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  1. Eric Greenland

    NT -vs- ASD thoughts

    NT -vs- ASD thoughts: I have come to think of NT logical thought as a circle. A 2D shape. Any logical point of view from a NT mind can be placed on this 2D circle for any given problem/topic with the center being a perfectly balanced point of view. This 2D shape is locked in place tho. The...
  2. N

    The Autism Enigma

    This blog is about my 11 year old child who has an official ASD diagnosis. I don't completely understand this disease. I want to hear from others with similar ASD characteristics. A history: My sweet baby was born to an alcoholic father and a dysfunctional mother (me.) As my husband was...
  3. Joshua the Writer

    Autism IS a Disability

    I don't like the sayings, "autism is a superpower" or "autism isn't a disability it is a different ability." I feel like this invalidates people who aren't quite comfortable with being Autistic or Autistic people who feel as though their ASD has more negative than positive impacts or those who...
  4. zozie

    It's official: Me and my kids are diagnosed autistic

    Just got back from that award-winning doctor, who actually saw both my older and younger kid, and me, and he and his team diagnosed us all. The whole thing took four hours, including the ADOS-2, and we felt seen as people. They offered some great resources. So now it's official. I can get the...
  5. P

    Dissertation research – The Effect of Friendship Quality on Mental Health in Children Diagnosed with

    Hi everyone! For my dissertation, I am conducting surveys about the effect of friendship quality on mental health in children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. If you have a child age 4-13 with a diagnosis of Autism, I invite you to complete my survey, which will take only 20 minutes...
  6. zozie

    Finally Saw A Decent Doc - ASD Assessment Update

    Well, nearly 2 months after my first, rather wretched assessment process, I finally saw a young PsyD student (nearly done) with extensive experience interning at a private clinic assessing autistic kids and adults. The clinic in question just won an award for their research on autism diagnoses...
  7. L

    Hello, newly diagnosed and struggling a bit....

    Hello, This is my first time reaching out to an online support group for anything at all. But, my therapist suggested that searching for a community to connect with (even one online) might help with the struggles I've been recently experiencing. I am 35 years old, and only recently diagnosed...
  8. OnyxM

    Is the 'bubble' finally bursting?

    I'm not diagnosed yet but I suspect I have either ASD or ADD or both. I relate to both in many ways. Anyway. Nobody knows or suspects anything although many people around me think I'm weird/naive/cloudheaded, etc..but nobody knows why. I grew up as a good and 'smart' child. Everyone around...
  9. OnyxM


    Hi everyone :) Nice to meet you all here. I decided to register here because I suspect I either have ASD or ADD or both and I'm not sure yet so I'm on the research spree for the moment. Can't afford a diagnosis for now so self diagnosis is my only option. I'm hoping that by reading these forums...
  10. O

    Possible treatment for ASD and ADHD.

    Hi people, I'm also an Aspie and have discovered a simple trick which calms me down 24/7 and allows my mind to have a single focus, rather than the conflicting, stressful state I was born with. I've not discussed this trick before, and continue to experiment. The trick is to simply block one...
  11. M

    Is autism the same as social anxiety disorder?

    When toddlers suffer from symptoms of social anxiety, doctors look for restricted and repetitive behaviors to differentiate between ASD and social anxiety disorder (SAD). However, restricted and repetitive behaviors also occur in people with autistic traits who aren't autistic. That means...
  12. BrokenBoy

    Is it possible that my ASD has something to do with this?

    My favorite video game genre is turn based role playing games. I don't care if it's a WRPG or a JRPG I just love RPG's that are turn based in general. I'm playing Dragon Quest 1 for the NES right now and its really fun. But it appears that 99.99% of the human population seems to hate turn based...
  13. simetra

    Trust issues due to being socially oblivious

    In school, my classmates used to call me naive. I believed everything people told me because I did not even consider the possibility they might be lying to me. I did not see any reason they would. Turns out, people tend to lie, or at least not tell the whole truth, a little more often than I...
  14. C

    Diagnosed with ASD at 27...

    ...But I had problems that started in high school, and to a way lesser extent, before that. I went to a tiny religious private school for elementary school where I was generally fine, but may have been naive as to how public school worked, and I went to a public middle school where I was able to...
  15. simetra

    Analyzing my first Corona meltdown

    Yesterday, it's been approximately five and a half months since my last meltdown. Today, it's been zero days since my last meltdown. Several factors have piled up that eventually caused it - and I am a tad bit ashamed to admit that all of them stem from the current global situation. Since I...
  16. S

    Impact of ADHD treatment on ASD

    Hi there ! I hope everyone is fine and safe from the virus outbreak. This is going to be a long one because it's impacting a lot of different things a different way. I'm 35, I'm still waiting for my ASD assessment. But In january I've been diagnosed with ADHD. So I'v been on Methylphenidate for...
  17. A

    to be or to have - that it the question

    I am wondering how people describe themselves. Do we have Aspergers? or Are we Aspergers? For me the diffference is in the implication. - To have Aspergers sounds like it is something from which you can get cured/healed - To be Aspergers (to have it as a trait) suggests that it something that...
  18. BrokenBoy

    My favorite ASD related article.

    Is Everyone on the Autism Spectrum? -- New York Magazine - Nymag This article calls out the armchair diagnosis of celebrities and historical figures and critiques the former DSM (The article is very U.S centric so it doesn't mention the ICD at all) Aspergers diagnosis for having too much "false...
  19. simetra

    I tried stimming: Spinning rings

    When the general public (which is my floppy term for people who know about the existence of autism but not too much about what it means) thinks about stimming in autism, most will probably come up with rocking, or hand flapping and the like, maybe also audible stims if they have ever been on a...
  20. simetra

    Childhood favorites are stim toys today

    During my 'research' into autism, I was recently checking out #stimtoys on Instagram because that is exactly the platform on which serious research on autism should start. I was scrolling through the tag when I came across the account of a shop that seemed to be specialized in types of objects...
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