That was a really long rant that didn't really say anything at all. Again you seem to be focusing on the non-issue between you and another poster who thought you were after sex (a misunderstanding that was cleared up the second you said you weren't looking for sex) and ignored everything I said that was on topic.
It seems like you are taking each "item" that I am saying but you are missing the connections, and thats why you seem to misunderstand. Let me spell out how the conversation went and then point out the connections that you missed.
1. That other poster thought I was talking about sex
2. I clarified that I weren't, BUT in the process of clarification, I brought up the analogy involving my having Ph.D.
3. You misunderstood that 2 meant to refer to 1 and, instead, you thought that in 2 I was bragging about having Ph.D.
4. Therefore I explained to you that 2 was referring to 1.
5. Since in item 4 I inevitably had to mention 1, you decided that I was stuck in the topic 1, but I weren't.
Thus, you were incorrect in saying that in the very last message I was still talking about the other poster. Yes, I talked about the other poster in earlier messages. But in the very last message I have shifted to addressing your concerns rather than hers. So your concern was that I was bragging about Ph.D. In order to address it, I had to say "No I wasn't bragging about Ph.D., instead I was talking about topic X" Now what is topic X? If you look at item 2 you will find that topic X is item 1. Thats why I brought up item 1 -- but I weren't "talking about" item 1, I "only" brought it up in order to explain to you how I weren't bragging about Ph.D. by providing bigger context. And providing bigger context involves mentioning that I "used to" talk about 1, but telling you that I "used to" talk about 1 is not the same as actually talking about 1 -- espcially since my purpose of telling it to you is something else.
But in any case, its not just you. I have an example where I told 38 year old woman, over facebook, how I was "enraged" by the way certain 25 year old woman have acted. But 38 year old woman took it as if I told her I was enraged that she -- the 38 year old -- wasn't replying to my facebook messages. Wait a second, can't she even read? In that message where I used the word "enraged" I kept going on and on about 25 year old, so how can it not be obvious that 25 year old is the one I am "enraged" about? But apparently it wasn't.
The fact that you still bring these things up only says to me that you're looking to play the victim rather than listen to things that can be used for self-improvement and make you happy. I'm still at a loss as to why you created this thread because you've done nothing but get offended at the things said to try and help you. Did you just make it expecting nothing but praise?
I guess I have two issues: one is anger about past rejections, and the other is what to do in the future. I guess those two things would drive my behavior in opposite directions. Anger about past rejections would make me want to displace it on whoever seem to agree with the people that were rejecting me in the past by being angry at them. On the other hand, the drive to improve in future would make me want to thank those same people since they are giving me clues as to what to avoid in the future. So I guess since my improvement in future is the only thing I have control over, I should try and resist my anger and be more greatful for their replies -- and I apologize for acting angry. So I guess the way to re-state what I wrote without anger would be "Incidentally I am not after sex since I don't believe in sex before marriage; but can you give me some clues as to what aspects of my behavior made it seem as if I was after sex, that way I will know how to alter my behavior in order not to make such impression in future". And once again I am not hanged up on that particular topic, it is just an example of how I can rephrase angry responses into productive ones.
Again, that has nothing to do with your topic. You asked about how to get women to approach you, knowing things about your life is irrelevant because a woman in public won't know that about you from looking at you and does nothing to make her approach you. You have a phd, that's great but people knowing that comes after what you were looking for.
Well the women at my school probably know things about my life. As far as church, I am not sure because the church is big, I would guess probably few people know the others don't.
And reading my post, where exactly did I say you were bragging?
You said it in the following quote: "The entire thing about your looks and phd didn't really have anything to do with the the topic and came across as a hunt for compliments here even if that isn't what you intended."
Note how you said "looks AND ph.d." thats what lead me to think that you thought I was bragging about looks.
The point was that you wrote an entire paragraph on it despite the fact that just saying you're not the most attractive guy in the world would be enough.
The reason I wrote the entire paragraph is because I think that is where my problem lies. I mean, from logical perspective, if the women didn't talk to me, the only thing they know is my looks. So, logically, my looks would be the reason.
And as far as whether saying that I am not the most attractive guy in the world would be enough, that is something only a female can judge (and I feel uncomfortable posting photo online unless I am at the private section of this forum). When I visit my mom and she is trying to get me to brush my hair and tuck my shirt neatly, she is telling me how some people are born with bad looks but they take a good care of themselves and end up looking good but in my case I was born with good looks but I ruin it all by being messy. Now I know that my mom is probably biased, but IF that was the case that would be awful, because I don't like the thought of missing out on my 20s JUST because I didn't bother brushing my hair and tucking in my shirt.
Going back to looks subject, I asked someone at my school about it (it was the woman probably around 50 I been asking this question to) and she said I don't look American and that might be the reason why people won't talk to me. When I asked what it means to not look American she said that some people assume that Americans have blond hair and blue eyes while I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, and also she mentioned the shape of my nose. I guess in this case the reason is that I am genetically Jewish (I accepted Christianity on my own) so what she described is really a Jewish look. But Americans probably don't know that, so thats why they falsely believe that its Russian look which causes them to conclude Russians aren't White. So it is actually pretty ironic: as we all know, Americans love Jews and hate Russians, now THEY THINK this look that they don't like reinforces their views because they think its Russian look, but it is really a Jewish look but they don't know it thats why they claim to love Jews yet don't like Jewish look.
But in any case, I don't think that is it either, because back in 2001 when I went to Jewish club on campus they didn't like me either.
Another aspect of looks is how I dress (like I mentioned in the other reply how my pastor got me to buy more fancy pants to go to church) as well as that whole thing about body postures because I think people can confuse body postures with looks simply because both is being picked up within a small fraction of a second before people can even know what it is.
You fixated on it and made it sound negative even though there are bigger things you should be worried about.
What are those bigger things and how do they come across before people even talk to me?