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A pink slip
I'm assuming your not referring to an item of womens clothing? 😬

Close enough, even if wrong culture...

Three of four of my team,
Are due to get the boot.
I have to say it's mean,
But my opinion's moot.
I really hate job hunting,
It drives me out of my tree.
But it looks like I'm confronting,
My impending redundancy.
Are you implying I misbehaved! I'm shocked you could possibly think that of me! (he he he!).

No, this time around, I wasn't caught in flagrante delicto, so to speak, they got me before I could do anything proactively malfeasant!
After rent is paid I've got Au$400/week play money. That's not a lot by today's standards but it's comfortable.
Over here, I wouldn't get close to covering the rent on it's own. Food and clothing I can forego, but my self-medication would suffer! There are limits to what a chap can take, dontcha know! 🧐

(I mean, the thought of being sober! The horror! The horror! 😱)
but my self-medication would suffer!
I get mine legally through a clinic now, and it's on the government subsidised list. With my pension card I pay half price which works out to be about the same as the Adelaide street price, but then I get my Medicare rebate too.
I get mine legally through a clinic now, and it's on the government subsidised list. With my pension card I pay half price which works out to be about the same as the Adelaide street price, but then I get my Medicare rebate too.
I stick to the illegal route, the UK's so called legalisation of cannabis for medical use was a scam, yes, it's legal, but so many restrictions on doctors in the National Health Service that literally only a handful of patients have managed to get a prescription. It's essentially become a profit making business with private clinics managing thousands of patients. And they charge quite a lot (mandatory monthly review costs enough on it's own).
So I can get cheaper, better quality, far better choice, and not have to pay to listen to some doc who knows less than I do about it. But for those having to resort to the street, it's a shite state of affairs.
Sorry, getting off-topic...
A determination or choice.
Hold on, is this for mine? Crap! I didn't use the winner emojie, but I thought I'd made it clear you got it with "pink slip"?
Sorry, my heads all over the place today trying to process change of pace in life, 'pologies! @1ForAll is 🏆
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So I can get cheaper, better quality, far better choice, and not have to pay to listen to some doc who knows less than I do about it. But for those having to resort to the street, it's a shite state of affairs.
It's not really that much different here, except I only need a review every 6 months. If I didn't have the pension card I would be buying off the street too, I can't afford to just throw money away. It would be less insulting if it was Australian home grown weed, but no, we import it from Canada of all places.
Hold on, is this for mine? Crap! I didn't use the winner emojie, but I thought I'd made it clear you got it with "pink slip"?
Sorry, my heads all over the place today try to process change of pace in life, 'pologies! @1ForAll is 🏆
now i understand your answer to me much better as well ahaha no one understood that he won, so we continue trying
I'll now go google what does pink slip mean, never heard about it.

Okay, I just googled and it's an informal, North American saying. Bruh.

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