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  • Users: Neia
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  1. Neia

    A-Z Adjectives

  2. Neia

    Questions about Christian view of animal suffering

    The earth is in the state it is because of the curse brought down by sin. Everything, from animal and human disease, natural catastrophes and death, all of those things are the consequence of sin. We have indeed been ordered to look after creation, and beg God for mercy. The fact that things...
  3. Neia

    Monotone speech and awkward body movements.

    I was always, since early childhood, told that I shout too much when speaking. I started trying to control that, but it still happens too many times. I lose control over it if I'm excited or upset about something. Even my very polite friend has had to ask me not to shout, just recently, while we...
  4. Neia


    Once she thought turtles sometimes teach algebra or geometry.
  5. Neia

    Answer a QUESTION with a QUESTION

    Wasn't that the hairy cousin?
  6. Neia

    Keep a word; replace a word.

    Trying out
  7. Neia

    One plus Two = Something New

    Man is a resilient kind.
  8. Neia

    What in the Where

    Lessons in the library.
  9. Neia


    Water, water, everywhere, how are you supposed to get dry?
  10. Neia


    Unsteady ground can also be quicksand
  11. Neia


  12. Neia

    Answer a QUESTION with a QUESTION

    Did he say he was ?
  13. Neia


    Once she forgot she'd always detested surfing and swimming.
  14. Neia

    Last 3 Letters into 3 New Words

    Seeing glistening rocks
  15. Neia


  16. Neia

    What in the Where

    Grits in the Granary
  17. Neia


    Teeth and candy go together like alligators and boots.
  18. Neia

    One plus Two = Something New

    Promptly address that.
  19. Neia


    Then she forgot she'd ever detested surfing and singing.
  20. Neia

    Keep a word; replace a word.

    Keep out
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