I have had one actual relationship that was short lived. I often worry if that was my only opportunity for a loving partner.
the closest thing i feel i ever had to a GF, was a situationship i had with a woman back in 2017, when i was 29, i met her through online dating, we never got serious in which we introduced each other to our families, parents, but i never got a second date with a woman until i met her, and she had no issues or problems with sex/intimacy like the next woman i got involved with, thinking about her makes me angry.
At the same time, i know i'm a broken record when i mention this, but i stayed in that unsatisfying relationship longer than i should have, i was reluctant to break up with her for a while because i didn't want to become alone again, and also, don't want to court, lead, approach, all over again.
I'm sure a lot of men think this way in their perspective, once they do meet someone, they think that a huge chip has been lifted off their shoulders, i don't have to go through the drama or burden of courtship and seduction anymore.
Yeah, unfortuneately i've seen other men on social media besides Tony, reaching 30+, even middle-aged or above and still have never been in a relationship before, i'm glad Misty even agrees that men have it harder, at the same time.
Its another reminder of the double-standard, that is, if a guy is angry or upset, complains, hate the way things are, he is labeled, a whiner or a baby, immature, but if a woman complains or whines or upsets about something she doesn't like, she is more likely to get sympathy and people understanding her.
Another reminder, this is harsh truth for men:
"Your parents might care about what you do with your life. Maybe your siblings and other family members too.
But, other than that, no-one truly cares about you.
That’s especially true for men. Women and children are valued just for existing. Men are only valued for what they contribute to the world. Unless you provide value, only a handful of people will give a damn about you."