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  • My mind become clearer with each passing day. The poison that takes hold, fading away. Negativity. What of it? It's a war I intend to win. Battle after battle of wins and loses. It all adds up in the end.
    I feel like with each passing day, I am understanding more of myself. It's only getting me to see that falling back has no place in me. I am stronger than I've allowed myself to be.

    Anytime I feel off, it hurts. Because I know my mind is trying to convince me to be unhappy for reasons that no longer apply.

    This is how I am feeling about alot now. I no longer like the negative habits of my life, and I am determined to break them, no matter what it takes.

    Though the song itself is something I'd reccomend to anyone who feels like thier life is out of thier own hands. Depressed, stressed, suicidal.

    You know. It's eerie how much this song matches everything that mentally happened to me. I'm starting to really think that I have been subconsciously telling myself something, through my music selections, for a long time.
    I've read it here plenty of times. I've been told this plenty of times by my Uncle. I have to let go.

    I need to disconnect thought and emotion away from my past and my so called 'parents', fully. I only feed the nightmare before me, by lingering.
    The only way I've been able to move on from stuff is to find something new to fill the void.
    That's going to be hard. But so has everything up to this point. I will need to put some kind of conserted effort into hobbies or something.

    Though stopping my self-sabotage with trying to, needs to be fixed first.

    This never fails to make me laugh.

    God. It's been awhile since I watched Futurama.
    My day has been pretty good so far. Started walking again recently, and did it today early after I woke up. Helped my Uncle put some soup together, did a bit of yard clean up, and went to the post office.

    No serious problems, so far. Not feeling negative in the slightest.
    Happiness is a hard thing to come by for me. But I have found that there is nothing to hate myself for either. Once I strip away all my immature justifications to try and hate myself, it seems nothing is close to as horrible as I've made it.

    I have nothing stopping me but me, at this point. Now what am I going to do about that?
    I grow increasing frustrated with my issues. Namely because I am now far more aware of how much I allow my trauma to impair my capability to live. Yet I continue like nothing will change and I KNOW I'm doing it.

    Now I am left asking questions that I NEED to answer for the good of my health and sanity.
    You cut out caffeine, I can't even do that lol. Don't underestimate yourself. You have no debt, no (drug) addictions, etc. That puts you ahead a lot of people. The only feedback I'd have is that you balance out what you want for the future with dealing with your past trauma. I feel like I'm getting to know the past Xinyta, but I want to know the future Xinyta too.
    I'm 35 years old. 35. Yet I allow a worthless humanbeing of a stepmother and absentee father rule how I live my life. Not even them in person doing it. Thier presence is in my head. My own psychosis. I wait for parents who will NEVER change, and expect answers from them. Ones they will not give.
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