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  • Today's project is trying to wake up the old Volvo. It's getting picked up later in the week to have the nasty rust problems dealt with.
    The options were sneezing or farting. ;)

    I'll have to do it with a stirrup pump, too much hassle getting an air line to where it is.
    So that sounds like exercise. Hopefully there's no leak...

    I'm trying to imagine how you'd get a sneeze or a fart into a tyre. Maybe with a tube? And how much pressure could you generate that way? Probably not full inflation actually. :)
    I have to get me hence now, as my donkeys are making woeful noises to remind me it's their dinner time...back later. Have fun! :)
    Sweet! Birds are awesome!
    Storm Hess
    Storm Hess
    Been there, worn that. The walk home was the worst. Nothing worse than a 5 year old pointing at you and saying, "Bird pooped on his head." and the mother trying not to laugh.
    In my case it was at the nastiest workshop clearance ever. The guy smoked extremely heavily and everything was stained brown and reeking. The pigeon poo smelt way better than that shed did!
    I got shat on by a dove when I was on my way to a bank, and it was about to close, so...
    Got a new birdfeeder that uses suckers to go on a window. Dog V4 can see it and goes nuts whenever he sees a bird.
    The weather is getting too hot! They claim thunderstorms at the weekend but they are always wrong. :( Dinner is lash up pizza because I was allergic to all the ready made ones they had in the shop.
    Hello! I've been scarce I'm afraid. Did you get thunderstorms? Here it rained most of the weekend!
    No trace of thunderstorms though it did rain a bit over the weekend.
    Happy birthday to a truly wonderful person! <3 Hope you get lots of Dog V4 hugs and extra cold noses today!!
    HaPpY BiRtHdAy to you! I echo Luca's sentiments, and I hope you've had a wonderful day! By the way; thank you for all the laughs. You have such a great sense of humor!
    Thanks guys! I run the rule of only making people cry with laughter. Without is not allowed! ;)
    I missed your birthday! Allow me to congratulate you heartily in retrospect. I hope you had a great day!
    Mum found an old squeaker and foolishly blew through it thinking it didn't work... Dog V4 is looking everywhere for it!
    @Shaddock Pet names tend to be jokes. It isn't mean at all since dog V4 cannot understand human speech to an understanding developed enough to know people are making fun of him(?).
    Sorry if anyone is offended but I like a layer of privacy relating to real identities. This is why I haven't posted a picture of myself.
    @maycontainthunder this was one of my thoughts, that your dogs have real names but you just name them dog V4 for example, in the forum.
    At dinner there was a program on weasels. The squeaking noise they made drove Dog V4 nuts! He knew they were on TV and not outside though.
    Omg that really made me emotional. Thank you for sharing that!
    No problem. It was just so positive I had to share it on here.
    That was lovely! :)

    Our dog was a rescue as well - someone had taken her for a drive and dumped her in a forest when she was 9 months old. Thankfully the ranger found her, and the rest is history.

    Here's a story from six months after we first adopted her:

    Dog V4 foolishly went up the garden in the rain. All I can smell right now it is wet dog!
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    wet rain = good.

    (I'm gonna go ahead and assume...not being a dog owner or all that familiar with dogs..)

    wet dog = bad.
    Wet dog is the one smell they make that's worse than their breath or farts.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Yeah I know dogs have body odour reputations. Probably one of the major reasons I never owned one. I'm a 100% cat person. Though wet pussycat has its own distinct aroma. Ya know when they come in from the rain and their all soaking wet. Drenched. They look a right state. crying ! "like what the hell was that, you forsake me! you didn't let me in , before the clouds broke open.!"
    Hello MCT! Are you having a good weekend?
    I ALWAYS need Massively Cheesy Toast.

    @Slim Jim, when I lived in Sydney I used to drive past this dentist's surgery and wanted to join up there just so I could say, "My dentist's name is Dr Fang!" :)

    ...and there's a surgeon in Perth called Dr Gilette. Plus, I had a lecturer who specialised in fish whose name was Howard Gill.
    Slim Jim
    Slim Jim
    Reminds me of; Penn Jillette...(both a pen and a razor??) I found his show where he exposed charlatans, hilarious. ( Ya know , his friend, teller, assistant magician, mute? or shtick? that's just a gimmick right. )

    Funny names, they are everywhere. Many NSFW.

    "Dr Fang...will now see you....don't worry there wont be any blood. He's a professional." ... Sounds like horror movie character. :)
    For everyone's information, we had Massively Cheesy Toast at 4am. We hasten to assure people that this is not a common time for us to be having Massively Cheesy Toast.
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