@Jacoby I'm sorry you've become so bitter. However, the list of qualities a man should supposedly have to be considered viable? That list is for old-fashioned and/or superficial people. As for women being considered viable just for being themselves? Sorry, I think we must live in a different universe. I am not offended by your post, but I feel the need to clarify the following:
I'm an attractive woman, I am smart and funny, I have an academic career, a good job, I can support myself and never expect anyone to pay my bills, nor do I want to be treated like a princess. But you know the fun part? That doesn't fit the conventional idea of what a woman should be like, so I get called names.
A lot of men just want a girl that looks like she walked out of a fashion catalogue, a girl not too opinionated, smart or independent. Someone who stays at home to look pretty, fix dinner, raise kids and tell them how smart and manly they are. If you don't fit the stereotype, best get ready for a LOT of unwarranted abuse. Out of the blue, I've been told in no uncertain terms that I am absolutely not desirable at all, over and over again. Somehow, people feel the need to throw this in your face even if they don't know you and you never had any intention of getting to know them in the first place. They just walk up to you and let you know you're worthless in their eyes. I've literally had people I never met before walk up to me and shout in my face that I'm so ****ing fat and ugly I shouldn't be allowed to leave the house and should probably kill myself. (fun fact: I'm not fat, I'm not ugly, and I feel gross for even feeling the need to clarify this)
I've been pre-emptively rejected for many different reasons. To list a few: Too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, too many male friends, too smart, too opinionated, too different, too weird, too introverted, too extroverted, too independent, too educated, not a member of X student society, not feminine enough, not fashionable enough, partied too hard, didn't party hard enough, and the list goes on and on and on. If you don't fit the ideal, you will get ground down repeatedly and be made to feel inadequate for it.
I have struggled with feeling inadequate and worthless all my life, because people and the media told me I was. I learned to love myself eventually, because the fact that other people can be d*cks doesn't mean that I'm not good enough. It hasn't been an easy process, and some days it's still pretty damn hard because of how obnoxiously some ridiculous ideals get shoved in your face time and time again. And yes, I am in a relationship, but that's not because someone scooped me up off of the street just because I happen to have ovaries and a vagina. It's because I worked incredibly hard to build up my self-esteem regardless of people in general being cruel, it's because I stopped depending on external validation for my self-worth, it's because despite working 60+ hours a week I still made an effort to go out, meet new people and have a fulfilling life. And I worked incredibly hard to build that relationship, and am putting in effort daily to keep it healthy and functional. But to say I got a free pass in life or in relationships for being a woman? No, I don't think so. And I don't think I'm the only one that has experienced a life like this.