I always wanted to have children and when my husband and I first talked about it I said I wanted 3 he only wanted 1, we had our daughter the year after we got married and at the time because of such a traumatic birth / after care I agreed with him 1 was enough. Then by the time she was 2 I wanted another baby but he was adamant he only wanted 1 but as soon as she was walking, talking and more importantly away from him at pre-school he really really missed her and that opened him up to the idea of another baby because he loved that stage so much.
So when she started school we decided to have another baby, it will be 3 years in march and still no joy but I've just found out that it's probably because I have pcos (polycycstic ovaries for those that don't know what that is). I went to my doctor 2 years ago complaining that something was wrong and she just kept sending me for blood tests and wanted my husband to go for a sperm test. Even after I had an ultrasound and pcos was confirmed the doctor was all "has your husband been for the test yet?" and I got really angry and said to her "well my cycles have been crazy for years now, I came to you about this many times and now it's just been confirmed I have pcos I'm pretty sure THAT is why were having problems don't you?!" she soon shut up and prescribed me some medication for it.
@soup Kyoko was a really quiet baby, we were lucky she rarely cried and would wake twice during the night to be fed always the same times, around 1am my husband would get up and feed her and then around 5am I would get up and breast feed as soon as she'd had the milk she'd go straight back to sleep. We didn't have the terrible two's she was a wonderful baby and toddler, the only tantrum type problem we've had was a few months back when she became really angry, aggressive and violent, it turns out she was behaving like that so she could be like her friends. She wanted us to put her on a naughty step and / or smack her like her friends have done to them and because we are not like that she thought if she was really really naughty/hit/trashed the place that we would do it and she could be like everyone else. Once we explained to her that she doesn't HAVE to be like her friends (including the fact that I'm the only mum out of all her friends who sits and plays with their child every single day) it all stopped, but it was a couple of months of absolute hell for us because we couldn't understand why she had become so violent, it was such a relief when we got to the bottom of it.
I guess my worries are more that I haven't had an easy life and I suffer every day from the after effects. I want children I just worry about bringing them into the world with asperger's and that they will suffer because of it.
This is something that worries me daily, from the friends my daughter has to the way she is treated by teachers, I've been there done that and I know what it's like and how it affects you for the rest of your life. I just try to make sure my daughter doesn't go through the same stuff I did. For example she has one friend who sounds very manipulative and almost bully like (I had a "friend" like that) and so I've been making sure my daughter understands that she doesn't HAVE to do what her friends tell her, she doesn't HAVE to play with just 1 or 2 people if she doesn't want to, if someone is mean to her be mean back don't take no crap. I know it's not really right but school life is harsh and if you let people walk over you once they will keep doing it, so for example when someone has hit her I've told her to hit them back hard and THEN go squeal, because that way not only does the kid get in trouble but they also learn that she's not taking no crap from them she'll give as good as she gets.
I've taught her that it's okay to question adults because they are not always right, just because they are older does not mean they get a free pass to say or do what they like. So if she sees/hears/ is told something she thinks is wrong then she should question it not just accept it. I think her current teacher is a bit put out by that because Kyoko will stick up for herself or try to debate with the teacher wheras the other kids just do as they are told without question (as such we had an incident wherein her spelling test was marked wrong because she had not used a capital at the beginning and Kyoko argued that it was a spelling test not a grammar test).
Another example in year 1 (when she was 5) her teacher made her wear a wizard cape for a nativity play in which she was supposed to be a king. Kyoko quite rightly pointed out that she was supposed to be playing a king not a wizard and it was not an accurate costume (plus it itched her). She then insisted that she be a queen or a princess because a king is a boy and she is not a boy, the teacher told her that they were wise kings not queens and she pointed out that it was all a story anyway so what difference would it make whether she was a king, queen or a talking donkey. We ended up going in over that incident, the head teacher took our side and agreed with Kyoko that it was 'just a school play' and that it was not accurate not even by the story depicted in the bible so she went dressed as snow white (I believe they also had a football player, a fairy and an elf rapping some weird song). The year before the teacher was much more accomadating especially as Kyoko wanted to be in the play dressed as a monkey ('because we evolved from them' she stated at the time).
I just take each day as it comes really and deal with things as they happen, there's only so much we can do really and she has to fight alot of her own battles and make her own mistakes and learn from them.
Some things just happen as well seemingly out of the blue, like Kyoko has decided to be a vegetarian, she's toyed with this idea for over a year now, she doesn't like animals being hurt but she LOVES chicken so she just wasn't ready to give it up. Then she saw the film the fantastic mr fox at school and I don't know what is in that film (never seen it and I read the book when I was a kid so can't remember it) but it really upset her and she hasn't touched meat since. So now I have the challenge of finding lots of veggie meals for her, thankfully there is alot more choice now, she's really into veggie fingers, quorn meatballs and 'meat free' sausages so I can make things like spag bol with quorn meatballs and quorn mince.