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  • I turn 45 today. My life is over half over, and I feel like a failure. Mom says I'm a survivor, but to me that's not enough.
    I should be successful, but because of ASD and mental illness I'm not. Just a useless eater on SSI.
    Some of us have the role of being survivors, just take it and find happiness somehow.
    Try to find the successes in your life that already exist. Not society's trumpeted ones. Few people have those.
    Only when the last tree is cut, the last fish caught, the last stream polluted, will you learn money can't be eaten. -Chief Seattle
    Paraphrased for brevity.
    Still funny to me that money comes from trees. We pay for things with rocks or paper.
    "...a season of suicide, divorce, and prickly dread." -Joan Didion on California's dry offshore desert winds
    60 mph wind gusts here-in the valley!-tonight and tomorrow. Most of the state north of the Grapevine without power, either deliberately or due to wind.
    Massive deliberate power shutoffs to prevent fires. People warned not to travel. As prepared as I can be. Can't wait to go off grid in Jefferson late next year.
    Can't imagine, the air quality really suffers
    There is only one way to avoid criticism:Say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing. -Theodore Roosevelt (attributed)
    Of course, in 1900 there was no internet full of "trolls" ready to shred your life over a misunderstood comment.
    Teddy was a voracious reader by all accounts, and regularly quoted from books he'd read. The word "muckraker" was taken from Pilgrim's Progress, for example. That's why I put "attributed".
    Got a weird ad on this page: The Cyanide and Happiness Show, Season 4, on something called "VRV"???? Google's algorithms can do weird stuff.
    Don't let history repeat itself/That's how the Devil plans to keep his wealth and feed himself -Beatnuts (rap group)
    You've got to watch them/Be quick or be dead/Snake eyes in heaven/The beast in your head -Iron Maiden
    The shortest straw has been pulled for you! -Metallica
    I am loving classic Metallica right now. The songs are more true now than 30 years ago.
    Exit light/Enter night/Take my hand/We're off to never never land -Metallica
    #massshootingsforeverybody :(
    Hot town, summer in the city/...All around people looking half dead/Walking round the sidewalk hotter than a matchhead...
    Wrecked my car. :(
    Oh no. Sorry to hear that. Are you okay?
    Yeah, I was picking up the mail and there was a couple guys in a pickup truck that pulled behind me. I waited to back up to get in the driveway until the truck passed, but they were towing a flatbed trailer. cont
    I hit the trailer that I didn't see with the left rear of my car and ripped off part of the bumper. I managed to find a body shop that would simply slap on a new bumper, so I don't have to file an insurance claim.
    New blog of mine about the death of modern civilization: eltiempodellobo90195354.wordpress.com
    The problem with the rat race is, even if you win you're still a rat. -Lily Tomlin
    Happy b-day Martin Luther King Jr.! "I promise you, we as a people will get to the Promised Land!"
    Here comes the rain again/Falling on my head like a tragedy/Falling on my head like a new emotion -Eurythmics
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