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  1. SolarPoweredNightOwl

    "Actually..." (A one word title for a too-many-words post about self-diagnosis)

    "Actually..." (A one-word title for a way-too-many-words post on my self-diagnosis) At the beginning of this year, I realized I am on the autism spectrum. In this spring, I joined this site, discovered the blog feature, and attempted to write this post, for the first of many times. Initially...
  2. simetra

    Walking on tiptoes. Just because.

    I recently watched a YouTube video by The Aspie World titled ASPERGERS symptoms in children: 5 ways YOU spot Autism, in which one trait of some people with Asperger Syndrome is said to be walking on their tiptoes, especially in their childhood and teenage years. That video unearthed a part of...
  3. Lundi

    Studying for until late 20s to the detriment of dating/social life

    I think that my situation is a bit known here, so I will skip it. Anyway I spent most of my life, since age 4 or 5 up to age 28 studying hard, to the detriment of both my dating and social life. If you can call it that, because usually I have had no dating nor social life. In high school I was...
  4. Lundi

    Unable to tolerate casual touching (dating)

    I have heard over and over how touch is key in the dating world, and that no touch means no attraction. However, as a 30 year old male, I never felt comfortable with casual touch. When I was 14 in high school, a girl kept trying to talk to me. Eventually, one day, when I was eating lunch alone...
  5. Lundi

    Is eating alone in a restaurant now a big taboo?

    Since I am quite a solitary person, I tend to eat in restaurants by myself instead of with friends, and obviously without girlfriend/wife. If I travel I do the same, just table for one. However, I notice that here where I live people really seem to dislike people who eat alone in restaurants...
  6. Lundi

    Excess maturity instead of excess immaturity

    If I understand correctly, a stereotypical symptom of Asperger's is seeming or looking younger than one's actual age. But I have the opposite problem, and have not seen it discussed explicitly. I turned 30 last month, but before that in most of my 20s most people whom I met thought that I was...
  7. A

    Newly Diagnosed - how did you respond (to yourself and those around)?

    I am recently diagnosed and am coming to an acceptance of this as part of who I am. How have folks adapted yourself to this news a) in relation to how you have understood the world and interpreted it. Have you taken more time to consider things. how have you taken the way ASD is for you into...
  8. Lundi

    Extreme naïveté

    I have had this problem since I was a small boy. I tended (tent?) to not only interpret everything literally, I also trusted in everyone and believed that everyone was 100% right and 100% trustworthy. When someone told me something, I had to believe it, because I believed that what everyone...
  9. simetra

    So I think I might have ASD.

    Alright. Today’s Monday. I’m on the train to my workplace. It’s jam-packed, people are speaking on their phones, there’s an entire school class in it and I can’t get to my earphones cause the train is too packed to reach for them in my backpack. I’m freaking out. Last night I couldn’t sleep...
  10. simetra

    ASD, maybe.

    Thoughts and musings of a person who is unsure whether she might have ASD or not. I created this blog as a means of documenting my journey.
  11. S

    It happened.. my diagnoses is official.

    After 3 years of fighting, today was my assessment and after 3 and a half hours they confirmed my autism. I honestly don't know how i feel. For the past 3 years I've felt like a liar, not knowing who i was and now all the stuff i was blamed for as a child i couldn't help. I feel so...
  12. Lundi

    Friendship/dating sites and forums for atypical people

    Following my first thread on the forum about being single/virgin at 30, I was wondering if there are friendship and dating sites and forums for people who do not fit into the societal norms or expectations of "normal". As an example, I have ASD, several anxiety problems, OCD and sometimes get...
  13. S

    Sensory Sensitivity and chosen loud music

    Hi, I have read in a few places on the internet that individuals with autism are able to listen to loud music of their choice with headphones and i am one of them but the sensation of too much talking or too many noises that are unpredictable causes me to have sensory overload and causes me to...
  14. Lundi

    Strange or non-standard use of language in ASD

    I was told quite often whilst attending meetups that my use of language is odd or "off" compared to a normal person. In worst-case scenarios people just call me "autistic" like an insult. But it is because I refuse to use contractions and other things when speaking English. I also use strange...
  15. Lundi

    Interacting with family members from third world countries who think that ASD is fake

    I am not sure how to explain this, but on both sides of my family, but especially my father's side, most of extended family believe that any form of ASD is just a hoax, and that those with the disorder(s) are just acting weird on purpose to deliberately vex people or get sympathy and attention...
  16. AHClemist

    What is a relationship?

    I have been wanting to post something like this for a while now, but never found the exact way I want to word it, so here’s an attempt: How exactly do you define a romantic relationship? I have read and heard so much about people deciding to “work on their relationship”. Sometimes they have...
  17. B

    Studying Autism and ADHD Risks in Siblings (STAARS)

    Calling all families with a baby under 11 months old and a parent or older-sibling with a ASD diagnosis or ADHD/hyperactivity traits! We are recruiting for our STAARS study, if you are interested in knowing more please contact us at [email protected]
  18. Artemis

    Anyone understand the dynamic of ASD and ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder)?

    I've posted recently a lot about my partner who we've finally realized has ASD and our relationship struggles, as I try and parse out what I can fix and what I cannot. I've been doing work with a therapist, that started off as a couples therapist for both of us last year, but ultimately I just...
  19. Artemis

    Daughter of a self-diagnosed Aspie

    Hello. I'm new here. I've read the forums many times during bad bouts with my partner, but today I finally decided I need to stop fooling myself and accept that this is real and that I need real help and perspective. My story and questions are intricate, so I think I'm going to post in a few...
  20. Artemis

    I think my partner of 8 years has undiagnosed ASD/PDA

    Hello. I'm new here. I've read the forums many times during bad bouts with my partner, but today I finally decided I need to stop fooling myself and accept that this is real and that I need real help and perspective. My story and questions are intricate, so I think I'm going to post in a few...
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