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  • Users: Neia
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  1. Neia

    What in the Where

    Xeranthemum in the x-ray machine.
  2. Neia

    Answer a QUESTION with a QUESTION

    Was it written in french before being translated?
  3. Neia

    One plus Two = Something New

    Will wouldn't walk west.
  4. Neia

    Old-fashioned Advertisements

    Not that old but hilarious.
  5. Neia

    Any of you not able to make friends? I know I very rarely make friends.

    For me, the funniest of facts is that I never tried to make friends. I'd be the kid sitting alone in the corner of a room full of other kids, and one or two others always ended up deciding to come and talk with me. Then, after a bit of forced chit-chat, they'd decide we'd be friends. Even as an...
  6. Neia

    Post something Weird or Random

  7. Neia

    One plus Two = Something New

    Answer the question.
  8. Neia


    Language is to be watched over in polite company.
  9. Neia


    Pronouns are essential in proper grammar.
  10. Neia

    Proof I was a weird 5 year old

    On tv 🤷‍♀️ Watched that guy singing it and fell in love with the poem and the song interpretation. It spoke to me. I got it.
  11. Neia


    Nightmares like to chase us.
  12. Neia


    Lunch is tomorrow now.
  13. Neia

    Answer a QUESTION with a QUESTION

    Wouldn't everyone, that's not a whale, have an accent when singing in Whaleish, even transparent turnips?
  14. Neia

    Proof I was a weird 5 year old

    My favourite poem when I was 5, adapted into my favourite song when I was 5. I'm still very partial to it. Philosopher's Stone (by António Gedeão) They don't know that dreams, Are a constant of life As concrete and well-defined, As any other thing Like this grey rock, Upon which I sit and...
  15. Neia

    Word Association Game

  16. Neia


    Wonder where this is going?
  17. Neia

    Word Association Game

  18. Neia

    Answer a QUESTION with a QUESTION

    Would whales be able to understand your accent though?
  19. Neia

    Answer a QUESTION with a QUESTION

    Could you possibly sound better underwater?
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