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  1. Holly771

    Newby saying Hello - 29 year old Female awaiting diagnosis (self diagnosed)

    Hello! I'm a 29 year old female from UK. In the last 2 years I have slowly come to the realisation that I probably have ASD. After lots of research and deep thinking I made the decision this week to book a GP appointment and hopefully start the journey to a diagnosis. I struggled with the...
  2. Living with Autism

    Advice!!! PLEASE HELP!

    Hello all! I hope you all are having a wonderful day so far. I am new to this community. I have a financee that I suspect is on the spectrum. She is extremely smart in the area of academic but she struggles in social settings. She fits all the criteria in the DSM V for ASD. However, she is not...
  3. C

    Does your child with Autism Spectrum Disorder experience anxiety or challenging behaviour?

    In the Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN), we are looking for parents of children between the ages of 3 – 18 years old with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who experience any of the above symptoms to take part in a study. If your child does not present with any of...
  4. C

    Does your child with Autism Spectrum Disorder experience anxiety or challenging behaviour?

    In the Irish Centre for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Research (ICAN), we are looking for parents of children between the ages of 3 – 18 years old with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who experience any of the above symptoms to take part in a study. If your child does not present with any of...
  5. Joshua the Writer

    Special Needs Kids Get Bullied By Awful Teachers

    Disturbing audio recording made inside an elementary school classroom in West Virginia This is incredibly terrible. These kids have been bullied and abused by these teachers, for who KNOWS how long, and, when the school finds out, all they do is give the teachers administrative leave and move...
  6. M

    Kindergarten options for my ASD kid

    Hello, I have a 5 years old son with ASD. He has severe speech delay and can only speak and follow simple sentences with 3-4 words. Currently, he is getting ABA from a therapy center. We are planning to admit him in kindergarten. We actually have following two options, but can't decide which...
  7. ImSensing

    Label Fear?

    ++ I am suspected to have ASD so please understand this is coming from a vulnerable place. I don’t want anyone to take this the way , I just want to know if anyone ever felt the same for even just a moment. When my therapist told me a few months ago she strongly believed I was on the spectrum...
  8. ImSensing

    Almost diagnosed

    Greetings from the world I already belonged to. For me, that means sensory issues with sights and sounds. Difficulty starting and maintaining friendships. I am in my 30s and finally found a therapist that has identified what’s been going all my life. I’ll be officially diagnosed in June...
  9. L

    Take part in this study: Studying the impact of depression on quality of life for adults

    Calling all adults (18 years and over) with ASD! Would you like to take part in research? I am a Master’s student and as part of my dissertation project I am conducting a study on the impact of depression on quality of life for autistic adults. This will involve completing an online survey...
  10. Joshua the Writer

    Having Both Autism AND ADHD is Insanely Difficult

    Having both autism and adhd is so darn difficult! It feels like I am never understood at times. Trust me, autism and adhd do NOT mix. They are both heavily misunderstood neurological conditions, and I just happen to have both. Whoop-dee-doo. Ain't life just great? There are some days when it...
  11. Aspie_With_Attitude

    Is autism the next human evolution?

    A little while ago I did a YouTube video on my autistic YouTube Creator channel sparking a debate whether autism is the next human evolution or not. I didn't have much to say since I truly believe autism had been around since the dawn of time, 4-5 million years ago to be exact. I even believe...
  12. Renzo

    Autism & The Ability to Feel

    (From my official blog, Autistic Spirits) A lot of neurotypicals("normal people") think having autism means you don't have feelings. This is one of the most common stereotypes about autistic people and it's far from the truth. Someone on the spectrum does feel, but he/she expresses it in a...
  13. Renzo

    Autistic Spirits

    Hey all! I'm Renzo and on this blog, I will talk about the beauty of autism. I also have an "official" blog(Autistic Spirits) and I will post some articles from that blog on this one.
  14. S

    Need college students with ASD for help with my dissertation

    Hi, all. My name is Stacy Henry, and I am a special education teacher in Georgia. I am in the process of completing my dissertation for my EdD in Special Education, and I have reached the point that I need to find participants for interviews as soon as humanly possible. I need to find at least...
  15. I

    Study about hearing and emotions

    Hello everybody! We are a research team from the Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine (IMMM, Prof. Dr. Eckart Altenmüller) of the University of Music, Drama and Media based in Hanover, Germany and are currently conducting a large-scale online study on hearing and emotions. For...
  16. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Eight

    Special Interests I guess one of the main reasons I have some doubts about having AS is that I don’t seem to have a special interest. I would love to have one actually but I don’t have the attention to stick to any one thing. When I was younger I was really interested in computers, I used to get...
  17. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Seven

    Sarcasm I can often recognise when people are being sarcastic and my main issues are in my inability to respond appropriately to sarcastic comments. However this does not mean that I always recognise it, I can think of a couple of examples of when I got confused. The first is a comment that was...
  18. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Six

    Empty Head Empty headedness is something that happens to me whenever somebody attempts to engage me in a social conversation. I can get passed the initial “hello” and “how are you” but then it’s like my brain just freezes and there seems to be nothing in my head, absolutely nothing. The...
  19. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Five

    Pattern Finder I remember counting the stripes on the wallpaper on my walls, but not just counting them, I would see the pattern of three thick stripes followed by one thin stripe and then it would be repeated. It would frustrate me if I got to the end of the wall and it ended in way which...
  20. allan619

    Undiagnosed - Part Four

    Asperger Traits that I can relate to. Sensory overload This is something that I have experienced on a few occasions, mostly it’s auditory overload. There has been times when I’ve had to ask somebody “is it loud in here”? Which is confusing because you would think that somebody would know if...
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