I'd also add that the 'sexual market' in general in the west has gone downhill due to obesity. I rarely meet single guys that aren't either overweight, don't care at all about their looks (I'm talking basic grooming here) or have gone the other way and want to look like the hulk! There aren't many normal, healthy looking people to date. When I've travelled abroad further than central europe the general population is much better looking well into their 40s and 50s. And not fake appearance, as with make up, surgery, spray tans, high fashion, etc. They are just a lot healthier.
Unfortunately there is a lot of truth to this I think. I don't do a lot of traveling, but when I have I've noticed many foreigners tend to look healthier. In America we like to live fast and neglect our health. I think it goes one of two ways though. There are some who take good care of their health. I think it is one of those things that you either take seriously or you don't.