since I almost lost her as a puppy...
    Does anyone else who takes anticonvulsants and/or atypical antidepressants feel like they put you in a “brain fog” or impair cognitive ability? I haven’t found much substantial evidence on Google.
    Lots of meds would probably lead to some sort of brain fog. A friend of mine was on lots for fibro and he ended up kind of zombified. So he ended up going medication free in the end.
    I understand Luca. It sounds like you have been thru a lot. I should be on medication but l am not.
    I hate being on meds :( Some of them are necessary for medical reasons, unfortunately... but the psychiatric drugs, I would prefer to go without. It's just hard to convince my doctors.
    Went to a rally obedience workshop tonight, we each did a few run throughs of the advanced course and were scored. Enzo’s score was unrivaled every single time and we were the only team that was consistently praised. This dog is a huge confidence booster lol
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    That is WONDERFUL! Evidently, you make a great team. I happen to think that it takes a good bond between dog and trainer to bring out the best performance. Congratulations.
    Enzo has such a beautiful spirit for a dog.
    I was talking about this with an irl friend and we were laughing so hard we were crying... Why does the redesigned Chuck E Cheese mascot look even more like a rat?? If I owned a pizza place, I think a rat is the LAST mascot I'd want to have lol... they're probably wondering why they're finding "raisins" on the pizza...
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    They probably want to play off the notoreity of Pizza Rat.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    After the soul-crushing guilt of experimenting with rats, I rescued a nice female white rat from the animals I had. She enjoyed resting in the pocket of my Levis jacket, but, alas, when I went out she was not the chic magnet I was hoping for, though I thought her cute.
    I love domestic rats. I have thought about getting one.
    Having crippling anxiety and feeling like I can't breathe again. Everything is just getting to be too much. Most of the time I don't outwardly appear to have anxiety but right now I'm panicking.
    Sorry to hear this. I sent you pm. Stay strong. Your family depends on you. :)
    Dog V4 sends a big hug. You are not alone in needing to 'escape' to a different country.
    I'm ok... they said it wasn't anaphylaxis, it was a "moderate" allergic reaction... I panicked because my face was swelling up and my stomach was upset, but they said the reason I was having trouble breathing was because I was having a panic attack... I feel dumb. Either way, I'm fine now, but I don't think the hospital is happy with me and now I have a bill to pay off.
    I am glad you are okay. Panic attacks can feel a lot like heart attacks so it was perfectly reasonable for you to go.
    As terrifying and difficult as these situations and symptoms are, you can at least chalk it up to experience. I find these days I rarely get to a point where my anxiety convinces me that a hospital visit is necessary. But I understand how difficult it is when they keep telling you that you're ok.
    Dog V4 sends hugs and cold nose ear snuffles. We hope you feel better soon!
    I just read a few studies that said unmarried and childless women are "the happiest population demographic." I'm certainly satisfied with being single and not having kids. Traditional relationships would not work well for me. I know it's hard for a lot of people to understand or believe that I'm happier on my own, but there isn't a lot I would change about my life right now. Marriage works for some people but not me.
    I looked at some houses today. I think I've outgrown this neighborhood and the people in it. I also need to live somewhere quieter and more remote. This was a temporary solution, and I've been here for 18 months, it's time to move on and move forward.
    I am moving in 9 months. I live with childish neighbors. Immature. Sorry, white trash neighbors. I am shamed by my own race. Florida is known for this.
    I'm stuck in the Deep South again & working on plans to move--first to the upstate, then, hopefully, to the Green Mountain State, to the Northern Kingdom if possible!
    A few years ago I never would have thought my life would be the way it is now. I feel like I'm really succeeding at life!
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    You are successful at you. I think we are afraid to classify ourselves as such. We get so beat down in life, that we can't see that successful app on our life desktop. You made it, with hard work, passion, and your love of animals. I read your posts to stay grounded myself.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Wish I saw this sooner. Cherish your victories. They make you the beautiful person that you are, and never let anybody deny that.
    I fell asleep at 4pm and woke up at 10pm... I'm gonna go back to sleep and hopefully I'll be up around 7 or 8am. At least I'm not falling asleep at the crack of dawn anymore, but this surgery messed up my internal clock by making me fall asleep in the afternoon. Still better than the alternative though lol
    Maybe you are feeling a little better? Good you have your friendly family furballs.
    I watched a show of neat ladies that save dogs. A lot of pitbulls and beagles. Just beautiful. I was amazed at how docile the pitbulls were. And they were shy too.
    I've been testing negative for covid, and I was going to go back to work on the 26th, but I decided to take a couple of clients yesterday and over this coming weekend. Nothing too intense, just some one-hour walks (realistically, I'm probably just going to be sitting with the dogs for most of it.) I was pretty miserable for a while there but I'm feeling okay today. I woke up at 7am.
    I fell asleep at 5pm yesterday and was in a deep sleep until about 20 minutes ago... still recovering, I guess.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Recovery times for those surgeries are counted in weeks, not in days. Im happy that you are recovering well and did not experienced Covid Symtoms.
    @Luca , did you watch this week's NOVA? Part of it detailed the Phase III trials of MDMA along with therapy for severe PTSD. All indications are that the FDA will approve MDMA for that use, maybe next year. This may be a way forward for you. I would hope to see a Luca free from the lies that we have learned to internalize through PTSD.
    I have heard mixed reviews from people I know who have tried both of those drugs, and some people have told me not to. It's worth mentioning to my psychiatrist though. I would love to be free from PTSD symptoms...
    Shrooms are good, but they're situational. My first experience of MD was in a crowded place & my first reaction when I came up was "this is too intense, I need to get out of here". But I went from weed to MD, and had no idea what to expect. Took too much too. Boom - instant energy, euphoria, but it can spill into terror/anxiety too. Some nausea and vomitting. Music sounds breathtaking though. Oh yes. Dance.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    So much depends upon guidance through the experience, and the environment. I would not want to try anything myself but 1:1 CBD/THC.
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