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*Little* Things That Annoy You (Pet Peeves)

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This one is not so little. When I send in a suggestion that can save millions of gallons of oil that any engineer should be able to verify, people never check with an engineer; they ignore it based on what it reminds them of.
This one is not so little. When I send in a suggestion that can save millions of gallons of oil that any engineer should be able to verify, people never check with an engineer; they ignore it based on what it reminds them of.
As an EE, I have issued multi-page reports showing where using mis-matched equipment in process systems to save money in the short term actually cost more in the long term due to reduced throughput and data errors in the translation tables.

But it was always some passive-aggressive bean-counters who over-rode my logic with their desire to keep costs down (thus making themselves look good on their next review).
As an EE, I have issued multi-page reports showing where using mis-matched equipment in process systems to save money in the short term actually cost more in the long term due to reduced throughput and data errors in the translation tables.

But it was always some passive-aggressive bean-counters who over-rode my logic with their desire to keep costs down (thus making themselves look good on their next review).
At GM, just before the new models were introduced, the beancounters would go through it and shave off about $20 in costs by putting on cheaper tires and other parts that any proud new owner would not have chosen.
When I decided not to go to architecture school, they were teaching that there were two kinds of blowers for HVAC on an office building. The forward-curve blower was more efficient, but it had to be sized accurately to work. The backward curve design was less efficient, but always chosen because even if they got their sums wrong, or the installers made changes, it would probably not cause a call-back. These blowers were used to send cool air throughout the building in summer. To keep the shady side from getting too cold, the electric resistance heaters would come on.
I just got off the 'phone and I'm still shaking. I had to listen to a cheap robot go over the same questions multiple times while I guessed at how and when to enter the answers. The difference between "press" and "enter" turned out to be adding a #, and the questions were so long, I sometimes had to press a number twice to wake up my screen. I hate phones, too. The first attempt was so discouraging, I lost two or three weeks of insurance.
People who will only talk to you if you have a certain personality type, otherwise if you don't have their desired personality type then they ignore you or are rude to you. I hate people like that (not referring to anyone here, just a few people I have come across in my life).

People who use this thread to moan about another member. I don't think that should be allowed, because if you do that enough times then that person is going to start worrying that everything you post is about them.
The term "Undiagnosed Aspie".

If there is no diagnosis, then there is no certainty of being an Aspie.

Every tie I hear the term "Undiagnosed Aspie", it reminds me of the woman who 'identified' as having African ancestry, was elected to lead the NAACP, and was later outed as a poseur -- a person of European ancestry pretending to be African.
On Jetpunk word games in the "list all 3/4/5-letter words in English beginning with _" one there's like 300 words to guess which most are weird words you never heard before.
"How do I stay healthy?"
Advice: Eat nuts, leafy vegetables, fruit, and sweets potato (I only like fruit out of that list)


"How do I avoid gas or IBS?"
Advice: Don't eat nuts, leafy vegetables, fruit, or sweet potato

Okay...nice bit of contradiction there.
When my computer pops up a message about setting up some data-mining scheme I don't want, the choices are "do it now" or "remind me later" but never "forget it."
My email having 3 inboxes; inbox, unread and spam. So I have to check all 3 each time for new emails because sometimes unread emails appear straight in the inbox, or emails of familiar recipients still go to the spam. I also have to refresh it as soon as I open inbox, unread or spam, which makes all the newest emails appear.

The settings on most sites being too complicated. For example, on Facebook if you want to change a certain privacy setting, the option isn't in the "privacy settings" section, but elsewhere, so you have to keep searching around your Facebook settings or options to find what you want.
It's annoying. It's like having an aisle in a store specifically for fruit & veg but finding the oranges are down the bread aisle.
When people advise me to eat nuts to prevent me from getting colds. Nuts? You want me to eat nuts? Yuck!

It is best just to not advise me on any diets at all, because chances are I won't like it.

I mean, nuts! Why don't I just go and eat bird seed or something?
When I'm typing in a question into Google but it adds words from one of the suggestions even though I didn't select any of the suggestions, so the results aren't what you want.

For example, this morning I typed in Google what food is best eaten before travelling, but somehow the words "when pregnant" were added to my search, so I was wondering why all the results were aimed for pregnant women until I looked in the search bar again.
When people don't understand that you can feel two different emotions at the same time. For example, I can feel empathy for someone in distress but at the same time feel scared of them (if they are expressing distress in a destructive way).
I hate reminders!!! Even when I set them myself, I just remember the reminder so I can turn it off before it shows up (which helps me remember whatever I needed to be reminded of! I guess it's just a roundabout way of reminding myself but oh well), even if I don't remember whatever I'm being reminded of! I don't know, they just irk me, I'm not sure what exactly is so terrible about them but I absolutely despise being reminded of things.
What does empathy mean?

Well, it depends on who you're referring to. Do you mean empathy in autistics and psychopaths only, or do you mean everyone else?

Everyone else

Oh, it means being aware of your actions or words and how they can affect another person's feelings, no matter how bad or mean your actions or words are

And what about empathy in autistics and psychopaths?

Oh, the empathy rule is different when referring to people in those two groups. It means respect and treating others how you want to be treated and just being good and kind all the time. The meaning of psychopathy is lacking those. And autism is just known by stereotypes so although they don't lack those, they're still lectured about empathy whenever they're not demonstrating the meaning of this definition of empathy
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