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  • Old video but :oops:. So many lunatics in need of hugs.

    One of my little issues with people who go out and get a puppy is sometimes they go from 'awww, he/she's so cute' to putting the poor thing into rescue because they can't cope with the canine equivalent of the 'terrible twos'. Patience and training (plus bribery if it's an EBT) gives you a well trained bed hog!
    I hate when people do that!!! I have had some extremely challenging dogs and that thought has never once crossed my mind. A dog is a lifetime commitment.
    Personally... I never get beyond the 'awww' stage. Early pic of Dog V4. A scared, confused animal that would not put the toy down nor give it up. It just takes a little work to form the bond.
    Spitting with rain right now. Forecast has changed again and from 1PM we're due a whole 0.07mm of the wet stuff.
    The 1PMish rain has gone and reappeared at 3PM. Now we're meant to get 0.18mm.
    I wish it would rain here. It Was supposed to yesterday but I am not sure it did. However, it is quite a noticeable temperature change Which is nice.
    Going away for a bit. Stepped out of line over the weekend. I need time to think plus find a punishment for breaking my own rules of etiquette.
    Decided to have a look for animated music videos on youtube. Found a playlist with 377 in it. Only liked fifteen of them!
    Yeah, they’re really hit or miss! I’m the same way with songs though, like I’ll usually go through hundreds of songs on YouTube until I find 5 to 10 that I actually like :/
    The mystery of why the heatwave ended has been solved. Mum went around watering the garden plants. It's a change from mowing the lawn, that normally summons rain.
    Decided to use a picture of my lathe as my profile banner to be a little different.
    I went all copycat and did it too ;)
    Full image for those interested. Currently fitted with a rare 125mm diameter 4 jaw self centring chuck. In the tailstock is something I find invaluable; an extension sleeve. This means I don't need to eject the sleeve every time I want to change the drill bit. This is an imperial machine with dual dials so I can switch between metric and imperial measurements.
    DSCN0878 (2).JPG
    You aren't the only one that remembers Bananaman. I remember the titles but nothing of any of the episodes. Do you remember The Trapdoor?
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Nope. I prolly did see it. Just dont remember. I remember Danger mouse, Duckula, uhh and show about Skeletons

    Remember Danger Mouse and Duckula. Skeletons... I remember it but never watched it. How about SuperGran?
    New hard drives have arrived and the laptop's drive is being cloned to the new one.
    Managed to move the users folder with an older W10 install file; the code used is incompatible with the newest version. Laptop upgrade working well, sub 40 seconds to fully loaded desktop. Not bad at all.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    SSD are great. I'd upgrade to SSD for main drive. Boot time and just overall faster processing. They're not that expensive either.
    I have SSD's in all my W10 PC's. I elected for a mechanical drive for the laptop because it doesn't need an SSD. I hardly ever use it and most of the time it's on it's just doing updates.
    Hi maycontainthunder.
    Are you receiving notifications for the games?
    For some reason, I am not, so, thought I'd inquire.
    Volvo has been taken away to be checked over to see how much welding it really needs. The verdict will be in late this afternoon. I'm anticipating it needing significantly more than the MOT failure list.
    I feel your pain. I am waiting to be left penniless with my car repair job today. That's another thing that causes me anxiety, car crapola, especially with a car that was maintained as a rental. And it's really a truck like car with very little issues.
    This car gave us twenty eight years reliable service. It's due a birthday.
    Verdict is in... about half what I thought it might cost.
    I had forgotten how much of a pain IDE was to set up. Shall stick to SATA stuff in future. These are PC HDD interfaces for those wondering.
    Easy way of getting an English Bull Terrier to move quickly: throw treats. Some may look at you disgustedly and make you fetch the treat!
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Easy way of getting a cat to move quickly; shoot it with a water gun. Warning: Some may look at you disgustedly, but from a far and safe distance.
    A similar game to the treat is a glass is played with Dog V4 (and the others) Ball under an upturned washing basket. He growls, barks and paws at up while also chasing it around the floor. Sometimes he gets it right away sometimes he doesn't. Funny to watch.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I've only ever had a pet cat. No dogs. But from what I've seen, cats are...to put it nicely....a little slow.

    I mean you can't train a cat to be a helper like those blind dogs. Or to sniff drugs. It can't be done. They are not exploitable. Useless but cute.
    Cats aren't keen on me for some reason. The advantage with a dog is they don't bring you live rodents as 'presents'!
    You guys won't believe this but I caught a RAT in the house this morning. I don't mean with a trap, physically caught it by the tail!
    If life is a computer game HOW DO I FIND THE CHEAT CODES????? Can anyone give tech support on this???? XD
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    I'm on hardmode with healthbar depleted. Okay that's being dramatic, but sometimes it feels like that.

    I do like the metaphor though. Such Nice graphics.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Cheatcodes are what land you in prison. Use at your own risk.

    Yeah I think cheatcodes are illegal.
    I don't think all cheat codes are illegal. I just need to find the one that allows me to help set others free.
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