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*Little* Things That Annoy You (Pet Peeves)

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People mentioning me in the "members you miss" thread on another site. That just encourages a full-length discussion about how really awfully psychopathically terrible I was.
Unskippable ads that go on for 20 or 30 seconds. Ordinarily 20 or 30 seconds is nothing but it's an eternity when it's an internet ad lol.
Sometimes I wish I could punch the people doing the ads because they waste so much of my time.
When desktop computer problems end-up being head-scratchers - those head-scratchers that experienced TECH. service people cannot seem to resolve!!

RELATED: Has the 'Computers, Science, Technology Forum' dicussed such head-scrathcers amongst experienced TECH. service people??
When a restaurant's website doesn't have a menu available so you can see what they've got on offer before you go there for the first time.
I won't go there. Well, I MIGHT if it's with my wife cos we'll just leave, but a personal nightmare is when a client or team organiser says something like "let's go for lunch next Wednesday" and I don't know where we are going or what they serve. I've had to admit my diagnosis before just to get them to tell me: "It's a surprise" "No, really, I'm autistic, it won't be haha, lol, if I turn up not knowing what's on the menu. I will not sleep the night before".

I had one where I felt safe. Turned up knowing what I would order and the waiter said "ahhh, the xyz group, yes, the chef's surprise for the table wasn't it?" I froze, but by sheer luck could eat what came to the table.
When I'm trying to disprove my AS diagnosis but threads keep coming up saying about a trait that I can relate to. *Sigh* I wish I had a different brain.
Caps for containers that are transparent or translucent. They can be really hard to find after the slightest distraction.
When people say "happy burpday". Sounds so immature or at least cringing.

When parents say "omg my baby is one week old! How is this possible? Stop growing up so fast!"
When a restaurant's website doesn't have a menu available so you can see what they've got on offer before you go there for the first time.

I hate drive through places like Chick-fil-A which don't post their menus outside. Sorry, but I don't WANT to use my phone to look up your menu while I'm sitting in my car. I want to look at a big display of what you're offering as I wait to drive up to the intercom to place my order. I swear the world would end for many people if cell phones suddenly disappeared.
Giant touch screens inside American fast food stores that you have to order from instead of talking to someone behind the counter. For a little while those screens also asked everyone how big a tip they wanted to leave, in Australian culture that was so offensive that they removed it again pretty quick. We don't do that here.
Giant touch screens inside American fast food stores that you have to order from instead of talking to someone behind the counter. For a little while those screens also asked everyone how big a tip they wanted to leave, in Australian culture that was so offensive that they removed it again pretty quick. We don't do that here.

It's easy to bypass the request for a tip. I refuse to tip anyone until I have experienced the quality of their service and I never tip when I'm picking up my order from the counter. The touch screens are offensive to Americans, too, but we're so "individualistic" here that many restaurants still keep them in place despite griping by the public.
It's easy to bypass the request for a tip. I refuse to tip anyone until I have experienced the quality of their service and I never tip when I'm picking up my order from the counter. The touch screens are offensive to Americans, too, but we're so "individualistic" here that many restaurants still keep them in place despite griping by the public.
American individualism is a total lie, and you're encouraged to be a very specific kind of individual in lockstep with all of the other individuals. At least you get a choice of which NFL team to idolize with slavish devotion
As long as it's not the Cowboys. Everyone hates them.
Giant touch screens inside American fast food stores that you have to order from instead of talking to someone behind the counter. For a little while those screens also asked everyone how big a tip they wanted to leave, in Australian culture that was so offensive that they removed it again pretty quick. We don't do that here.
That's why I'm now willing to wait in line with others at select "drive-thrus" with the same concern. Better to just bypass the hassle. Though if they should reduce their prices around 25%, I might learn to use those touch screens indoors.
Giant touch screens inside American fast food stores that you have to order from instead of talking to someone behind the counter. For a little while those screens also asked everyone how big a tip they wanted to leave, in Australian culture that was so offensive that they removed it again pretty quick. We don't do that here.
I kinda really like those sorts of things. I know, I should probably try to push myself to interact with people more. I always choose the self service counters, and apps that allow me to order things without having to talk on the phone (I would probably rather dive out of a window than talk on the phone). I kinda do ok talking on the phone once I get over the initial panic but talking on the phone is like holding an angry octopus to my ear, I can't wait to put the phone down.
I kinda really like those sorts of things. I know, I should probably try to push myself to interact with people more. I always choose the self service counters, and apps that allow me to order things without having to talk on the phone (I would probably rather dive out of a window than talk on the phone). I kinda do ok talking on the phone once I get over the initial panic but talking on the phone is like holding an angry octopus to my ear, I can't wait to put the phone down.
You know, octopi are not just arms and suckers, there's a beak in the middle! Omnonomnom.
Giant touch screens inside American fast food stores that you have to order from instead of talking to someone behind the counter. For a little while those screens also asked everyone how big a tip they wanted to leave, in Australian culture that was so offensive that they removed it again pretty quick. We don't do that here.
I honestly prefer using the kiosks to order fast food because I don't typically enter a fast food restaurant knowing 100% what I want to have, so I need a few minutes to go over the menu, check what deals and offers they currently have, etc. and I just don't want to hold up the line by doing that at the counter.

What doesn't help is that fast food places have menus that are too damn big and, even with my glasses, I often have to struggle to read the menu if I order from the counter (To say nothing of some places - like McDonald's - which will periodically interrupt their menu displays with advertisements for the current deals and new products they're offering.)
I don't mind the self-service screens, if they work. The big problem I have with them is they are super unresponsive and slow. It's like "no I don't want to log in, wait, wait, wait, order take out(you have no tables, so yeah, not much choice), order take out, order take out, wait, wait, wait, choose chicken meals, choose chicken meals, choose chicken meals.... wait, wait, wait, choose a chicken burger, choose a chicken burger....." and so on. I usually know what I want (I don't change orders often) so I could be done in about 20 seconds if they didn't perform like a PC from 1989. And at the end, you have 2 seconds to memorise your order number before the ticket fails to print.
I don't mind the self-service screens, if they work. The big problem I have with them....
Last time I went to McDonalds was about 3 years ago, I gave up on the stupid touch screen and went up to the counter and started telling the woman what I wanted, when she tried to direct me back to the screen I played the old man card and said I don't understand how to use it. Got my order straight away but never went back.
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