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  1. O

    Question about Intellectual Developmental Disorder

    What is the difference between Intellectual Developmental Disorder and Specific Learning Disorder? Both of those neurodevelopmental disorders include difficulties with learning.
  2. S

    Bullying at School/Work

    In high school (secondary school), I was bullied. Please reply to this thread. 1. Have you ever been bullied at school or work? 2. Why did you get bullied? 3. How did you get bullied?
  3. S

    Masking/Passing as NT

    When I try to pass as NT in public or in social situations, it is very exhausting and tiring. Please reply to this thread. 1. Have you ever tried to mask your autism or pass as NT in public or in social situations? 2. Why did you try to pass as NT? 3. What was your experience like, and was it...
  4. S

    Infodump about your Special Interests!

    Please reply to this thread. 1. What are your current special interests? 2. If you have a special interest, infodump about it! I love reading about your special interests!
  5. S

    Special Interests that find us

    Please reply to this thread. I want to know why our special interests find us. 1. What are your current special interests? 2. Do you like having special interests? 3. Why do our special interests 'find us'? 4. Why can’t we autistics choose our special interests? 5. Why do we autistics...
  6. S

    Peer Pressure at School/Work

    In 7th grade (Year 8), I was peer pressured by 2 students to run away from class. In high school (secondary school), I did not experience peer pressure. Have you ever experienced peer pressure at school or work?
  7. S

    Special Interests and Infodumping

    Please reply to this thread. 1. What are your current special interests? 2. Do you infodump about your special interests to NTs or other autistics? 3. Why do we autistics want to know everything about our special interests and become experts on it? 4. Do you like infodumping about your...
  8. Leo Zed

    Emotional Sensitivity in ASDs

    Since I am relatively new to understanding ASDs, I am wondering if it is normal for those of us who have Asperger’s to be (extremely) emotionally sensitive, especially when “negative” remarks (not necessarily criticism) are being made to us. I have been battling severe depression for a few...
  9. S

    Bullying at School/Work

    In high school (secondary school), I was physically bullied. Please reply to this thread. 1. Have you ever been bullied at school or work? 2. Why do bullies target us autistics? 3. Why are we autistics often bullied at school and at work?
  10. S

    Making Friends

    I have no friends. I am 17 years old. When I interact with the autistic community, I feel welcomed, accepted, and appreciated. It seems that with time, I can make friends in the autistic community, but I cannot make any NT friends. In the past, I have tried to make friends, but I struggle. I do...
  11. S

    Masking/Passing as Neurotypical/NT

    When I try to pass as NT in social situations, it is very exhausting and tiring. Please reply to this thread. I have some questions: 1. Why is it so hard for us autistics to learn NT social skills? 2. Why is it exhausting and tiring for us autistics to try to pass as NT in social situations...
  12. S

    Managing Special Interests

    I need help managing special interests. Please reply to this thread. I was diagnosed with high-functioning Autism (HFA) at age 3. As a result of the intense special interests, I cannot make any NT (neurotypical) friends as they all think I am 'weird' and that I have 'unusual' or 'odd'...
  13. S

    Autistic Special Interests

    I have some questions on autistic special interests (SpIns). I was diagnosed with high-functioning Autism (HFA) at age 3. I had many special interests throughout my childhood and adolescence. Currently, my special interests are time zones, electric plugs and voltages, electronics, and...
  14. J

    My Introduction c:

    So, my name is Scott and I am a 25 year old male, I was diagnosed with ASD (High Functioning) at 3. Along with it I have co morbid ADHD, along with bipolar depression I went through 15 years of speech therapy in numerous school systems (I moved yearly) and have come a long ways in terms of...
  15. An0maly_1976

    The stupid... It BURNS....

    So I just had the most exasperating conversation with (I feel) likely one of the most ignorant people on the planet in regard to ASD. Short version (if I can)... Movie clip showing Denzel Washington's character having one of those occasionally necessary talks most parents shouldn't usually have...
  16. An0maly_1976

    New Normal?

    Hi! So glad to find this site, hoping to find others I can identify with that can help me make some sense of myself. After stumbling across mention of Asperger's, I took an online RAADS test that placed me at or 2-3 times ASD thresholds. I strongly suspect I am an Aspie (self-diagnosed)...
  17. Wheelered

    Hello! Desperately Seeking Advice...

    Hi everyone! I'm going to try to be as thorough as I can (and as brief as I can). It would mean a whole lot to me to hear your feedback. I'm going to just lay it all out here... I have always felt different. Sometimes I have felt special and sometimes I have felt inferior. Sometimes I have...
  18. h.hartzzx177

    Hello! I am new to this platform.

    My name is Blaise and I am new to autism forums. I have diagnosed adhd and I'm awaiting diagnosis for asd. I like rocks, pinecones, psychology, and art. I hope everyone is doing well
  19. jleeb05

    I don't know whether I want to hug or strangle my childhood self

    I've kept a journal since I was about 11 or 12. I hadn't read through the older ones in years but was prompted to do so today after I realized my Mom and I had different memories relating to a certain event in my childhood. Turns out I was mostly right regarding the memory but reading through...
  20. D

    Is Autism a Disability? Or a Gift?

    "Autism is a gift or a good thing !" No not for me its horrible especially with the overwhelmingly Brutal comorbidities Only a tiny percent of people with autism are "Savants" and there's more "Savants" ang geniuses Without autism by far. the majority are low functioning only a tiny handful are...
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