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    he just want to have some treat

    even when it´s a bit different, but we would definitely understand each other.

    you regularly worry if your words are rude/okay or not. but you really don´t have to worry.
    Yes, that also. =D

    Schweizerdeutsch is a little bit different even in the different cantons that speak it.XD I once had someone say that it is very similar to how English people hear people from Welsch, Scotland and Ireland.

    “you regularly worry if your words are rude/okay or not. but you really don´t have to worry.”

    Really agree with this, I know that its hard but you are never rude.=)
    Hello Customer. Yes, it's about the dog you brought in for grooming....
    I'm obviously a giant child who loves to relive the 90s and early 2000s lol... I just bought a pack of 50 butterfly clips and a bunch of hair scrunchies and I love them. They are so cute. I didn't used to do much with my hair, it was very short for years and for the past year or so I've just braided it or put it in a ponytail. But I got my hair done earlier and it's motivating me to do cute stuff with my hair!
    We have Claire's here too! I haven't been in one in years though. I'm also too old to get away with this stuff but people usually think I'm 18 or 19, so I guess that makes it slightly less weird for normal people lol
    Getting old does suck! I'm close to 30 now... I don't think my brain ever got any older than 13!
    Oh cool! :-) You should go there! :-) My brain is probably perpetually 13-14 too. But it sounds like you could rock some stuff from Claire's! Rats to what anyone thinks! Have fun! :-) Post some pics of what you pick up! (If you want to of course) :)
    You know I will post pics! :) Lol
    Moved my hair and makeup appointment to today because the doctor’s office had a cancellation open for tomorrow, so maybe I can get some answers sooner.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I should get a hair and makeup appointment too. Or maybe just a hair appointment. :) It's nice to get a fresh haircut.
    I'm so scared of people touching me I cut my hear with hair clippers to zero and shaved my 4months old beard as I couldn't go to barbers haha. I love threads about hair. Sorry lol
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Good going! Doing some things for yourself is a positive step. I hope you also will find some answers tomorrow and perhaps start fine tuning your therapies.
    I do almost always try to wake up by 5am (whether I've slept for 8 hours or not) since I give the dogs breakfast at 5:30 and take them out at 7, because my work day usually starts at 8. But last night I was on and off since midnight so only got about 4 hours of sleep in total. Nevertheless, I am going to try to make it a good day. I have to work until 1pm and then I'm going to do some agility training with Enzo.
    On days that I wake up later than 5 or 6, my schedule for the rest of the day is royally screwed up.
    I tried waking up at 5 for a while, but I couldn't maintain it. Waking up much earlier than when you have to be at work/school is really nice tho, I could study a bit for the upcoming classes or play same video games.
    I had a pretty good day today but now I'm crying for no reason. Go figure.
    I heard somewhere that emotions are like visitors, let them come and go. I hope you feel better in time, and that you get well soon
    Dog V4 sends a hug then steals a slipper and runs off with it.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Intense emotions, social stuff and multitasking also burns our energy. Its perfectly ok to feel sad at the end of an intense day. Its our "go to rest" indicator.
    I suddenly have excruciating pain behind my left kneecap. I did make a doctor's appointment that's coming up in a few days but I don't know if they'll just dismiss me again. Sometimes I'm scared that something is really wrong with me and I'm just going to drop dead one day and no one will know why.
    The problem with my breasts resolved itself though and I didn't end up needing antibiotics. That's good.
    I do have a knee brace so I’ll wear it today. This has happened before. It’s just scary when there isn’t an obvious cause.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Just think of all the work a knee has to do on an average day. All the weight it has to deal with and all the movement. I think it's weird knees are not painful all the time. You for example have an army of dogs that you take for walks and handle, I'll bet your knees take a beating and get tired.
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Nice to hear that in some ways you are healing. Please continue to seek to fine tune your HRT. Those potent compounds do affect metabolism in multiple ways.

    Take care and watch your knee.
    I've been feeling pretty bad about myself because of all my medical issues, so I'm getting my hair done on Monday, and having my friend who is a makeup artist give me a makeover. I also did some Black Friday shopping. I don't think I do enough to take care of my appearance and I need a confidence boost.
    I hope you feel much better! It's amazing how a little thing like hair dye (as I re-discovered recently) can give you a little boost :-) Since I've been feeling depressed so much these last few years, how I look kinda slipped down the priority list. So I hope it does you the world of good! :-)
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    I hear ya! Three weeks after such invasive open heart surgery and the pain and discomfort just sucks any enjoyment from my day. At least now I can cough without curling up hoping to die quickly. I know it will get better.

    I hope you will feel good about yourself. From your writing here I already think you are a beauty. Let that shine through.
    I hope that you feel better soon — but I am glad that you treated yourself. Sometimes we all need the boost.
    I made an appointment to talk to a specialist next week. I'm so uncomfortable. I feel like I'm pregnant but I know I'm not because it's impossible. I even look like I'm pregnant and other people have commented on this. I think I may be going through a false pregnancy but I don't know if that's a result of menopause, hormone imbalance, or emotional trauma/anxiety. Either way I seriously need to talk to a doctor...
    More TMI... The breast pain has gotten really bad and it's mostly in one breast, and after doing some googling it sounds like it may be periductal mastitis (sometimes occurring in menopausal women who are taking estrogen.) Going to take a hot shower, use a heating pad, and try to rest. If it doesn't get better in the morning I might need to go to urgent care and get some antibiotics (if that's actually what it is.)
    Dog V4 sends a hug. Hopefully things will get better in time.
    Sorry about all this going on right now. Sometimes l think l have a black cloud over my head just laying obstacles in my way. We gotta battle on........
    My doctor recommended talking to an endocrinologist about the topic I posted the other day. Thanks for the recommendations in that thread!
    TMI but my breasts are also extremely sore and swollen which is something I’ll bring up as well.
    My gynecologist said some level of odor is normal but I need to talk to a hormone specialist about which type of HRT would work better. She thinks the decision was a bit hasty (on their part.)
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    You know your body, so any observation you can provide about changes will lead to a better diagnosis and therapy designed for you.
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    Best of luck, in this medical topics finding a good proffesional may need more than one try.
    I know PTSD causes memory lapses, which I definitely have, but can it cause memory *loss* too? My short term memory is really bad nowadays. I’m currently struggling to remember something I read a few hours ago. I forget some people’s names. I don’t know if this could be from PTSD or from too much medication, or if it’s something I should be worried about like an early sign of dementia.
    Also in today's world, some of the smartest people can seem like the exact opposite and I honestly blame information overload for most of it. I think we're all bogged down, and those of us who purposely keep our mind active are more overburdened than those who don't. Names can sometimes just end up in the 'minor details' bin unfortunately.
    I make a practice of exercising my short term memory for similar reasons. Deliberately recalling people/things that are of no importance: "Jena Malone, Nicole Kidman, Gary Collins (The Sixth Sense) Karl Rove, and Corriandor/Cilantro". Basically information that has no immediate importance to me is so easily lost now. Scary at times..though I also know that stress can cause memory loss too.
    I know from experience trauma can affect your memory for a while, and generally be more anxious, too. It was reversible for me when I had a more peaceful time and I was feeling like before again.
    I need to practice keeping my mouth shut more. People are really put off by how opinionated I can be.
    Do these people say whatever they want, though?
    It's weird; NTs urge you to open up until you finally do, and then they don't like it.
    At least that's my experience
    Human Avatar
    I have the same problem .
    About asking someone to do something and they never do it... My mother does this exact thing constantly and it's infuriating. She likes to get things done "eventually," which basically means they NEVER get done, and I like to get things done ASAP. I'm a very hard worker and she is the opposite. When I still lived with her I did everything. I only see her a few times a week but she still manages to drive me bonkers.
    This is why you're better off with dogs Luca. They're so cute you can't not forgive them for stealing your bedding.
    Knower of nothing
    Knower of nothing
    I got the "eventually" personality as well. I'm sorry Luca. I feel sometimes it's probably better if I just said "no I won't" and be hated rather than make others put up with a snail pace life haha.
    I might not be able to move into the new house until March or April. My lease here expires in April and they told me today that if I move out in December, I owe them $12,000. That is NOT happening, that's freaking ridiculous. So now I have to wait. I want to scream. My maturity level is admittedly not where it should be at nearing 30 years old and I'm obviously clueless about this stuff so of course this would happen
    Yeah... I'm dreading when I do move out of here and I have to pay thousands of dollars for the minimal damage my dogs have done to the place. I'm going to patch and paint all the walls before I leave though. Fortunately they will get rid of the carpet that was peed and pooped and vomited on several times by infant puppies.
    Lol, I should clarify that I have had that carpet deep-cleaned many times since then... I just realized how that probably sounded :sweatsmile:
    Renting sucks! :-( I blame the estate/real estate agents. Love to extract every penny they can and put a huge price tag on everything. When I eventually ascend to power, those are the first to be hosed down with something smelly! :smilecat:
    I made mashed sweet potatoes for dinner tonight so I could practice for Thanksgiving (which I’m hosting, in the process of closing on a house and packing.) What a pain in the ass lol
    If you really wanted a PITA, try peeling them and boiling them.

    I wdn't bother taking them out of the skins to mash them.
    I'd just bake them and serve them as is.
    But maybe they are the ludicrously huge ones, so that wdn't work.
    Lol. I don't think I've ever boiled a sweet potato. I have boiled regular potatoes, and yeah, it was a way bigger pain in the rear.
    I prefer sweet potatoes. I guess on Thanksgiving I can just make normal baked ones. I like making sweet potato fries occasionally too.
    My anxiety and depression has been such a roller coaster lately. I’m exhausted.
    Hope you get a decent night's sleep Luca. Dog V4 sends a snore.
    I haven't seen you much here. So l was worried about you. I have had a massive cleaning thing going on. Because that's the first thing that goes when l get depressed. Stay positive, people are crappy, it's not you Luca.
    I have occasional moments where I feel really calm, and it gives me false hope that my body is warding off another anxiety attack. Right now I'm nauseous and have blurred peripheral vision again. But I'm sure it will go away for a while, and then come back. Ironically I've been sleeping better lately but it's because my body is running me into the ground all day.
    I know this is tmi and gross and no one asked lol but I can’t stop laughing because that was the loudest fart I’ve ever heard in my life and it was mine.
    It’s good to not always take yourself too seriously lol
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