Ella Spell
Well-Known Member
So how does it work? Is it
a) You play with them in public, but playing looks less weird to others than the other things that would happen if you didn't
b) You play with them in private, but playing with them have after-effect that lasts for some length of time. So, as long as you go to your room "periodically" to play with them, you don't have to play with them in public
c) Something else. Please explain.
I don't do a lot of stim toys in public, but a few. I'm famous for chewing on things like pens. Give me a pen and it's chewed to smithereens and shreds within about an hour. That's a stim for me even though pens aren't usually considered to be toys. I can stim with my hair, the hem of my shirt, or by clapping and spinning. Those aren't all toys but I do keep a toy kit with me, including Play-Doh that I can smell or touch, a Wilbarger brush for my skin, skin cream (it's stimmy to apply), etc. Just knowing they're in my bag / car helps a lot. I can sneak off and use them in privacy at gatherings. They also help to train my limbic system to relax.
Are there non-expensive ways to get those types of help? I just don't have a lot of money.
I don't know where you live but it's never inexpensive. My OT cost $150 / 45 minutes and I needed hundreds of hours in 2020 alone. We did most sessions online because of Covid. If you have any medical / health insurance they might cover assistive devices liken noise-cancelling headphones.
Are you still on a wheelchair?
I was never on a wheelchair but I had a rollator walker (the type with wheels) and it had a leather seat. I used it for a few years before graduating to a cane. I also lost my driving licence for four years so I had to take the wheelchair bus which came to my door.
https://www.autismforums.com/posts/948381/react?reaction_id=1So how were you able to get a boyfriend despite being Level 2? And I can't get a girlfriend, even though I was assuming I was Level 1?
I guess to be fair, yes I had girlfriends in the past. But they were few and far between. My first lasting relationship was 2003--2004, my second lasting relationship was 2007--2009, and the third one was 2013--2014. However the third one was long distance, I only met her twice despite it lasting 2 years, since I was in India. The first two were in person. In case of the first one I saw her a couple of times a week (she lived 2 hours away) while with the second one we were in the same town and saw each other every day.
I had other relationships, but they were short lived (at most a few months) and they were all long distance. With most of those relationships we never met in person, and with the few where we did meet, only a few times.
But what about you? Is your relationship history better than mine?
How was I able? We started chatting in a waiting room and he gave me his number. I texted him about five days later and the rest is history. It's been 3 years now. He said he was attracted to me because I had a positive energy (not to be confused with being in a positive mood), and he thought I was pretty. Then we had a lot in common and he liked the way I think.
I only had three other relationships ever. First was the man I married and divorced. My daughter's father. Second was a homeless man. I dated him on and off for 7 years. Third was a man at work I'd always been attracted to. We became best friends and went from there.
I'm falling asleep and I feel like I've been ignoring my beau for hours so I'm going to bid you goodnight, head to bed, and hope you have a good day.