Uh oh. I think I've offended. Apologies.
Frankly, I think the premise of the thread is threateningly tongue-in-cheek; we will never reconcile male and female views. However, that is not to demean the effort to have the conversation; I took part. But I'll try to answer your questions.
On a cruise I misguidedly took, I was stuck in an elevator with four apparently single women. When I stepped out of the elevator, I had a new insight into the female condition.
So how did those four women actually acted towards you on the elevator?
I stood in the back facing forward when the door opened and the four entered. Three stood to the side facing the dame in the doorway, who stood facing me. This ringleader hardly let the door close before asking directly if I was married. Widowed? For how long? Intimidated, I stuttered that I couldn't think... maybe a year and a half or two. She looked at her three friends, who were hanging on the exchange, and declared that it was over 18 months; I was 'legal.' I felt like a female pilot at a SkyHook convention.
First level, most obvious, is the man clean and appropriately dressed? Then, is his visage clear; does he seem to be aware of and adjusted to his surroundings? Then, how does his body language make me feel? It goes on.
So what is the rationale for those types of criteria? How would not meeting them imply the guy is creepy?
A more careful read shows that I didn't say failing any of these tests would make the man creepy. It would simply mean that he was not 'the one.'
The world is a different place once you’re a creep.
Are you saying that women spread the reputation?
Not at all my meaning. When someone in a small room decides someone else is creepy, the room changes. Once a woman decides you're creepy, the world changes because you no longer have a snowball's chance in July.
About the 'criteria' I named. Please understand that this post was meant to be taken as a seriocomic comment, as I believe others have noted. Seriously, I do believe most people go through these questions during a close chance encounter. Their dress, the look in their eye, their body language. If women aren't looking at these, they should reconsider their safety scan procedure, or implement one.
I also believe that most normally-attractive women are fairly adept at waving off unwanted suitors before a date is ever requested.
Disclaimer: I am an aged autist. Any statement I make concerning the thoughts and intentions of any human, NT or ND, male or female, is - at best - tentative, and - on average - unreliable. Nevertheless, I try to speak the truth as I know it. No offense intended.