I am not asking to water it down; on the contrary I am asking to sit down and look at it closely. Here are some very obvious things they seem to not think about -- and when I point them out they tend to ignore my questions:
Since we are talking about prejudices that are more common down south than up north, it has to somehow be linked to either race, or religion. Right? If so, then
I would LOVE to try and shine light on this if you don't mind. I am from Alabama and have had years of experience dealing with Mississippi both as a kid and as a working adult. I would love to point out many things that
people don't want to say as long as you are going to hear this for the straight-forward, non "watered down" explanation you seem to want.
I preface by saying this is not my personal rant or speech of hatred against any individual or the like. I am not "getting something off my chest" or "venting" when I say the following things but you are curious about these dealings with the three keys: American, Southerners and Christians and my 29 years of careful observation of these three things may help you if you will listen with your brain and not your emotion. It's going to get a bit rough from this point.
First off: The operative word for your problem is not race, religion, autism or geography... it's culture. I was born and raised a prisoner to the Southern Christian American culture and I will tell you that it is not to be trifled with. Now,
I like a lot of people down here, don't get me wrong but the primary flaw in the Southern Christian American (SCA for short) culture is the over rating of the personality quality known as "nice." Everyone is "nice" or "not nice" in the south; they are either Christian or Heathen, nothing in between. I've seen how these "nice" people will betray their brothers and sisters and live destructive lives in the long run simply because they are brainwashed as Americans to believe they are the coolest and bestest nation of people.
Rule number 1: If you are not from Mississippi, do not date anyone from Mississippi
unless they are extremely out of place there and was home schooled. MS has it's own sub-southern culture. I grew up going to school there, worked many jobs in MS and I have studied the culture and people for decades. Do not date any of them, especially if they look attractive. To put it bluntly: In all American statistics, MS is the all time lowest rated IQ average, standard academic placement, graduation rate, job retention rate, education standard state in all of our 50 and it has been that way for a very long time. It doesn't matter how "nice" a person may be, they are most likely living definitions of "insane" or as they like to call it "sought in 'eir ways." It's so obvious to someone who isn't a slave to the need of pleasing everyone to see that the SCA culture is all about breeding the thickest athletes in the obsessive pursuit of sports worship. The attractive people- statistically are most likely to have little moral standards as they haven't had to "want" for anything in their life; attractive people are given a lot of length down here due to the breeding aspect. All of the worst parents I have seen are Mississippians, same goes for drugs, pregnancies, statutory rape, incest and all drinking violations. MS is one of the two states that have the most lenient laws to punish drinking and driving, often leaving repeat offenders with little more than a slap on the wrist. If you want more specifics, I don't mind writing them out but to put it blatantly... Mississippi is by far the grossest state in America filled with the statistically proven dumbest people and concatenated health problems. Most people above a certain age and almost always after marriage end up becoming grossly unhealthy and overweight. I've seen many of my childhood crushes go from natural beauty to burger queen almost immediately after they snag a guy to marry them (mostly to cover the pregnancy) Even the nicest people I have met in MS are just downright ridiculous when it comes to doing anything smart or remotely moral in lieu of change. Do not have relations with anyone until you've had them tested because STDs are mind blowing down here. Also, do not date anyone if their parents are engrossed in this culture; guys and girls alike can pretend to not be this bad for a while but time will tell the truth. Always trust time over promises. I have dated a few people from MS and they are just... don't even... just don't.
Now, Alabama has it's heavy pitfalls in a similar way in certain areas but that's based on a different, non politically correct way of categorizing the geographical statistics that I won't go into. To verbalize this point, I met with a girl from Bolivia and we talked over tea about how the SCA culture here was so backwards, illogical and hypocritical compared to what she is used to over seas. Many intelligent foreigners either are appalled at this culture or they fall fast into the drain of the culture such as the High School exchange students who are sent back to their countries after dozens of sexual partners including multiple statutory rape cases and contracting an STD all within a few months of being in MS.
If you are reading this post and think that the response of "you find bad people everywhere" is somehow revolutionary... don't bother, that's excusism and it's how people sweep cultural decline under the rug. While it IS true and I agree with it; it is a useless statement that doesn't do anyone any good, especially when people are trying to figure out what's wrong with their situation. Do not excuse this stuff because it doesn't do anyone any good.
Next point: America in general is really like a fat, spoiled, brainwashed child compared to other nations. It's the Eric Cartman of nations. But instead of me divulging a lot of text on this point, I'll just leave this brilliant video link that explains this:
to be continued...