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can't get a girlfriend. Any thoughts or Advice? X_X

More than a few guys get angry or depressed because females aren't interested in them. And sometimes, the women get pretty nasty in how they reject a guy. The rejected guys don't have a clue how to change the situation or even if it is changeable.

In a world where women needed to get married in order to be supported and have a baby to be fulfilled, eventually, most guys would find a woman. That world is long gone. Women don't need men for anything in particular; they are optional. Single motherhood has become mainstream and sisterhood is powerful. Better to swipe left and stay alone than to hang out with someone uninteresting.

The result is a subculture of angry or depressed misogynists.
A lot of this is me. I can handle not being compatible with everyone, I can’t handle not being compatible with anyone.

The rejection I especially experienced before my first girlfriend made me hate myself and I even attempted suicide over a woman rejecting me.

I’ve cried countless tears, getting very little female attention in my life.

So yeah, don’t mind if I hate and resent those who’ve hurt me and made me hate myself and wish I was dead.

Now, since I’ve had more luck with women (though not a whole lot) in the last 10 years or so, I don’t really begrudge ones who turn me down now, because even I’ve gotten some brief romances.

But those girls from high school? Those women from college? It still hurts.
i seem to be having trouble dating in the past few years. There have been women attracted to me, but very often i don't pick up the signals. Some women have been brazenly open about their desire to be with me, but i didn't pick up on it. For example, i'm a comedian and i was doing an open mic one night. After i finished my set, the next comedian was a woman. She started saying like," that last guy was amazing! He had perfect skin, that beautiful gold jacket and he was so funny!" She was gushing about how attracted she was to me, and i just sat there ignoring the signals. It wasn't until later that night when the open mic was over that i realized what she was saying and that i should have asked her for her number. Another night i was at a dance and i talked to a woman named Laura. As i was walking away she told one of her friends, "That's the guy i want to dance with!" For some reason, i didn't pick up on it and just walked away. When i talked to my social worker she said that people with autism sometimes don't pick up on whats going on socially. i don't seem to be able to pick up on what's going on socially. Two other times women were excited to meet me and i spoke in a flat, dull tone, devoid of emotion. They both dumped me. Women like a guy who's playful and flirty, not dull and flat. Another time this woman asked me to have coffee with her and she seemed to like me a lot. We had a good conversation, but towards the end of the conversation i made a strange face. i sometimes involuntarily make strange faces. i think it scared her and she stood me up on our next get together. i think later she regretted it and wanted to go out with me again, but she had lied to me and stood me up and i was angry. Another woman was mad because we had been talking on the phone and i saw her at a party and didn't recognize her. She got very aangry and broke off the relationship. i later found out that people with autism sometimes have something called "face blindness" and sometimes can't recognize people's faces. Other times i was doing great with a chick and suddnly said something inappropriate and killed the whole deal. My comments are so inappropriate sometimes that i've really made people mad! After i got treatment for autism (i was only diagnosed like, a year ago! For years i didn't know i had it!) i thought back on all these experiences and started seeing the reality of what was going on. i also have had a hard time figuring out if a girl wanted me to kiss her or not. Some women were giving out really obvious signals that they wanted to kiss me and i missed the opportunity. i think i'm getting better, though. i've had 2 situations recently where i picked up on the signals that some girl wanted to kiss me. Once in a bar, and another time on a sidewalk in front of a bar. in both cases i got into a little make out session with the woman, kissing her and making out right there and skipping the whole usual process of meeting, making a date, talking, waiting for the right moment to kiss, etc. etc. i'm starting to get so good i can read signals and just go up and start kissing someone. Trial and error, i've been shot down so many times i spent a long time analysing my mistakes and thinking about the whole process. Those relationships are short lived, however.
I am trying to understand what is bothering you and what you want. I think you wrote it clearly but I still do not understand.

Do you want a woman to have sex with so you can lose your virginity? It that what is bothering you?

Or are you lonely and want a girlfriend for a relationship?

I wanted both, though I was not a virgin any more. Every day I thought about having a girlfriend. It was the most important thing in the world to me. For years. A long long time went by. When I was 42 I met the love of my life and we were together for eight years. All of my relationship questions seemed to have been answered because after her I no longer felt that awful need and loneliness I had all my life.

We met through an in-person autism group. It was chance. I did many intentional things to find a relationship but none of them worked.

I do not know what helps. One of my best friends is 63 and a virgin. He has never been on a date. He is at peace with it but his brain still thinks about sex and he has romantic thoughts.

In my in-person autism group there was a man in his late twenties and he talked about being so desperate that he was going to commit suicide within a week, he could not stand it any more. He came over to my home and we talked for a while. I cannot remember what we talked about. He did meet a woman at a bar that week and have sex. I do not know if that was only chance or if he was so motivated then and maybe feeling less pressure because was about to give up.

I have met autistic women who felt exactly the same. The did not want to die being a virgin.

Knowing what I know now I can see things differently but I also know that nothing I could say to my younger self to make him feel better. I felt so awful that everyone else could have a girlfriend or wife and family but I could not even have a date. It made me feel so awful about myself I could not take it. It broke my heart and made me feel so inadequate that I thought I was very broken and I was ashamed.

If I had not had that relationship that I had I do not know what I would have done. I do remember that no advice people gave me helped. My mother said to ask someone for coffee but I do not drink coffee. Things like that. It seemed all the advice was based on being dishonest so someone just meeting you would like you. That did not seem right but being myself made everyone uninterested.

I have not helped you but I wanted to say something so you knew you were not alone.
You pegged it. Like you, I received a lot of useless advice and was ashamed that I could never have the social skills to understand others. Four things happened that allowed me to grow.

I began work in basic research and started living independently. That taught me self reliance and how to navigate life. Then, I was befriended by an older hippie couple who acted to be accepting. I learned that I was worthwhile and began repairing my agency. Then, while needfully lonely I bought into the lie that women fell for entitled jerks. I recognized that I did nothing to give them a choice and that spurred me to put myself out there to ask them out. I found that I liked the shy ones interested in intellectual pursuits and the arts and had many nice moments. Then, I figured that I'd concentrate on meeting somebody who enjoyed being active in the outdoors. I joined outings groups that promoted cooperation and there ran into a woman who was hoping to meet a man who she could do outdoor activities with. I met her when I called about car pooling to a national Sierra Club project. We fell in love on our road trip there.
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A lot of this is me. I can handle not being compatible with everyone, I can’t handle not being compatible with anyone.

The rejection I especially experienced before my first girlfriend made me hate myself and I even attempted suicide over a woman rejecting me.

I’ve cried countless tears, getting very little female attention in my life.

So yeah, don’t mind if I hate and resent those who’ve hurt me and made me hate myself and wish I was dead.

Now, since I’ve had more luck with women (though not a whole lot) in the last 10 years or so, I don’t really begrudge ones who turn me down now, because even I’ve gotten some brief romances.

But those girls from high school? Those women from college? It still hurts.
Hating and resenting is always wrong. And it always hurts you more than the person being hated and resented.

The past happened and there's no point in wasting a jot of energy on something that cannot be changed.
Hating and resenting is always wrong. And it always hurts you more than the person being hated and resented.

The past happened and there's no point in wasting a jot of energy on something that cannot be changed.
If you’ve been hurt by people, if you’re traumatized, it’s easier said than done to let go of the past.

It’s a pain that I’ve lived for years, with brief reprieves.

Some of those years like high school and college, I can never get those back, and I missed out on a big high school and college experience until no girlfriend out of college.

They made me hate myself and ask me what was wrong with me and I wish I was dead. Yes, I hate them.
Yes, that is why I thought prostitution would still be illegal there. Hence my assumption OP was American

To my knowledge, in the US prostitution is legal only in ten counties of the state of Nevada.

Yet the remaining counties where it is strictly prohibited continue to arrest people for soliciting such services when they could simply drive a few miles into an adjacent county.

But then from a marketing perspective, Americans tend to be obsessed with convenience. Though the cost of arrest, legal representation and court fines likely well exceed the price of a legal bordello. :rolleyes:
I watched a show about the brothels once, and completely honest, I watched it because I thought it was so humorous and kind of absurd. I definitely know that I am different than most guys, in that I wouldn't ever go to a brothel...I haven't been to a topless bar or sorts...I haven't even been to a Hooters before because I don't think I would feel right about it. Just the same, I'm not a prude about sex or anything. I just can't imagine feeling right in certain places that seem to entirely replace any kind of intimacy or realness in that area and instead replace it with a kind of robotic exploitation (for lack of better words at the moment). I already know that I am seen as robotic to some, so the last thing I want to do is be with a woman who completely removes her emotions for intimacy any. I hope that makes sense.
Women don't need men for anything in particular;
Please listen to this:
http s://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vN8XfMlWxI

It's an interview with a well-known scientist: Anna Machin - Wikipedia
(the link is slightly sabotaged ("http s"), but not because there's anything questionable there)

I don't think we should actually discuss this topic here, but I can find a few more links if you're genuinely interested.
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You could always go see a sex worker. I'm friends with a few and they're lovely
I did that for the first time last year had no regrets finally regret is not going to win while still in my 20s but of course I would be lying if I said that I know I do want an emotional and intimate connection with someone in a relationship but at the same time I'm sure lots of people are glad that sex workers exist because well we all need to feel touched by another human being, controversial as that service or industry is.
When I was fresh out of Basic Training, there was a massage parlor just outside the base. You'd go there and get a really nice full-body massage followed by a "happy ending." (It would have been worth the money just for the massage.) I visited it a couple of times, my only experience with a sex worker.

I think most of the boys who went there treated the girls respectfully. I also think that because intercourse didn't take place and no diseases got transmitted, the local authorities let things slide. Beyond that, I have no idea about the working conditions for the ladies.

If one simply needs to work out nervousness, anxiety, hang-ups, and the like, there are sexual surrogates.
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I hear ya! I was a reluctant virgin until I was 28. Actually I was not ready for an intimate relationship before then. My breakthrough only happened when I began living for myself, enjoying life and my interests. My enjoyment of outdoor activities that challenged my limitations led me to meet a woman who liked the outdoors. She was the first and only to accept me sexually and that had a positive impact upon my life. We have been together for 45 years, married for 44.
I assume you had to be the one to ask her out and make a move on her.

but yeah reading one of the threads on here made me depressed and sad and at the same time mad and angry, a woman says that her current boyfriend, he sadly didn't get his first girlfriend until his 40s, her.

I feel that way because and I'm sure tons of other people do in the world.

If people don't finally experience something until very late in life it feels more like a loss instead of a win because they feel like it's not the way life is meant to be lived.

It's a brutal cold heart reminder that not everybody gets to date or be in love very young or very early in life.

At the same time it makes me mad and angry because it's a reminder that I'm sure it's definitely more common for men than it is for women to reach a later than normal age and still be single such as your 30s and 40s or older and never been with anyone.
At the same time it makes me mad and angry because it's a reminder that I'm sure it's definitely more common for men than it is for women to reach a later than normal age and still be single such as your 30s and 40s or older and never been with anyone.
I do not know if that is true. I have met shy women who have related to me that they kept on getting approached by the wrong type when they were hoping to meet a more unconventional man. I used to believe the lie that women fall for jerks and I realized that I never gave them a choice. That spurred me to date and I especially liked the shy women. My spouse was hesitant socially and was married previously to a real nasty person who rejected her. I know that I was not her first, but I am happy to be the last lover she wanted.

You are right that I had to ask her out and such, and herein lies the tale. We both signed up for a Trail Maintenance project in the Smoky Mountains. The trip leader sent us a list of participants and suggested we car pool. I took a look and saw a person from Chicago and I was going to be in the area fossil collecting. I was not anxious contacting her as we lived 300 miles away and I thought because this was only going to be transactional nothing could come of it. So I called and was entranced by her phone voice. We talked frequently about preparation, gear, and planning the trip and were becoming friends. The day I met her IRL I was at a quarry and the skies opened up turning things into a festival of mud. I showed up at her doorstep dirty and bedraggled and she did not hesitate, but welcomed me and shoved me towards the shower. All I could think of was "so svelte, so clean." Then she made a nice dinner of comfort food. She had my attention. Suffice it to say that we had adventures along the way. From Cave City to Knoxville I had car problems (cracked distributor rotor) and had to stop to reset it every once in a while. Every time that happened she would find a tick embedded in her leg and I would dutifully remove the little blood sucker. Anyway, We had such a nice time and were at Cades Cove where we shared my tent since we only wanted to pay for a single site. By then, I was falling for her and caught that she probably liked me too. Us, in our own sleeping bags, and I went far, far, beyond my comfort zone, asking her if she would like to make love. My mind immediately panicked, wondering if I have killed our friendship when I heard a no rather than her assent. She patiently and kindly made me know that we were taking our friendship to a higher level. I was amazed and enjoyed being able to experience the physical pleasure that I could see in her. Making love with a friend was amazingly beautiful. A bit later she confided that she did not know I was a virgin because I was the first man who cared about her pleasure. Isn't that what a man is supposed to do? This was such a clear break from my past. Soon I moved in with her in Chicago and have not looked back with any regret.
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If you’ve been hurt by people, if you’re traumatized, it’s easier said than done to let go of the past.

It’s a pain that I’ve lived for years, with brief reprieves.

Some of those years like high school and college, I can never get those back, and I missed out on a big high school and college experience until no girlfriend out of college.

They made me hate myself and ask me what was wrong with me and I wish I was dead. Yes, I hate them.
Therapy helps you get past that if you can't get there on your own. Life is too short to be wasted on hate.
They made me hate myself and ask me what was wrong with me and I wish I was dead. Yes, I hate them.
Please do not do that. As a teen and young adult feeling isolated and rejected I internalized lies about myself and injured my self image and body image. Hard work was required twice to recover. First when I had to learn to like myself and be social, and then a couple of years ago when PTSD resurfaced.

An important practice is the ability to forgive yourself. I found that it led to inner peace. Please read the following.

That is a brilliant prayer. Or meditation if one doesn't do prayer. Acceptance, letting go, and forgiveness are the only ways to heal trauma. Emotional trauma only hurts as long as you cling to it. Bury the hatchet.

Do not make your trauma part of your identity. It only makes life more difficult.

It is a lesson that can take a lifetime to learn, and many never do. They die as bitter old people, having poisoned their lives with anger. Study a philosophy or seek a therapy to get beyond hate.
Yes, as a single woman, l craved human touch. So l just had fantastic massages at the Thai massage place. I also did a warm stone massage, and foot massages, that gave human touch and warmed my soul, as l was going thru a long two years plus divorce. I definitely wasn't ready to date as l had to process the emotions of my divorce. I say try going for a full body massage, you leave relaxed, and more in touch with your body.
I assume you had to be the one to ask her out and make a move on her.

but yeah reading one of the threads on here made me depressed and sad and at the same time mad and angry, a woman says that her current boyfriend, he sadly didn't get his first girlfriend until his 40s, her.

I feel that way because and I'm sure tons of other people do in the world.

If people don't finally experience something until very late in life it feels more like a loss instead of a win because they feel like it's not the way life is meant to be lived.

It's a brutal cold heart reminder that not everybody gets to date or be in love very young or very early in life.

At the same time it makes me mad and angry because it's a reminder that I'm sure it's definitely more common for men than it is for women to reach a later than normal age and still be single such as your 30s and 40s or older and never been with anyone.

I was 42 before I experience a full relationship. I do not think non-autistic people could understand how hard it was for so long. I could not understand social cues and I guess I was odd so women did not want to be with me.

I think some people will never have the experience and it was possible it was going to happen to me but luck and chance changed that. It will not happen again I think but I also do not really want it to.

I found being with someone very uncomfortable. So many wonderful things that they made it worth it but the price was so high.

With one of my close friends when I am in his home I welcome to open any cabinet in his kitchen and open any package and just eat. He does not care. We are friends.

The woman I was with for eight years came over hundreds of times but she would still ask permission to have a glass of water. I wanted us to be like family, for her to feel so comfortable she could trust me. I told her many times I wanted her to feel comfortable to do anything she liked in my home. The only exception was prescribed medication. I told her she could not handle those things because it was the law.

But she never acted comfortably like we were family, like I wanted. She always acted like a guest. I always felt bad because of that.

When I was a teenager I had a girlfriend and I remember once reaching into her wallet in her purse and she didn’t look at me or care. We were together, it was like family, I was not a stranger and we trusted each other. That is what I wanted with the woman I was in love with and together with for the eight years. But it did not happen.

She never once invited me to come to her home and I do not know what it looked like except for once I asked her to go inside and take pictures with my phone.

I wish it were easier for autistic people. I see so much sadness and confusion because people want to date someone but it does not work out for them. I saw that a lot when I went to in-person autism meetings. It mattered a lot to people but no one knew what to do. I think it is a burden for most of us that we have to accept we will live with.

I can say that dating autistic women was the best, so much better than NT for me. We understood each other so well. When I was on the phone with my girlfriend and would say, “Go away now.” She understood and was never feeling hurt or upset about it. She would say goodbye cheerfully and I do not think an NT could do that. I would do the same for her if I asked if she wanted to do something and she said no. That was the only answer I needed, I never once asked to to explain herself. She said no, that was it.
I was 42 before I experience a full relationship. I do not think non-autistic people could understand how hard it was for so long. I could not understand social cues and I guess I was odd so women did not want to be with me.

I think some people will never have the experience and it was possible it was going to happen to me but luck and chance changed that. It will not happen again I think but I also do not really want it to.

I found being with someone very uncomfortable. So many wonderful things that they made it worth it but the price was so high.

With one of my close friends when I am in his home I welcome to open any cabinet in his kitchen and open any package and just eat. He does not care. We are friends.

The woman I was with for eight years came over hundreds of times but she would still ask permission to have a glass of water. I wanted us to be like family, for her to feel so comfortable she could trust me. I told her many times I wanted her to feel comfortable to do anything she liked in my home. The only exception was prescribed medication. I told her she could not handle those things because it was the law.

But she never acted comfortably like we were family, like I wanted. She always acted like a guest. I always felt bad because of that.

When I was a teenager I had a girlfriend and I remember once reaching into her wallet in her purse and she didn’t look at me or care. We were together, it was like family, I was not a stranger and we trusted each other. That is what I wanted with the woman I was in love with and together with for the eight years. But it did not happen.

She never once invited me to come to her home and I do not know what it looked like except for once I asked her to go inside and take pictures with my phone.

I wish it were easier for autistic people. I see so much sadness and confusion because people want to date someone but it does not work out for them. I saw that a lot when I went to in-person autism meetings. It mattered a lot to people but no one knew what to do. I think it is a burden for most of us that we have to accept we will live with.

I can say that dating autistic women was the best, so much better than NT for me. We understood each other so well. When I was on the phone with my girlfriend and would say, “Go away now.” She understood and was never feeling hurt or upset about it. She would say goodbye cheerfully and I do not think an NT could do that. I would do the same for her if I asked if she wanted to do something and she said no. That was the only answer I needed, I never once asked to to explain herself. She said no, that was it.
How do you feel about it not happening until 42 and it makes me mad how cases like this happen to men more than women due to how men have always been expected to court women and make the first move and be the initiators
How do you feel about it not happening until 42 and it makes me mad how cases like this happen to men more than women due to how men have always been expected to court women and make the first move and be the initiators

It was miserable and affected my self-esteem.

I see your premise about men and women, I do not see it that way. The autistic women I met seem to have the exact same problems as the men.
It was miserable and affected my self-esteem.

I see your premise about men and women, I do not see it that way. The autistic women I met seem to have the exact same problems as the men.
Do you still think it's something you are sad and depressed about even to this day? As for same problems, I don't even think it's possible for a woman to reach her 40s and to have never dated or never had a boyfriend before

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