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  • It's freaking BONKERS out there, all the NTs getting the xmas feast and the last minute gifts. Hiding in bed for rest of today.
    you should hide in bed till the middle of January insanity rules until then
    Well, maybe not THAT long, but everything seems to calm down by a few days after xmas when everybody has returned or donated the junk they got. After new year's the world returns to sanity.
    Today has been the best day ever in MS. The streets are dead, and the stores are mostly closed. Even the few that were open were almost dead.
    Even the grocery stores are packed. Hiding inside and trying to subsist on gas station food for now.
    19th is the final day for guaranteed package delivery by xmas. Lines out the door at post offices and electronics stores.
    Happy B-day Jimi! "Acting funny but I don't know why/Scuse me while I kiss the sky." Oh, and to me too. ;D
    The serpent is crawling inside of your ear / He says you must vote for what you want to hear ...
    ... Don't matter what's wrong as long as you're alright / Fool yourself stupid! Rob yourself blind! -Iron Maiden, "Be Quick Or Be Dead" (1992)
    Bought a 2016 Hyundai Accent from Hertz for $9700. Mom had to use her credit score cause mine sux. I pay the loan-$153/mo.
    "Everything on CL is junk. You realize that now?"
    The Mini is a piece of junk, only good for scrap. Mom is out $1800 and VERY angry. :(
    Bought a 2006 Mini w/ 143k miles for $1800. My mom almost refused to drive me to get it. She hates every decision I make. :(
    That's a damn good deal, all things being equal. She should've been happy for you.
    Paid $1350, only to learn that my car transmission IS bad! I have until 10/7 to find another car. My mom has no car either.
    That's rough man. I'm sorry about your misfortune
    My car needs a solenoid in the transmission. $600 + labor. Far cheaper than a new car.
    My mom thinks my car just needs a couple sensors replaced. Will take it to another place Tue.
    Oxygen sensor goes bad, car computer says transmission torque converter is bad. Uh, what?
    Have to get my car smog checked today (California). Check engine light keeps coming on. Won't pass if light is on. Wish me luck.
    Good luck!
    Pappy Boyington
    Pappy Boyington
    When are you going to move out of the People's Republic of Kalifornia? and where do you intend to move to??
    Loners of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but...uh...um...peace and quiet! Uh, yeah!
    Isn't that a little like ANARCHISTS UNITE!? (I wonder who's in charge of THAT movement...)
    I kept an open mind, but my brain fell out and was made into roadkill. Now I'm just empty in the head. :(
    The sun was actually RED here this evening from the smoke. Jebus, is the world ending? At this rate=no forests=no oxygen=we're screwed.
    Luke 21 verse 25 chapter and verse about natural disasters
    Here you can't even see the horizon, let alone the skyline and all the mountains that surround Reno. Just too much smoke. Made even nastier with triple digit temperatures.

    Sadly this happens more often than not each summer. At least the smoke and haze is supposed to lessen in the coming days.
    Ghastly pallor of smoke over my city from the wildfires, the sunlight is a deathly gray, smells too.
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