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  • NT's are going insane after 6 WEEKS inside. Many auties spend YEARS in isolation. Now I know why they fear us so much.
    This is my normal. I just don't feel guilty about it anymore. I have been very relaxed lately.
    The Metallica song One has been playing in my mind all day. We are all the guy on life support, stuck between life and death, without hope.
    I prefer turn the page by them. As for hope. Try testament for the glory of.
    I think I will survive the plague. It's the aftereffect where we all starve that's scary.
    Heck, the face mask and hand sanitizer stuff is no sweat compared to life in a couple years.
    Resigned to dying soon, either from covid or from starvation after the food runs out. I was so close to my new life too. Now I am dead.
    The US is only a couple weeks behind Italy re covid. Within a couple months there will be riots over food and economic failure. And then the second wave will comes and kill tens of millions.
    I was laying plans to survive just such a scenario, but wasn't ready in time. People in the cities are trapped under cordons. Rural areas like Siskiyou County have cordoned themselves off and forbade outsiders from entering.
    So, I can't go back to my land nor do anything else with it before I die. Well, the blackness is calling and I must go.
    In 2080, the archeologists exploring the ruins of Los Angeles will all be thinking the same thing:
    "What in the name of God made humans think they could put a city of 25 million in the middle of a desert?"
    Could it be it's the end of the world? All the things that we cherish and love? Nothing left but to face this all on my own -Iron Maiden
    is wondering if he should even bother with treatment if I get covid19, or just crawl into bed and die, with a sign on the door...
    to notify the body collectors that there is a coronavirus body inside for cremation.
    The hospitals will be full anyway, and be death zones.
    Some scientists are saying that this is the Big One.
    Last day at work- my boss wanted me to train replacement- l never had training- just figured it out. But my workplace like me
    I get to work very part-time there! Yay
    The move has been put off until April 2021 at the earliest. I simply couldn't get the math to work otherwise. :(
    Sorry. Moving in 18 days and l will be super poor for 4 months. Going to read a lot! Lol Live off of rice crackers and vegan products.
    My car broke down after I hit a glass bottle this morning and I will have to pay to fix it. I hope I can still meet my Oct target...
    ...to move to Jefferson. I would hate to have to put it off until 2021.
    There's a wifi LAN in my neighborhood called "Undercover Hamster". LOL
    lol!!! "Undercover Hamster" creates an amusing visual. It reminds of a meme that says " Want to freak out you neighbours? Name your wifi "FBI Surveillance Van"
    @UberScout, moving to another country is really difficult nowadays. Maybe an Asian community in the US?
    K-town in LA. Korean restaraunts were the bomb there. Zillion apartment buildings.
    Sacramento has a rather large Japanese community, and it's cheaper than LA. There are even a couple bookstores that specialize in anime graphic novels from Japan, and the big Goodwill "superstore"/dumping ground on Florin Road always seems to have a lot of anime. Lots of big Asian grocery stores.
    Problem is, Little Saigon and New Chinatown are located in areas built right after WW2, so no apartment buildings. A number of houses are rented by the room, or you can rent a former garage or a former "ground level" family room ("split level" homes were popular for a while).
    Fell and cracked a rib yesterday morning. Hoping 2020 is not an annus horribilis for me.
    Awww! :s Get well soon! Wish you a good annus.
    Ouch, hope u repair quickly.
    Oh no! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Only a few more days until January 3 and the world to return to normal. Can't wait.
    nobody seems to ask me out to parties and stuff if that's what you mean
    @Wolf Prince, you mean me? Personally, I have pretty much no family left except for my mom. Today we will cook a beef roast and cheap stuffing and eat that. I'm talking about society in general, all the people packing the stores to buy stuff for their celebrations.
    Can't shop anywhere in peace, can't buy stuff online cause it might get lost in shipping what with all the deliveries. Today there will be a mighty shriek across America as dinner tables fill with "debate" over God Emperor Donald I. So glad I won't have to endure it.
    All the gold in California is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills in somebody else's name -The Oak Ridge Boys
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