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Sad little autist

This is me not sleeping well at night. I usual wake at around 1.30 after going to sleep at 11.30 and struggle to get back for hours. If I'm lucky, it's later like 3 or 4. 30.
Do you take any stimulants?
Caffeine is my addiction, and I know I will damage my sleep pattern.
I'm working on wrecking my health as we speak. :cool:
Do you take any stimulants?
Caffeine is my addiction, and I know I will damage my sleep pattern.
I'm working on wrecking my health as we speak. :cool:
I do drink a little coffee and tea. I think they help a tad with my pretty extreme untreated ADHD "combined types".
Some ppl gain from caffeine by taming ADHD, to some degree at least.
But it might make your insomnia worse.
No surprises there.
Is it worth it when proper sleep is an overwhelming benefit in developing emotional stability?

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