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  • Oof... I need a break.
    From what?
    Just everything my friends are always coming and going and coming and going again and there's this one girl staying with us my mother has had to scold twice now about me and my sister then just me being out of balance it's just been a crapfest. Bout to eat this other gummy i saved lol
    I like to think of some parts of life as one of those newer adventure games that Telltale Games have been making; there's parts where you need to carefully think about what you want to say to someone, or whether to say nothing at all (dialogue scenes?) and times where you have to think on your feet and be quick about it (like the "quick-time" button minigames for some scenes).
    It's like this: A TWD game usually starts with a conversation and then three things to choose to say and a fourth '...' option, and then there's the "action" parts where you have to mash buttons/play the "chase the hotspot with the mouse" minigames etc....
    ...but the thing about this is, when you get your *mind's eye* to *open* all the way and you train it, you'll start seeing all these little prompts, PHYSICALLY, in front of you in your mind's eye. When it starts happening, remember the most important thing; it's a gift, NOT a curse.
    So annoyed tonight, having to wait way too long on too many things that don't take a long time to do. Waiting on spaghetti for dinner, I've gone downstairs six times now and I'm STILL seeing an unopened box of angel hair and vegetables. Lighter stopped working and I found a huge chunk of resin, it was two hours before I got another lighter. I think I need a minute with Aloe!!!
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    Why are you waiting for spaghetti, just throw it in a pot and boil it, it takes 10 minutes.
    I can't cook.
    Eh, it's 4:37 Am and I'm getting high with bros, i got Savage worlds Walking Dead rp happening in my room, dice and all, i just said to myself " I ain't doin nothing else anyway" and just took my adderall. I used to take it around this time going to school anyway, so I say it checks out.
    I've binged the entirety of American Dad on Hulu, and I've caught onto something with the show ever since the new episodes; the show is starting to focus more on Roger. Roger is starting to become the main focus of newer episodes; as the seasons go on more attention and episodes' stories are giving him more attention. It's causing me to develop a theory about Roger; TV show theories are a specialty hobby of mine...
    Tabletop roleplaying has always been a huge thing that's been growing on me, but ever since I wrote a Walking Dead setting for it and a character to match, I've never gotten so serious about it!
    Atrapa Almas
    Atrapa Almas
    I loved those games. From D&D to Lord of the Rings to Star Wars... Those were great times.
    And guess who shows up by PURE RANDOM while my character is out scavenging, only to be saved by Rick Grimes? NEEGAN! Neegan, of all people! ii had made an NPC character sheet for him before, and i didn't have any others so I just dropped him in.
    Latest from Savage Worlds TWD campaign: My character Collin found a payload of supplies in the Inner Cabin (read: this campaign is taking place in the downtown riverwalk area of my own hometown and all the survivors there made the camp outside the main infrastructure of downtown because that's where all the walkers are), and Maddog made a character to join the Riverwalk Renegade.
    Now picturing my life as a Walking Dead game by Telltale Games because I'm bored and also high. WHY DID LOOOOOOOOVE PUT A GUN IN MY HAAAAAAAAAND
    Roleplaying in a "Walking Dead" zombie apocalypse setting in Savage Worlds Dead End is proving to be very therapeautic.
    Used Savage Worlds roleplaying system with Dead End module which adds zombies and zombie rules, and created a roleplay for "The Walking Dead: Riverwalk Reprieve", a Savage Worlds TWD-fanfic based roleplay series by me, with original characters made by me and Maddog.
    Gonna try something with a zombie apocalypse character with a Savage Worlds setting to match: essentially The Walking Dead customized for my hometown.
    Been focusing on writing the structure of my novel's setting in a spare notebook O I found with a nice casino pen my mother gave me. Good for calligraphy practice while I wait to build my own novel writing kit today at dollar tree with my own choice of Calligraphy pen, and some form of writing canvas like a blank hardcover book or something similar
    Oooooooh, i get to try buying an old word processor todau#m#!##
    Is "todau#m#!##" meant to be illustrative of something?
    No its my stupid phone keyboard and the screen is finicky
    Found an old electronic word processor in great condition for a VERY nice price, mother might let me shoot for it tomorrow! Only one left in this immediate search term from eBay at a price like this, so I got this one shot to snag one at this price! Thought it's time to upgrade my writing setup.
    What model?
    Brother Ax...ugh, axcom? I think is the name the one i found?
    Instead of getting another smartphone to replace this one, I might just get one of those newer flip-phones I've been seeing in WalMart and Dollar General, I've noticed most of them are always cheaper and priced lower than everything else. Sure, I could always settle for a $35-$45 cheap smartphone with unlimited data each month, but those are pretty expensive to have break if I drop it on concrete.
    Tanner Guile continues the investigation, and meanwhile somewhere else in New York City circa 1933, a man wakes up in a closed bar with no memory of who he is, where he is or what he was doing...
    Honey glazed cashews!!! SOOO GOOD!!
    Gerald Wilgus
    Gerald Wilgus
    Honey . . . Cashews. Almost as good as COSTCO's Praline Pecans.homer_simpson_drool_sticker__79344.jpg
    allergic to cashews myself.. had some when I was 12 and my throat hurt like heck afterwards
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