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Any of you not able to make friends? I know I very rarely make friends.

I just notice something. When I go to a new place or join a new group I have to make friends instantly especially with women and put that in big bold because that matters that 99% that they are not men and are not married or it's a complete failure. They have to be all to myself to. The more solo the better, or the failure. If they ignore me, give me two word convo's, or won't hang out with me outside, they are snobs and backstabbers. I then write crap about then on social media and in private messaging. Then I am actually there for a while the men and couples are nice I actually get to know them all including the girls and find out some are shy and have issues. Now I feel bad and it's not all me. I am learning. I then realize actually girls do approach and talk to me when I am nice and tip them sometimes and actually talk to me when I don't recognize them randomly. See where I am going. I am learning from almost zero experience except a brief from my early 20s which was also a PTSD mess I did not learn from.
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For me, the funniest of facts is that I never tried to make friends. I'd be the kid sitting alone in the corner of a room full of other kids, and one or two others always ended up deciding to come and talk with me. Then, after a bit of forced chit-chat, they'd decide we'd be friends.

Even as an adult. We had a Church meeting, I was one of the new people, and a couple of other ladies decided I should be their friend 😅 I didn't complain of course.

I have a few good friendships that happened like that.

Of course, a lot of those situations didn't turn out well but 🤷‍♀️
Lucky person. I'd sit alone. Instead of someone coming over to befriend me, a bully would notice I didn't belong to a group, making me an easy target. Except for the bully, the rest of the kids would hardly notice me.
Lucky person. I'd sit alone. Instead of someone coming over to befriend me, a bully would notice I didn't belong to a group, making me an easy target. Except for the bully, the rest of the kids would hardly notice me.
Some times, after the curiosity had run out, the kids that had approached me, would decide they didn't like me after all. Then I quickly became the target of their jokes.

I remember in 6th grade, after the first introductions, one boy decided that I was too ugly. He started calling me Yuck. From the cartoon Mighty Man and Yuck.
Yuck was Mighty Man's dog, and he had to constantly wear a doghouse as a mask, because anyone who looked at his ugly face would faint with horror.

Usually though, it were girls that hated me after just a few minutes of having introduced themselves to me. Never was able to figure out why. I was taught to always be respectful, to mind my words. So I still don't get why other girls hated me.

Nowadays, it feels like they sort of take me on as a "improvement project" and try to change me. But I have some very firm moral guidelines, and can be rather blunt if I'm "not getting it", whatever IT may be. One lady once called me Voldemort, after I tried to get some extra clarification on a matter. 🤷‍♀️
I don't really have any trouble making friends. I just have no idea what to do with them once I have them.
So I have no friends.
As a level 2 higher support needs autistic who CAN'T mask at all, making friends is extremely difficult and I'm so blessed to have my wild high school friend group who are still my friends to this day. They made me who I am and I got a taste of wild freedom that like almost no other person with level 2+ autism rarely gets to have. They literally just wanted to see an "R word get stoned" their words not mine, and I happened to be more outgoing with NT's then other sped kids. It's the only time in my life I had no adult supervision, just being supervised by a group of stoners lmao. And I want to give a shout out to my friend Dave, I wouldn't of been able to go to the mountains, mall, parties, and other places where teens get high if it wasn't for the fact that he was straight up willing to change my adult diaper, 1 or 2, in all the strange places we wound up. I can't do it myself cause bad sensory feelings make me FREAK OUT. Because he was willing to accommodate my needs and never made me feel bad about it, I got to be a metalhead stoner, it was the most normal and neurotypical I ever felt. Also they'd accomadate my sometimes severe meltdowns by blasting metal/hardcore and tell me to mosh it out. That was so genius looking back cause any other group of people would of just freaked out and called my parents if I was hitting myself and hitting them during a meltdown.

Okay I think I off topic ranted again, yay info dumping I'm just feeling passionate about my friend group lately. And it's safe to say that making those friends was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have a small group of high support needs friends at my disability day program I go too but because of my past experiences and getting that taste of freedom at one point in my life, it makes it harder to get close I guess idk why I need to explore that more inside myself. It's like I'm in this weird spot of being too autistic for low support needs peeps and not autistic enough to others with high support needs.

Making friends is hard and sometimes just happens is all I can say.
Also to add now in my adulthood making friends is easier then when I was a late teenager young adult which was impossible. The issue I have is keeping them which is at max 5 years before they ostracize me. But usually 1 to 2 years now.
I don't mask much at all. But even without masking my ASD isn't that obvious. I just come across as quirky and "wearing my heart on my sleeves".
yeah the last quarter of 2024 was very rough for me because of 3 bad things that happend to me, my Dog of almost 15 years passed away on September 7th, October 13th, i injure my ankle, October 26th, one of my good friends just completely ghosted me, i have had zero form of communication with him since then, i've attempted to reach out to him numerous times since then but no response.

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