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  • Damn what an awesome day this is starting out as! Medical grade wake n bake, Mom came back with some Delta 8 AND burger king, damn! Did I trip on a rabbits foot or something?! ^-^
    Tripping on a rabbit's foot makes me think of when Bobby Hill was prescribed
    ADD med, and he asked Hank whether he was supposed to pop it or snort it.

    If this seems unrelated, consider the multiple meanings of the word "trip."
    Very well played. Now, I have just one question...

    How long have I been spinning this pen?
    Oh cool! Maddog and my buddy Stick let me smoke with them. Medical grade this time! Oh, I feel like Aloe's swimming circles around me...
    Been doing a loooot of writing exercises and some of my own writing prompts. Too long to manually type out here, so I'll just snap pics later and post them. Look forward to it!
    Great to hear you are developing some passions here.
    I just got to thinking how many times I got a "serious" video game project started and I would add a few things to it but it would stay vaporware for years at a time. I just decided, if I'm gonna keep stopping game project I may as well make peace with the fact that maybe I'm not meant to be a game developer; my creativity really starts flowing when I write something, so why not start seeing what I can do with a pen?
    You are in a self-discovery stage which may last all your life. It's a bit of work trying to discover what we like to do.
    Listening to some ASMR of -- you guessed it -- 30s noir detective office. It's strangely relaxing. Closely hugging this bundle of blankets I have with my weighted blanket over me might also be a contributing factor while I'm imagining a new part of the Oasis that seems to replicate everything abou--*thud, snoring*
    After many years, I have finally discovered what my TRUE talent is! I am not on this Earth to create video games... I am here to be a writer! I realize now! I can never create a full length indie game because i'm only meant to be good at PLAYING them, not making them, but that's okay! I'm not saddened by that at all, and I DO feel like I'm better at writing! It just feels so....WRITE! Hehe...
    You could start with writing the script for a video game. Or even better - write the story and then try to convert it into a video game.
    I'm writing a series of related stories, novels... But I also have some episodes in between that are scripted (like for TV) and if I were any good at drawing believe me I would do storyboards as well.
    Don't restrict yourself to a medium, experiment and have fun, and you will learn a lot before your story is finished.
    No video games here, i'm goin for a self-published book.
    New Tabletop Roleplay character: Tanner Guile, 1930s Private Eye concept, Savage Worlds
    It's more secure during *certain* days, and it saves time not having to include a decryption key.
    Do you use this in order to communicate with other people?
    Or mostly to hide things from other people?
    Actually both, when either case becomes necessary to do so for such a reason. Mostly it's to hide things from Maddog when he's in a manic phase, where his suspicions are at their highest. Strangely enough, he seems to only be able to decrypt them on sight(!) when he's not manic, and during being manic the only thing he'd recognize about it is which cipher I'm using, not what it's hiding....
    Horrible energy for two weeks straight... Been awake this whole time... I...
    Which whole time?
    The UberScout you are all rooting for? He's a GOLDEN BOY NOW!! Do your worst, Maddog's crazy side, I got two packs of bubblegum and a whole can of whOOOOAAAh, whoa Nelly! Forgot I had my foot on the gas there... Hehe...
    Whoa- hey sounds good.
    Oop, hang on, restroom. (sound of bathroom door, painfully shouted profanities, a sudden gasp of bewildered shock, followed by a blinding bluish-green light pouring into view through spaces underneath and incessant screaming so loud it somehow reverberates through asphalt into connected mechanisms underneath)
    Guys... Don't freak out, everything's okay, I'm fine. But, today was a very critically challenging day, not for me this time but for Maddog believe it or not. He had to come down from a state of mind so mortally terrible in description that I'm not even going to say what happened here. But, there was a bright side tonight while I was working through the panic... I had my Kundalini Awakening tonight!!
    Alright. You know it gets weird with him.
    No, see, "weird" would mean he played Earthbound on my SNES emulator for the first time ever and reacted to no more than *two* things normally: a turn-based encounter with a ruler-wielding hippie and carrying around a dozen ketchup packets in his inventory.
    I am okay everyone I am alive. Do not pay attention to my last status, I just discovered that a disc kn my vertebrae is pushing on a nerve. The pain is lile nothing I've ever known, I wouldn't wish this on even Maddog.
    I don't know if you're aware of the effect your remarks sometimes make on other people.
    Get well soon. And go to a chiropractor- they work miracles. There's this hug thing they do where they lift you up and your spine goes "POP!" It's a wonderful feeling to have a healthy spine.
    Please still be among the living.
    I second this. I hope you’re still here.
    Its sad how we all know how he is being abused by that maddog guy but can't do anything about it.
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