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  • Users: Neia
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  1. Neia

    What in the Where

    Owl in the Opera
  2. Neia


  3. Neia

    Word Association Game

  4. Neia

    One plus Two = Something New

    Roaming costs money
  5. Neia

    What in the Where

    Meters in the Miles
  6. Neia

    The Post a Photo of Yourself Thread

    Little 8 year old me.
  7. Neia

    Unprofessional approach to known side effects.

    Yeah... It's no fun when you want to ask for help and get the "Well... if Dr so and so did that it's because he thought it was best." 🤦🏻‍♀️
  8. Neia

    Unprofessional approach to known side effects.

    When I was little, I was given this "amazing" new treatment fir asthma. It destroyed my muscles. I couldn't walk, just walk, for more than a few minutes before feeling exhausted and starting to have leg cramps. I had to be carried everywhere because I just couldn't walk. It also affected my...
  9. Neia

    Word Association Game

  10. Neia


  11. Neia

    One plus Two = Something New

    Chickens lay eggs
  12. Neia

    What in the Where

    Knowledge in the Knolls 😅
  13. Neia


  14. Neia

    One plus Two = Something New

    Fries with eggs
  15. Neia

    What in the Where

    Intrigued in the intersection
  16. Neia

    On the subject of meltdowns.

    I've had my worst meltdowns after my 45th birthday... I got really down with depression. Couldn't eat, couldn't drink, all I wanted to do was walk. Fortunately my dog loved long walks. 😅 Anyway. That's when I had my very first, full blown, screaming, raging, crying meltdown since I was a...
  17. Neia

    What in the Where

    Guests in the Grove
  18. Neia

    What in the Where

    Enchantment in the Elevator
  19. Neia


  20. Neia

    One plus Two = Something New

    Fish and Chips (this is making me hungry)
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